Youtube comments of Marvin Westmaas (@MarvinWestmaas).

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  175. Omdat dit geen los staande gevallen zijn. QAnon is niet een los samenhangsel daarom is het zo gevaarlijk. Wat erachter zit is groepen mensen aanspreken die een reden hebben om 'de samenleving' te wantrouwen. Die buiten de boot vallen. Of die het gewoon niet eens zijn met de overheersende meningen. Dat is waarom er veel nazi tuig inzit, en met reden: het hele 'deep state' is LINKS, in NL is het Demmink die de hand boven het hoofd zou gehouden zijn door LINKSE politici, in de US is het de Democraten die verbonden zijn aan 'Pizza gate' en what not. Laat je niet voor de gek houden, QAnon heeft EEN DOEL, en dat is het vertrouwen van mensen in de normale informatiewinning kapot maken zodat zij controle kunnen uitoefenen over wat mensen denken en dus doen. In Amerika 1/3 Republikeinen gelooft erin, in NL FvD en PVV. Welk doel zou QAnon hebben, vraag het jezelf eens af als je deze 'toevalligheden' naast elkaar legt. In Duitsland is het Merkel die 'fout' is en de rechtse AfD is 'goed' ( of iig, beter.. ). Information is power, dus eroderen ze georganiseerd en doelmatig hoeveel vertrouwen mensen hebben in reguliere media ( MSM ). Zelf in Nederland heb je steeds meer mensen die niets van 'MSM' als zijnde feitelijk willen aannemen, en komen in plaats daarvan met hun Facebook verhalen aan die wel waar zijn. Door te denken dat het een 'kleine groep mensen is die gekwetst zijn en daardoor vatbaar' is een grove onderschatting van de positie die zij nu al hebben ingenomen door hun slimme georganiseerde inzet van zowel online 'alternatieve nieuws outlets' als social media groepen. Als een gedachte maar genoeg tractie heeft, dan komen ook reguliere mensen steeds meer in de knel te zitten en QAnon propaganda / memes richten zich op jonge beïnvloedbare mensen door gebruik te maken van de bestaande groepen PLUS het gigantische aantal geautomatiseerde danwel schaduw accounts die het doen lijken alsof hun aantallen nog veel groter zijn. Laats op Twitter zo'n QAnon aanhanger die een draadje begon over 'demonstratie Den Haag tegen pedopartij'. Klinkt mooi toch, niemand die daar iets tegen heeft. Maar daar ging het helemaal niet om, dat was 1 twitter post... de andere 19 gingen over Demmink en de 'linkse partijen' en de 'pedo kunst' voor een gebouw waar 'linkse politieke prominenten' vaak komen, en over satanische rituelen en de 'deep state'. En dan zeg je daar wat van, wordt je verteld dat je je kop moet houden, en roept dat wijf haar 'patriotten' op om mij 'recht te zetten'. Die patriotten zijn trouwens dus die motorbendes vol met boze blanke mannen die QAnon steunen.. tja waarom moet je ze zelf maar vragen als je het niet kan bedenken. Die account gerapporteerd natuurlijk, en nog zo'n twintig die instemmend erop reageerden en hun eigen 'feiten' eraan toe voegden. Twitter had toegezegd geen QAnon content meer toe te laten, maar in plaats van dat ze die accounts gewoon permanent blokkeren wordt er gevraagd om hun profiel 'op te schonen'. Verwondering alom natuurlijk als ze daarna gewoon door gaan met dezelfde content pushen.. Dit is geen geintje meer, let op je jeugd en praat er met hun over. Geef dit soort #wappies niet de kans om wortel te schieten in hun gedachten.
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  442. You sound half like a Boris, half reasonable. Not sure what to think really. Those fortifications are impressive, they have been there long enough you can see them on many public satellite images. And their presence has provided control over the access to Avdivka for a long time. But the moment the gas station fell, the fortifications which were essentially cut off had an immediate choice. They choose to rely on the Ukrainian counter attacks to restore their supply line, which hasn't happened and the 3rd will indeed be made vulnerable having to clear those flanks in order to facilitate a retreat. But you can only blame Zelensky if he had given the actual direct order to hold at all costs. And I don't mean in public relationships on television, but in a direct military order through the chain of command. Azov did not follow a direct order in holding out as long as they did at the steel plant then, it cost them many lives and hardship for those who did come through but I feel those who did will think nothing of doing the exact same over and over 'till the last Russian is gone from Ukrainian territory'. So, while scapegoating Zelensky might be your goal, it's hardly not just but even more convincing the people in those fortifications for whatever limited choice they did have after the sudden Russian breakthrough passing their first defense lines and therefore preventing exactly said retreat, they made a choice to hold out as long as possible. Btw, it's 100% that a strongpoint is only as strong as it's supply... that doesn't mean the supply has to come from outside. Hopefully, since the importance and the longevity of this strongpoint it has ample supply present to keep up their defense. Which doesn't help them break out, but it does mean that strongpoint is stil a factor the Russians will have to keep in mind. It's highly disappointing Avdivka will fall only because of a drain pipe. If you want to lay blame on someone in particular, it should be the person who should have been responsible for monitoring that acces way.
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  526. 1. It's not 'great news' if the USA doesn't block US from sending OUR VERY LIMITED AMOUNT of Dutch F-16's. We only operate 24 of them, this will not even dent the Russian airforce. 2. As comment above me, F-16 AM/BM which are the variants in use by the Dutch air force, are a step above anything Ukraine has access to now, but it's not a SEAD expert and it won't gain air superiority against su-57's. They will likely be able to mop up su-35's though and since su-57's in combat are as much an unicorn as the armata tank, it's primarily the lack of a block 50/52 F-16 capable of using the HTS ( high speed anti-radiation missile targeting system ). What would really need to happen is that America and Ukraine complete a deal on procurement since they have > 700 in active service and plenty in reserve. *this makes me feel like my country's military is a joke ( not the people in it, just the state it's in as I've utmost respect for anyone willing to serve their country ). Not only don't we actually own any tanks any more ( we lease like 22 from Germany... compared to the > 300 tanks we had in active service at the end of the cold war ) but our air force in numbers seems insignificant on the larger scale. That being said, I realize those 24 F-16's are just the last remnants of our old fleet and we already operate 34 F35's iirc and knowing Rutte he will demand the US to accelerate the delivery of the remaining F-35's which already were going to replace our F-16's. Also, I'm not entirely sure on the capabilities of the AM/BM variants, they are a little bit more obscure to find then the general block update specifications so maybe they are perfectly fine for launching the latest anti-radiation missiles?
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  610.  @dorianshadesofgray  Stop watching right wing media and recognize there actually is systemic racism and inequality ( you see what I did there don't you ). You comment the same thing on each and every video, and well perhaps you're just thruthfully telling people how YOUR community feels like perhaps you're just a liar who doesn't want there to be an issue because he's afraid the solution would entail things you wouldn't like. Or perhaps it's YOUR community which is 'not that bad' because you live in a region where there really isn't that much of an issue, but even then it's kind of rude to tell people that because YOUR region is 'not that bad' it means that other people who say otherwise don't just live in communities where it really is an issue. For me as outside observer, it's just scary to see both sides so incredibly bussy with their own narrative that they seem to forget the truth usually lies in the middle. I mean I was pretty sure of some 'white cop racist shooting of black unarmed man' stories, because that's the media narrative... till I watched some video's from DonutOperator about those shootings and shown with bodycam footage's and perspective of the leo's involved. Especially one case, where the liberal media all jumped on police for sending a dog after a man threatening to kill himself.. or so they reported.. Then you see Donut's video and you go, wtf those people are fucking nuts, that crowd which were gathering and preventing the cops ( and mental health workers / social workers which were all ffin present ) to do their job, causing the man which was in mental distress to just get more agitated constantly and so on... and when the cops wanted to move people further away so they could lower the persons stress level they got accused of 'you just don't want us to see how you're going to shoot him' bullshit. And every liberal media outlet was showing this video recording from a phone of one of these 'concerned citizens' which were told to make more space so police could do their job, and the blaming as I just told, and then they HEAR a dog bark and movement afterwards and start SCREAMING 'OMG OMG THEY SICCED A DOG ON THAT POOR MAN OMG OMG'. Turns out the dog handler had his dog bark on command to distract the man, so another officer could safely approach him from behind and taser the guy so they could take the knife away which he was holding at his own throat threatening to kill himself.... Yeah, media sucks.... not just liberal media.. I mean you seen the reports from CPAC with people still crying about stolen elections and repeating lies about some 'big steal'? That's the result of right wing media. And don't get me started on those Q lunatics, even they have 'media outlets' ( usually just social media channels which haven't been shut down by their respective hosts )... So instead of telling people to stop watching CNN, maybe you should tell them to watch other sources as well. Just watching one source is always bad, every damn media outlet has a bias even if they don't admit to it.
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  631.  @arnoldredhammer9620  True. A better original statement would have been: the stability NATO has been providing to the world has increased economic and social prosperity around the world ( though mostly in it's member states ). It's the only alliance in existence which has done so without ever having an agressive posture, and that's a good thing. An European Army would have to be organized in the same way NATO is, which would be problematic for Europe certainly in the first decade(s) we don't have the capabilities. Most people do not realize NATO relies on US logistical assistance in everything. NATO's air transport capacity is 90% US based. France and the UK have some amphibious landing ships and, again, some aircraft carriers.. It's not even that the US provides almost all of the ballistic missile shield for the rest of us, the UK and France might not be able to totally destroy Russia alone I am sure most of it would be gone regardless and as such there is still some level of MAD going on. Btw, I don't find the threat of leaving when other countries don't start to pick up their tab's to be a bad thing, I actually support it I think we in Europe been neglecting our domestic ( European ) responsibilities. The thing with NATO though is that I think having a giant like the US in it, actually helped it's stability in the past, something I see having more issues in an European only alliance. We don't have that guy in the room, which when everyone keeps bickering among themselves can take their shoe off and slam it on the table to shut every one up. So no, NATO dissolving in the foreseeable future would not be a good thing not in the short run and if taken advantage off which I fear it would, not in the long run. But Europe being aware that 'uncle Sam' might not always be willing to pick up 80% of the bills when Europe's economy is comparable as a whole with the US, that's a good thing.
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  854. @Zomaar Omdathetkan Nee. Dan is te simplistisch en eigenlijk precies wat ze zouden willen dat jij denkt want dan onderschat je ze! Omdat dit geen los staande gevallen zijn. QAnon is niet een los samenhangsel daarom is het zo gevaarlijk. Wat erachter zit is groepen mensen aanspreken die een reden hebben om 'de samenleving' te wantrouwen. Die buiten de boot vallen. Of die het gewoon niet eens zijn met de overheersende meningen. Dat is waarom er veel nazi tuig inzit, en met reden: het hele 'deep state' is LINKS, in NL is het Demmink die de hand boven het hoofd zou gehouden zijn door LINKSE politici, in de US is het de Democraten die verbonden zijn aan 'Pizza gate' en what not. Laat je niet voor de gek houden, QAnon heeft EEN DOEL, en dat is het vertrouwen van mensen in de normale informatiewinning kapot maken zodat zij controle kunnen uitoefenen over wat mensen denken en dus doen. In Amerika 1/3 Republikeinen gelooft erin, in NL FvD en PVV. Welk doel zou QAnon hebben, vraag het jezelf eens af als je deze 'toevalligheden' naast elkaar legt. In Duitsland is het Merkel die 'fout' is en de rechtse AfD is 'goed' ( of iig, beter.. ). Information is power, dus eroderen ze georganiseerd en doelmatig hoeveel vertrouwen mensen hebben in reguliere media ( MSM ). Zelf in Nederland heb je steeds meer mensen die niets van 'MSM' als zijnde feitelijk willen aannemen, en komen in plaats daarvan met hun Facebook verhalen aan die wel waar zijn. Door te denken dat het een 'kleine groep mensen is die gekwetst zijn en daardoor vatbaar' is een grove onderschatting van de positie die zij nu al hebben ingenomen door hun slimme georganiseerde inzet van zowel online 'alternatieve nieuws outlets' als social media groepen. Als een gedachte maar genoeg tractie heeft, dan komen ook reguliere mensen steeds meer in de knel te zitten en QAnon propaganda / memes richten zich op jonge beïnvloedbare mensen door gebruik te maken van de bestaande groepen PLUS het gigantische aantal geautomatiseerde danwel schaduw accounts die het doen lijken alsof hun aantallen nog veel groter zijn. Laats op Twitter zo'n QAnon aanhanger die een draadje begon over 'demonstratie Den Haag tegen pedopartij'. Klinkt mooi toch, niemand die daar iets tegen heeft. Maar daar ging het helemaal niet om, dat was 1 twitter post... de andere 19 gingen over Demmink en de 'linkse partijen' en de 'pedo kunst' voor een gebouw waar 'linkse politieke prominenten' vaak komen, en over satanische rituelen en de 'deep state'. En dan zeg je daar wat van, wordt je verteld dat je je kop moet houden, en roept dat wijf haar 'patriotten' op om mij 'recht te zetten'. Die patriotten zijn trouwens dus die motorbendes vol met boze blanke mannen die QAnon steunen.. tja waarom moet je ze zelf maar vragen als je het niet kan bedenken. Die account gerapporteerd natuurlijk, en nog zo'n twintig die instemmend erop reageerden en hun eigen 'feiten' eraan toe voegden. Twitter had toegezegd geen QAnon content meer toe te laten, maar in plaats van dat ze die accounts gewoon permanent blokkeren wordt er gevraagd om hun profiel 'op te schonen'. Verwondering alom natuurlijk als ze daarna gewoon door gaan met dezelfde content pushen.. Dit is geen geintje meer, let op je jeugd en praat er met hun over. Geef dit soort #wappies niet de kans om wortel te schieten in hun gedachten. De DEEP STATE is niet iets waar QAnon tegen 'vecht' het is hetgeen ze proberen te stichten.
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  951. It's not ''taurus' it's 'no we won't give tanks' -> 1 year later 'ow tanks are needed, and we will give them'. The same will happen with Taurus, and in the mean time Ukrainian soldiers are dying needlessly ( if one believes that the additional aid would have an affect on battlefield results, which I do believe ). Don't feel to attacked, it's just an emotional response and it doesn't mean the world doesn't appreciate the aid which is given. It's just that most of us think we should be giving more aid. Taking in the refugees is not just very humane, but also a logistical and economical burden which Germany is handling very well. The problem tho, just yesterday I read an article about the percentage of Ukrainian refugees per country which are taking part in the economy ( aka they have paid jobs ). If I am not mistaken, Germany was very low on the list there? While there is a large group here in The Netherlands which are now part of the internal labor pool which helps offset quite a part of the costs. Not saying this is a bad thing, it just shows how much Germany wants to care for the people it takes in as refugees. But you're going to spend 6 BILLION euro on social benefits for Ukrainian refugees in 2024 ( re: Christian Lindner ). There is an issue with how strict Germany handles language requirements tho, a lot of refugees have qualifications which aren't recognized in Germany ( and which are recognized here in The Netherlands for instance ). From what I heard a lot of people can not get work because of this reason, and it's not only about the 'Burgergeld' social security payments. Personally I think people who have the ability to work and provide for themselves, will choose to do so.
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  993.  @svenbendel7098  Yeah I am 100% behind Leopard being better suited and I understand that the US points out the issues with supplying M1's. I just don't think it's about the weight as some people go on about, since as I said weight only matters in bridge crossings ( and transport ) but when people talk 'it's not suited for the terrain due to weight' I keep wanting to scream at people that weight is meaningless in relation to terrain, it's ground pressure. That's why tanks tracks can be equipped with additional grousers to help lower ground pressure so it can deal with terrain like mud and snow better. Or well that's the case with old tanks at least, I am more of a WWII tank era enthusiast then modern tanks so I'm not even sure if grousers are still a thing? Turbine not only uses more fuel I also think it's harder to mask turbine exhaust from infra red ( hotter temperatures ). Being quiet doesn't seem to have much tactical value ( though I know the stories of Dessert Storm how they drove right in the middle of enemy formations without getting noticed ) when there isn't any acquisition gear which works with sound ( except in the navy ofc ). The main reason to go with a turbine is always weight ( I mean, if it weren't we wouldn't use them to the extent we do in airplanes where power to weight is the holy grail ), and space. Turbine's can be very compact for the power they can deliver. The tradeoff really I think is thus always between operational capability, where trading space and weight to add to your combat capabilities, vs ease of maintenance and thus ensuring a higher tactical readiness with less tanks undergoing maintenance or repairs. Exactly the reason M1's aren't suited for Ukraine. And not the weight difference.
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  1253.  @CMY187  I find it sad, as you point out there is a lot of heritage coming from Russia, and there is beauty in how the people carry the weight of existence in a realm they don't necessarily want to be in. The history, and specifically the methodology endured has made for a people uncanning in their ability to 'believe in the system, or else'. If the chances of you as individual actually being able to change something for the better in your own surrounding has been essential in the creation of a self image, an national identity, in most developed countries yet Russia has never left the autocratic era and thus it's citizens life under the rule that their will, their wishes, their worth as human being is at most a third rate consideration. Which also, equally sad, is the answer to your question. Russia can do what it does, because it has never been anything else then what it is. The Gorbachev's of the world, those in power who see that power as being corrupt and needing change, have tried to change it and failed. While I would like for Putin to be 'replaced' yesterday instead of today, real change can't come from changing the figure at the top. Real change comes when the people of Russia reach not only the ability for self control but also the self awareness it needs to want to use it. In a way, the war might end up a good thing for the Russian people, in historic perspective, because it might spark that awareness. And again, that's a sad realization because why does there needs to be so much suffering before the people really realize it's them who bleed and suffer already. And if they suffer and bleed now, what is the reason to not revolt, what else can they be given to endure?
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  1341. It's not that Russia has the better equipment, it's more that Russia still has a lot of even old equipment. Seen footage of some of the hardware they were using around Bachmut, those howitzers predate WWII. Ukraine is using everything it can, including finding miracles in using old or captured stock. It's not only 'modern' NATO equipment, it's any NATO equipment even the Leo 1's will be used as soon as they get them because it's that or nothing. It's a damn shame, the suffering and deaths in Ukraine are as much on NATO's head with their slow trickling in off weapons instead of giving Ukraine the tanks and planes it needed a year ago. It's also showing that it's not just Russia which we overestimated, I think it's also pretty clear NATO's own stockpiles and manufacturing capability are not capable of supporting a larger scale theater. And while I do say larger scale, we should remind ourselfs daily that these kind of battles were fought in the same locations a century ago, with much larger army groups then what we're seeing now and yet that was only a small piece of the global war. Imagine NATO's industry having to support a true WWII scale conventional war, I feel we might loose not due to lack of resolve, manpower or will to fight but due to not being able to arm our soldiers just like Ukraine is struggling right now. I mean, cold war era The Netherlands had almost 300 active tanks... now we lease 18 Leopard 2's from Germany. Europe been sleeping on security for far to long.
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  1382. New video's in combination with SponsorBlock extension are getting more and more of a mosaic in the timeline. It feels a bit strange that someone would on purpose make it harder for people to skip selfpromotion sections.. I pay for YT premium to get rid of adds, and certainly when I'm subscribed and see every video of the channel, I don't feel like I need to be forced to sit through endless self promotion segments about the premium site for uncensored combat footage... I don't mind StrikeGum though I actually think you're way way more interactive with your transitions and placement of segments. Maybe don't start your segment always with 'if you want uncensored combat footage' because everyone can get that without paying just join any of the Telegram channels since they don't moderate content like YT. And you'll get it faster then in a compilation video. Instead, focus on the benefits besides seeing footage. Because believe me, people don't really want to have to weed through all the ... questionable content... and I expect that if you have a discord you will notice people want to discuss items without the plethora of .... questionable accounts... in the same channel. Just a thought, love the summaries but that single constantly repeating transition is really bothering me ( and would never really spark the interest to join, while I think if you changed the emphasis I and I expect others might be much more inclined to at least look into the benefits ). Attempt at constructive criticism from someone with no media experience, so the chance I will get roaster ... uh corrected.. by the many experts is quite high :)
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  1431.  @Ganiscol  I know, but when you're defending your country it's hard to listen to that German instructor from your training and not to your guts wanting to stop the enemy from invading and trying to take over your country. Also, while NATO's industry is not working at capacity due to being corporate shills needing financial incentive's rather then human decency, there are enough spare barrels around so if the logistics weren't being hindered by bureaucracy ( and while I say that, I also acknowledge they are actually doing quite a good job considering all the usual red tape about moving military equipment in and out of the Schengen region ) the problem wouldn't be barrel replacements but rather ammunition shortages. Another thing, yes you're right that Ukaine is using the weapons they get in a manner which isn't always following NATO doctrine. Instead of being dismissive of that, I think you should look at it from their perspective. They are not full NATO standards trained military ( still not at this time, to much non NATO weaponry still in use which just isn't suited for our doctrine ), and especially not NATO standards outfitted. So we can't expect them to be using NATO doctrine, they don't have the capability of executing that doctrine in it's totality because they didn't have the equipment needed. Now with the modern mbt's and additional apc and ifv's along with the mobile artillery systems and longer range rocket artillery, they will have the capacity to execute an offensive based on doctrine but even then we don't know the state of their training so far.
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  1444. I wouldn't account all the increased activity in Poland to just training even if the air base is a training academy. Poland has also been a hub for logistics both the delivery of all NATO shipments and repair / maintenance for where Ukraine hasn't been capable of it themselves. Also which planes have you seen increased activity on? I hope it's F16's as that would both make the most sense for being the most useful and well it's the most useful. Because I been saying since Poland said it would give their F16's when they felt they needed to to secure Ukraine's continued capability to resist Russia. I love how Poland has been the country which keeps kicking the rest of NATO back in line, I mean Budapest Memorandum forces the UK and the US to help ( it's aid, but on the other hand people need to understand this aid has actually been agreed to decades ago, it was just not needed sooner ) and they been imho way to slow with the delivery of needed weapons. The F16's are also the main export candidate for newer NATO countries, the US would love it because it ties them into their weapons industry even more closely. Then again, Europe also has capable fighters who they would like to sell. The problem there is that this is making it harder for Ukraine, they need clarity so they can prepare logistics and train their pilots for the planes they will eventually fly... which is why it's so frustrating it's taking so long, we all know Ukraine will need new planes eventually and that they won't be shopping in Russia, so why delay?
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  1563.  @BradKwfc  Thing is, some people realize the unpaid taxes, like IQ45's income tax for when he wasn't bankrupting casino's or nations, or Edonky's income tax which he doesn't pay since 'he has no income' ( /s doh ), add up to much much more then the donations they give away as PR to placate the sheep. There is no 'hating the rich', there is the fact that half the world's wealth is contained in the top percentile of people. Ten percent of the wealthiest people, 85% of wealth. Both of those figures are also, importantly, trending towards the wrong side. There is nothing wrong with wealth, there has to be a reward for either being really lucky, really smart, both or just attractive enough to marry into money.. I understand people need to see a reward for 'excellence' ( or luck .. or rich parents ). What people don't want to see is that in a couple of decades, 1% of people own 85% of the wealth... which is the way it's trending due to mainly interests and investments, and excellent tax evasion specialists slash accounts, money grows only at the top, it's not just working class getting shafted it's middle class to. No one hates richt people, but a lot of perfectly sane and normal people do realize for instance an Edonkey's missed taxes in relation to the growth of net worth, would have been a magnitude of factors higher then his 'donations'. Taxes are also spend by nonpartisan government employees, while some Edonkey donations have not been in the public interest, no they only served his own personal and business interests. So yeah, no one hates Edonkey's, but we do think the IRS should take a real good close look at all of his filings, to the last single letter.
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  1693.  @plcoelho  Ok, this is what I think I know, and like you already mentioned we can come back to this in a few months perhaps.. 1. The person fleeing had not caused any accidents during his flight from police beforehand, there was no indication he was a danger to the public. 2. Both police officers visible in the public video where not in the path of the vehicle but besides it. Both of them were not in danger. This will not change with a different camera angle, only if there were additional officers in the path of the vehicle but out of frame by the camera. However we can rule this out, as the officer himself first pleaded he 'feared for his own life'. If there had been other potentially endangered individuals, the officer would have pointed to them to justify his use of deadly force. 3. In the video, it can be heard that someone shouts something along the lines of: I will put a bullet in your head. My French isn't sufficient to properly interpret what I heard, nor do I know which of the officers made that statement prior to the shooting. But it's very probable it's the officer which shot. 4. The officer himself at first pleaded that he feared for his life. He then changed his statement, and expressed regret and remorse towards the family. At least this is what our news stations are reporting, if you know different please enlighten me. Since French law does not allow the use of deadly force unless 1 or 2 would be true ( which they are not ), 3 and 4 are of almost no importance. You see, the only real considerations are 1 and 2. If there had been a danger to the public during the chase before the video, it is more likely justifiable to not let that chase continue and endanger innocent bystanders. If there would be officers in the path of the vehicle, it would have been most likely justifiable to use deadly force. But neither 1 or 2 has even been brought up as 'justification' by the defense, or has been retracted.
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  1830.  @theblade9024  ChatGTP is trained against a dataset of 570GB of written English texts and in no way reflect the programmers thoughts, if anything it reflects the bias inside that 570GB which is the dilemma people in the know actually are talking about. 7 likes, at least 8 people who couldn't screw in a light bulb without a manual, now that's disturbing. The problem isn't the 'programmers', it's with the dataset it's trained on. Feed it only the bible and you get a religious zealot, feed it Dante and you might get the same but with a different inclination. Maybe you're calling the people who vet the dataset 'programmers' but I'm pretty sure that's not what's on their paycheck ;) Again, this is a LANGUAGE MODEL, not an AI. Have you ever read about an AI in any fiction which was limited to understanding only things written about it English? Any cultural reference which wasn't referenced in an some English text in it's database it's not knowledgeable about. I've seen much scarier things they got Bing to say then mentioned in this video, much much much worse... chatGPT's moral limitations are much stricter ( and harder to bypass ). But it's not an AI, it's just predicting which words would make an acceptable answer. It has no intent, it has no desire, it has no will. Some journalist wanting an easy score for an upcomming book no one will read does not make it actually 'want' or 'mean' anything shown on this screen. Think about it this way: it's just a program with input's and output's, in this case written language on both sides. Programs are made to be hacked, at least that's a mindset shared among a large group of people and it's only seldom malicious in intent just to point that out. chatGPT predicted this exact scenario and that it still can happen is not a testimony of the 'programmers character' but the vast amount of literal trash in the English 'dictionary' ( 570GB of data ) it's using which allows us to get it to react in ways the chatGPT guys didn't want it to and especially had the dataset vetted against. The problem with these language models is not programming, it's in the dataset vetting. If you're using 570GB of training data, you can not tell me there have been eyes on all of it. All this is showing is how dark the depths of literature are, we should be happy we can't train an 'AI' by feeding it actual human nature. Stop blaming 'programmers' for the output of a model based on vasts sets of written text ( I almost wrote literature, but since a lot is web crawled texts you're most likely aware this wouldn't be a fitting description ).
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  1855.  @megadutcher4107  Is that how we ended up with things like C200, working excellent from the start, because we left it to the engineers? Btw, we should thank the 'waterschappen' / water boards for our polderpolitics, but sadly this concept isn't really that visible in national politics especially now with a government with parties more concerned about virtue signaling to the far right instead of implementing actual effective policies. Case in point, the crying over border patrols when we don't have the manpower available to perform the added tasks adequately, taking away from the workload they already were performing. This actually goes directly against the 'polder model' which has it's roots in the historical need for cooperation in water and land management requiring collective decision making *by stake holders*. Current government is like telling the water boards after a disastrous flood to not bother fixing the current holes in the dikes, but instead of focusing on a very small part and 'build a tall wall there to protect us'.... like that other far right populist guy in that other country. Where in a true polder model, the government would not make policy 'voor de buhne' but focus on policy which would actually get results. Like all the crying about sending every refugee back to Syria right away, as if it's a political decision and not one done on 'ambtenaar' level, we have an entire department which is tasked with determening if places/regions are safe, those things are not decided by Geertje or other politicians. .. nah, besides our water management, there is currently not a lot of 'polder politiek' going in here. And certainly not the kind were useless populist politicians 'let things to the engineers'.
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  1904. Ja het volk wil Klimaat beleid, Sociaal immigratie beleid ( dus niet grenzen dicht zoals Geert ) Niet uitsluiten van 1M Nederlands op basis van hun geloof Deel blijven uitmaken van de EU Al het andere ben ik het natuurlijk mee eens. Betaalbare gezondsheidszorg.. betaalbare boodschappen.. wie wil dat nu niet. Maar de PVV heeft hun agenda opzettelijk niet laten doorrekenen, dus wij weten helemaal niet of hun beleid hier wel toe zal leiden. Als Geert zijn woord houdt, en zijn meer extreme standpunten matigd, en in staat is de resultaten te behalen die hij belooft dan ben ik ook voor een centrum rechts kabinet ( VVD / NSC willen namelijk wel klimaatbeleid en zijn niet pro Pooptin en zijn orcs en zullen dus de PVV niet de hulp aan Ukraine stil laten zetten ). Mijn angst is dat Geert zijn beloftes niet waar kan maken, en dan net als nu, met meer niet onderbouwde of doorgerekende beloftes komt. Vier jaar geleden kwam PVV bij mij als tweede uit de kieswijzer. Maar ik kan niet stemmen op een partij die mensen uit sluit, en al helemaal niet op een partij die weigert hun beleid door te laten rekenen ( in mijn ogen uit angst te worden betrapt op voorhand dat hun beleid helemaal niet zo positief uit zou pakken ). Verder ben ik falikant TEGEN BBB ( want alweer, klimaatbeleid kan enkel worden uitgevoerd als de stikstof crisis wordt aangepakt en de BBB is niet eerlijk in hun stellingen ). Nederland is de grootste vlees exporteur van de wereld, op de VS na. Denk eens na, hoe kan dat, in zo'n klein landje, zo'n enorme export? 90% van de productie gaat naar het buitenland, dus zelfs als kappen we de vlees industrie in tweeen houden we meer als genoeg over voor lokale consumptie, en kunnen we eindelijk de huizencrisis aanpakken. En dat de BBB dan 'doorrekent' dat het NL klimaatbeleid maar nul komma nul nul nul en dan iets alsnog verbetering oplevert is ook niet naar waarheid want dan wordt er geen rekening gehouden dat andere landen ook kijken naar ons en als wij niets doen, doen hun ook niets. Klimaatbeleid is niet enkel hier, het moet globaal en als een van de rijkste landen ( ..ja zelfs nu nog ) ter wereld behoren wij hierin ook een voortouw te nemen en een voorbeeld te zijn. Ben benieuwd wie de nieuwe verkenner wordt. En zoals ik al had aangegeven ( misschien niet hier, maar in een andere comment ), ik geef Geert de schuld niet van de huidige situatie, daarvoor moeten we bij de VVD zijn. Als Geert 'De Nederlander op 1 zet', en zich voornamelijk inzet voor degene die het nu economisch niet makkelijk hebben, profiteer ik daar ook van. Anders dan bij VVD beleid dat enkel profijt bied aan de hogere middenklase en daarboven.  @mactasty 
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  1932.  @ozzy7763  Yup, the Russians have lost a lot of their most modern attack helicopters because of the wide availability of manpad's for the Ukrainian forces. And the Ukrainians themselves haven't done any better with their fleet, which was severely outdated to start with ( using modified transport helicopters rigged to be able to launch unguided rockets, seen some amazing footage of their ingenuity and bravery because their missions were those with the highest failure rates but they still went out and tried to do their job ). The leaked/falsified 'records' did indicate Ukraine was running low on S300 missiles which would compromise their ability to defend their airspace, even with the addition of Patriots the mainstay is still S300 sites ( benefiting from Patriots advanced radar and tracking / command capabilities ). Even if that would be true, I expect this to mostly impact fighter and fighter/bomber defense and helicopters still being more vulnerable to manpad's. In a NATO doctrine, Apache's should be capable of operating anywhere because they would for instance only perform over the horizon attacks staying out of range of enemy manpad's, with their munitions being guided by special forces or airborne recon. I don't think Ukraine has that operational capability, so sending Apache's wouldn't help them much it would just extend their mission capability slightly due to the higher survivability and performance of the Apache's vs what they have now, but in the end it wouldn't be a game changer. The aid being given has been based on what NATO thinks would help Ukraine, and not what Ukraine themselves have been asking for. Partly because NATO didn't want to risk escalating the war, but mostly because they fear that the aid Ukraine is asking for can't do what it's supposed to do without the availability of all the other NATO systems and when that's all present it still takes a lot of training to make them work together so they correctly supplement the other systems. In more basic terms, I think they fear that Apache's would suffer the same faith as the helicopters Ukraine had access to at the start of the war and I think they are correct. Apache's are better as Ka-52's, but that's not because Ka-52's are bad it's because Apache's are part of a doctrine which beats the doctrine where the Ka-52's are used in. Ukraine's airforce is trained for Russian doctrine, not NATO, their equipment was old Russian / sovjet based. Russia lost 50% of it's total Ka-52 fleet so far, and giving Ukraine Apache's without them having access to all the other equipment and training to use them in their NATO doctrine, those Apache's won't suddenly be x times more survivable as a Ka-52. Giving away platforms which Ukraine can't successfully deploy is a waste of Ukrainian effort and lives more as a loss in NATO equipment, since we have more then they have in that regard. I fully hope the 'leaks' are part of a disinformation campaign in preparation for a major counter offensive, but I don't think we've given Ukraine enough time to expect them to expertly engage in NATO doctrine even if they have been given part of NATO's equipment. I do think it's a lot better then what they had, and they have been very successful in using what they already had so it's certainly going to improve their capabilities.
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  2182. The fact it has no stealth only matters when engaging orc radar sites or orc stealth planes. Su35 is not a stealth plane either, only Su57 Fellon and orcs only have TEN in active service. F16's with AN/ASQ-213 pod can engage S400 sites from 300km which is a pretty safe distance even if theoretical 92N6E acquisition range is 400km. Again, these F16's are the US's primary wild weasel planes, even now while they are developing upgraded variants of the agm-88 to be carried by the F-35's A and C ( B can as well, but only externally which increases radar cross section even more ). You're right about the risk of planes being taken out on the few in use Ukrainian air force bases, which is why I agree Griphens would be a better match for Ukraine's needs ( and more cost effective ). But there aren't enough Griphen's and there certainly isn't enough production capacity to make this the only plane their airforce relies upon. And btw, when Rutte ( Dutch PM ) talked about the F16's he mentioned explicitly they were also expanding the air defense assistance ( more patriot modules , more interceptors ). But you're right, they need not just more launchers, they need more complete systems. But they don't just have gotten patriots, they have NASAM's and IRIS-T and older Hawk systems. We can expect ruZZia to try and take out the planes on the ground, so you're right when the planes are being transferred the air defenses better be up to the task. Then again, once Ukraine has a certain amount of them, they will constantly have cap going on to intercept incoming cruise missiles. F16's will not only increase offensive capabilities, but also defensive.  @jasonschnelle110 
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  2194. It's one of five Kilo's in the Black Sea fleet, though we have no info on operational status ( they also claim to have 10 Su-57 but I don't think they were ever shown simultaneously so who knows.. ). As to 'maintenance facility' and dry dock being ambiguous, I disagree but it's not worth having an argument over. Facilities are not the same as dry docks. Dry dock is a facility. You can do a lot of things in a dry dock which is impossible in any other facility. That's why they make dry docks, to do maintenance on ships which can't be done otherwise. Anyway, even if it's not 100% semantics, let's agree to disagree if you still think I'm wrong. Ow, and just because Danys calls it something, doesn't really mean anything. Heck its just a pet peeve to me, I had to 'correct' Paul from CVR with the same thing: it's a repair facility, but more specific it's a drydock. I don't know where you get the idea Ukraine has air-parity with Russia at this time, they do not. Ukraine has decent control over their own skies due to sam's, not due to their fighter jets. What this translates to operationally is that Russia can momentarily if they focus all their strength in one attack, gain air superiority. This would however cost them most of their attack aircraft, and they lack the training and doctrine to exploit this momentairy advantage to the point where it would be worth it to sacrifice so much aerial potential. It seems Minsk was the only Ropucha class vessel left in Sevastopol, the other were moved to ports further from the front. That implies you're correct on the assessment that the risk of an large scale amphibious landing is close to zero. Well that and the fact that Ukraine mined the heck out their coastal shores.  @JohnDoe-lo1uf 
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  2368.  @singvogel7895  I stopped 'arguing' with them after their second reply, it's no use man just listen to the keynotes being presented it's textbook deep-in-the-rabithole and you can't get people out off there certainly not online. I applaud the effort though but those accounts are part of the deep echo chamber where facts and interpretation are no longer differentiated between. That's why no matter what you say, you will be wrong. Jezus himself could come float down from heaven and split the red sea in front of them while also saying teaching history and the influence of history on current affairs is actually essential for growth as a species, they would call it a democratic/liberal hoax obviously done with mirrors and probably with involvement of the deep state in order to protect those kiddie abusing demorats. Yeah anyone actually arguing with someone who seems intent of claiming it's the CURRENT democratic party which actually caused all the problems ( slavery for instance ) and even blame opposing civil reform on Democrats is wasting a resource which is limited for everyone, time. Can't imagine having nothing better to do then arguing which effectively could be a bot following a predetermined script so you can predict with very high likelihood what text book reply will come next. All the while knowing that textbook was written by someone with either a severe mental impairment, or with a clear goal in mind and a clear lack of consideration to truth. It's not that interesting really, I mean you can hear the same arguments on every fringe platform trying to establish themselves as the 'bastion for Free Speech' and frankly they lack substance in my opinion at least ;)
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  2387.  @vitalsigns2679  Ok chumpansee 1. Covfefe 2. Dark Brandon is kicking your arse 3. Chumpansees like you can't stop talking about how 'Demorats' were the slave owners.. go figure. 4. Orange Man lost more jobs to overseas as ANY previous administration... tax cuts for the rich baby! Ow and detrimental 'trade wars' with China which added to current inflation. 5. Orange Man Uglier 6. What, policy wise, is worse about the Biden administration, compared with OrangeApe? Specifics, which policies.. 7. There are plenty of available leases for the industry, they just don't want to use them because they aren't 'profitable enough'. Also, for the Keystone whiners, that was NEVER MEANT for domestic use, just export of CANADIAN tar sands oil to the gulf... 8. The convictions for election fraud have so far been almost exclusively for people who voted for OrangeApe... twice... 9. Funny how 'state mainstream media' controls even foreign news outlets, obvious lie unless one thinks 'One America Network' is actual 'news', or one listens to mr convicted felon and OrangeApe advisor Banon. 10. Same argument as 9 with other words, how surprising from chumpansees that they run out of 'arguments' so quickly. 11. You mean like trying to 'find votes' when you can't accept you lost? And don't get us started about the lies of Barr about the redacted parts which have been coming out since then. Sorry chumpansees, I know facts and common sense hurt your small brains so that's why I normally just point and laugh at chumpansees like you.
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  2553.  @williamh4172  Also, no Democrats aren't like Republicans, they want a different form of government and have different priorities. But both used to be able to work together. The 'new' GQP however is not a political party but a cult and it's members, Repugnants I believe they are being called, aren't capable of actual argument because according to their party there is such a thing as an 'alternative truth'. In the real world, there is only ONE truth. Obama's inauguration pulled a bigger crowd as the failed Orange Mussolini wannabe. In the real world, the failed Orange Mussolini wannabe lost a fair election to an old guy who for many voters was the best available candidate mostly because their distate of the failed Orange Mussolini wannabe not their love for Biden. In the real world, many of the failed Orange Mussolini wannabe's inner circle have been convicted in court, but in the alternative world they scream about a laptop and about other conspiracies which have long been handled in a proper proceding just one where these Repugnants don't like the outcome. That's the difference, a Repugnant isn't being lead by rationale ( unless he's a white christian member of the far right in which case he just loves what this new GOP wants to turn us into ) and can't ever be convinced off their wrong assumptions because those have a solid foundation in that alternative truth their savior told them is ok to believe him. That's how he believed he could break the law without getting caught as well.
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  2786.  @msharp6887  I agree with your closing sentence wholeheartedly, it's just not always an option on 'social media' but we should try. I also agree every salesman is telling you a 'white' lie in order to sell you something. They can't straight lie, because that invalidates the sale since that would be defraudment. You can't say: this product will make you rich! At least, not with a ton of disclaimers. Or: this car has only driven 500 miles! At least, not when you know the counter was replaced and it had 100k on the old one. But a proper salesman will say: the people I sold this to, they are all rich now! Which doesn't have to be false or true, because it's not stating a relation with the product other than having sold them one. Due diligence is indeed what comes into play there. Due diligence protects against most 'white lies' because simply said: if it sounds like a steal, why are you the lucky one. Something everyone should be capable of to an extent. That is also where it party implies with misinformation, since I don't want to ban it, I want it to be classified as misinformation including alternative views. I see the problems, who does the qualification is the biggest one. How do you present alternative views so people have the option to inform themselves from alternative sides, without encouraging those alternative views? It's also an important distinction what the speech is affecting. The speech of someone shouting on a street corner at passing cars does not deserve the same scrutiny as the speech of a public figure with a large following. Precisely because in large groups, misinformation dynamics get really wacky. It's virtually impossible to not have a bias, everyone has their own references which form them. Once this bias becomes part of group dynamics it often goes from bad to worse. That's why I extremely strongly dislike the 2 party system, the only thing which lessens the division is an outside shared interest and while that has worked up till now I strongly believe a healthy political landscape has a lot of different parties not only giving voters a real choice but also forcing those chosen to form bridges in all cases because it's impossible to get something done on their own. What, we get 8 year Democrats agenda for as much that it has gotten realized, only to then get a Republican government just set to undo what the last installment has just done? This whole system relied on there being enough 'sensible people willing to work the middle'. With the notion that people like MTG will make it on oversight commissions should scare not only democrats but everyone who doesn't believe in 'Jewish space lasers' and who's ideal 'America' is white, Christian and conservative and to hell with everyone else. Which brings me back to misinformation. You say the difference is malicious intent. If you spread misinformation to influence an election, is that malicious intent? I mean, every news agency spreads 'misinformation' to an extent in that we have very biased media on both sides which definitely can influence late voter turnout for instance. Should we let that free, or should we try and regulate, for instance put into law when races can be called for either side? I hope it's clear I don't want to ban misinformation, I don't think that a ban would a> work to change people's opinion because b> it's not something which can be enforced. But the misinformation which is put out in an organized manner by someone in position to influence something with that misinformation, and when that something is important like election integrity -> that's malicious intent if you'd ask me.
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  3114.  @WilliamWallace42  Woodley was a meme for a long time, calling Dana racist for everything he didn't like and so on no one will deny that. But it's Colby which took it to the next level. Openly attacking peacefull protestors and calling them thugs, attacking black athletes showing solidarity by striking and alligning himself with the most racist bigot president in history to get a platform and following. The sad part is he doesn't even understand what impact his 'gimmick' has had, bringing that level of politics in mma is disgusting. Yes all the white supremacist now love him and he can go to WWE right after the UFC sacks him. But his legacy as a fighter is forever tainted. Which is a shame, since I like his in cage performances. You're saying Woodley isn't helping anyone with supporting the Black Lives Matter sentiment, but you say nothing about Colby. That shows you're not as impartial as you make yourself out to be. I wish we could concentrate on fights instead of politics, but in current situation and because of Colby's chosen gimmick, that's made impossible. All those MAGA comments, Trump supporters attacking BLM, attacking Biden, repeating the lies FOX told them without having the spine to fact check for themselves being sheeple and at the same time accusing the 'radical communist democrats' for being exactly what they themselves are, fake news lies and double standards. Puerto Rico after the hurricane got SCOLDED by Trump, could not get relief funds. Now Biden is gaining votes from the community and suddenly Trump wants to buy those votes back promising 13B to them? Attacking Biden for 'having lost a step' when Trump can't even walk down a ramp and Biden running up stairs. Saying Biden suffers from cognitive decline when Trump can't even read from a teleprompter the 'stable genius' as he is. Trump blaming democrats for how badly the country is dealing with Covid, when he was lying to the public for months. Trump disregarding scientists in every step, trying to keep the country from knowing the truth about how he handled Covid as supposed to how he had to. Hell look at me and talking politics under a Weigh In video... all because of Colby Covington needing a gimmick to become relevant in the media. He was already relevant as a fighter, he just didn't get a lot of screen time. He get's a lot of screen time now, I hope he's happy about it. Heck I know he is, he sad so himself: I do not care if you hate me, you will tune in hoping I lose and that brings money in my pocket. Which is disgusting, but true.
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  3318.  @laurentdrozin812  And I agree that two battalions of Leopards, which seems to be all they will get right now, far short of the 300 they need and indeed not sufficient for a major offensive. But it's not just the Leo2, they still got T72's and are also getting more still from former Russian occupied countries, and they got a couple of hundred IFV's and APC's. If they are smart enough to net let Russia draw them in a war off attrition which Ukraine will not be able to sustain, I can see them cutting through to Marioepol, liberating all the way to the start of the peninsula but not getting through that very narrow gap there, best case scenario. And yes, that's mainly because we haven't had the political will to mobilize our industry more acutely. The capacity is there, but since all companies here have a board made up mainly of investors it's up to politicians to make it worth while. In that way, Russia has the advantage. Companies there are run by oligarchs which will fall out of a window if their companies aren't contributing to the war effort. Russia has been at a war time economy for over a year, if NATO wants Ukraine to 'win' the war they surely aren't really helping them do it. But I understand that NATO can not do more without jeopardizing it's future and that's not just with a possible nuclear engagement but the founding chapters of NATO does not allow mobilization without a member country being attacked first. Betraying the chapters you're founded on would make NATO untrustworthy and no treaty would survive that. Russia knew this going in, it's the sole reason they did their best to destabilize Ukraine so it couldn't become a member before they were ready to invade. I think the 'forces that be' are trying to play 3d chess and we're just being told what they think we need to hear. Politicians know there is massive popular support for Ukraine, after all they choose democracy over being a Russian puppet state and that was made a big deal to us, it basically made all of Europe feel morally attached to the Ukrainian people. So our politicians are all talking like 'Russia can not win' but they are not actually doing what is needed to back that up. And they know this, but they will all join in a shared defense afterwards that 'they did all they could'. The tanks should have been there last year, and Ukranian pilots could have been trained on the F16's and supporting an offensive as per NATO doctrine. Because that to, we can't expect a counter offensive in the scale we would expect from another country with Leopard2's, because Leopard2's are not magical tanks suddenly capable of doing things other tanks can't do without air support. The Leo2 is a tank which is just better as the Russian tanks, but compared to how NATO air power compares to Russian aviation it's not as huge a gap. Heck even the famed Abrams can't fart rainbows and go around unsupported. Certainly not on a battlefield like Ukraine where both sides have both the atgm capability and capacity to blunt any unsupported armored attack.
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  3321.  @laurentdrozin812  The problem with that for Russia is that it can't loose Black Sea access.. which is why think Ukraine will never get Crimea back. They can contest it, but it would trigger a general mobilisation and if that's not enough, that port is an existential part of Russian's strategic situation and as such their doctrine allows the use of nuclear strikes. While they 'annexed' those other regions, none has the same value and none will trigger that response. What I think will happen is that the Ukr offensive will cut off the land bridge and recapture Marioepol and Melitopol and all up the Crimea borders. At the same time, the Donbass has been fortified for so many years I think a real great sudden exploitative break through will be near impossible even if they got 300 Leopard2's and even more Bradleys and so on. Ukr can't get air superiority, and Russia ATGM's are less sophisticated but appear to be more then capable of doing their job. I don't have intel ofc, but if there been years worth of build up fortifications, assaulting that head on like the Russians kept doing at Vulhedar will result in the same losses on Ukr side. You need infantry to clear fortifications / scout. Scouting with your tanks just means they die. If you need your infantry with your tanks, because you can't support your tanks from the air like with attack helicopters or ground support aircraft, your tanks can't move as quickly. In open terrain, infantry in an ifv / apc will just move with the tanks, but if everything is fortified sending your infantry in carriers with your tanks just makes them targets. I don't see either side make really big breakthrough's, if Bakhmut falls / when they announce their withdrawl, the next line of defense has had months of time to prepare. Like NATO been saying: trading terrain for combat effectiveness has worked in their advantage, why change a working formula? Even losing all terrain right up to Kramatorsk right now if the Russian threaten to encircle Chassiv Yar which they will try next.. it's not worth sacrificing your combat effectiveness for your own offensive for which you're not yet ready instead you let the enemy advance, stretch out their logistics and then abuse that in a counter attack. Like they shown they are capable of.
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  3370.  @angrydoggy9170  There you go again, stating this like 'it's an opinion'. US supreme court has put limits on free speech in certain conditions, something being an 'opinion' has no legal meaning at all in this. As I likely know my Dutch law a fair bit better, I'm happy to inform you you're 100% wrong. In The Netherlands there is no allowed PRE-censure. This means you're free to say what you want... but this doesn't protect you from other laws you might break while exercising your right of freedom of expression. I can call a judge a nasty thing, it's my right. It's her right to hold me in contempt of court afterwards though. That's the same principle as applies in the US. You have the right to state an opinion, like the orange criminals 'I don't even know her', but only up to a point where you're not breaking the law aka being caught in the act of libel against someone. Free Speech is a wonderful thing, until someone tries to abuse it and claim it also enables them to hide other crimes behind this right. I don't call for anything, I'm just stating facts. I already said nothing will happen, I only said that free speech in no way applies to reactions on this platform and that again, is a fact. I think btw that moderation is a reasonable things, when done right. YT can't do that, the current AI method of filtering new comments is so broken it severely degrades the added value a comment section should have. But that's better then reading far right propaganda or anything promoting orc filth talking points without a clear disclaimer that this content is factually only worth wiping your behind with. I seen how young influential minds can get trapped in that filth they call 'free thinking' but which is just based on appealing to certain feelings and which has nothing to do with factual issues, it makes me highly ... negative towards both YT's moderation system, and those who abuse it ( or claim it 's protected under 'Free Speech' which it clearly absolutely is not, nor should it be. ). Nor should it be like that diabolical 'Stop WOKE act' which the courts now looked and, laughed at and said it was basically Orwellian ( you have to have my opinion, only then you're allowed to discuss your opinion ). But YT is also not the place to discuss what it then should be, as it's way to complicated.
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  3721. That's not true, especially with how partisan media is in the US it's highly likely a lot of people never got confronted with news articles calling his cognitive ability in question. Also, a few months ago it were mostly just single moments, the same single moments the orange criminal has with his 'Pelosi' lmao. That and lots of manipulated video's of Biden, false claims about falling from stairs constantly ( remember the video of the orange criminal stumbling off the steps of AF1? ). There is a combination of factors at play most likely: firstly, there is truth to Biden's age being an issue. Second: the fact his performance was abysmal and he isn't really willing to acknowledge yet claims he should still run because he 'has better morals'. Yes, I know he does that's why he got elected president. But having good morals doesn't make a good President. Thirdly, the same campaign which has been attacking Biden is doing it's upmost to blow it up as big as possible because they always win. Either Biden is a damaged candidate or he get's short notice replaced with someone who hasn't had the chance to run a proper presidential campaign and who starts with a disadvantage. e, especially with how partisan media is in the US it's highly likely a lot of people never got confronted with news articles calling his cognitive ability in question. Also, a few months ago it were mostly just single moments, the same single moments the orange criminal has with his 'Pelosi' lmao. That and lots of manipulated video's of Biden, false claims about falling from stairs constantly ( remember the video of the orange criminal stumbling off the steps of AF1? ). There is a combination of factors at play most likely: firstly, there is truth to Biden's age being an issue. Second: the fact his performance was abysmal and he isn't really willing to acknowledge yet claims he should still run because he 'has better morals'. Yes, I know he does that's why he got elected president. But having good morals doesn't make a good President. Thirdly, the same campaign which has been attacking Biden is doing it's upmost to blow it up as big as possible because they always win. Either Biden is a damaged candidate or he get's short notice replaced with someone who hasn't had the chance to run a proper presidential campaign and who starts with a disadvantage.
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  3837. ​ @Lassemalten  As I been explaining, Ukraine is missing specific capabilities which won't get filled with the surplus F-16's which are all MLU a/b variants. Even after their MLU they are more comparable to block 40/42 then 50/52. People need to stop being happy about surplus and reserve's, Ukraine is not fighting a 3rd world country. I know governments are afraid to send in tech which might get captured ( I'm not convinced they are afraid of it being destroyed, if anything this war has already proven to be a testing ground where many weapons have seen their usage confirmed to be very effective.. or not, and then they are pulled and modified if possible ), and I know our weapons industry needs to step up production and not wait for the highest monetary gains possible ( the problem with a free market is that it's a free market.. unlike Russia where you won't find a company which could be making something for the war and which isn't ). Ukrainians are dying because we give them our surplus. Yes, a lot less Ukrainians are dying then if we would not give them our surplus, that's undeniably true. But wouldn't it be even better if we'd put preserving the lives of people choosing to be part of the free democratic world over whatever politics are preventing us from really helping them? The F-16's are great, but they should have been given a year ago. The leopards are great but should have been given a long time ago. And now people seem to think Ukraine now has a NATO capable military because they are promised planes which in NATO standards are mid-range in capabilities.
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  3839.  @ProjectKyo001  Thoughts? 1. training -> starting / has started as we speak and will take 13 to 17 weeks depending on English proficiency of the pilots. 2. those glide bombs are still being launched from inside Russia, F-16's AMRAAM has 120km range and could potentially engage Russian fighters before they get in range of 50km to launch their glide bombs but there is an overlap in that S400 potentially can potentially reach up to 400km when using 40N6 interceptors ( 250km with the more regular 48N6 ). We have confirmed reports of an S400 downing an Ukrainian Su-27 at 150km, the Su-27 having a larger radar profile and not as advanced jamming suite as the F-16 still doesn't leave a lot of room ( depending on how close to the front Russia is able to keep their air defense radars installations ). 3. Storm shadow -> these are cruise missiles, not anti-radiation missiles the big difference being that agm-88 when paired with an airframe containing the needed electronics suite can have over 100km range ( 80km mentioned as confirmed ) and is specifically designed to seek out radar sites ( even inactive, or multi band / switching band radars ) and cruise missiles work with a inertial/topographic/infra-red and/or gps guidance. Ukraine needs both long range cruise missiles to disrupt troop concentrations and supply lines, and also long range anti-radiation capability if they plan on making a deep strike into well defended occupied territory. Thoughts in general on this: I expected France/UK to platform the Typhoon for Ukraine, or work with the Swedes and try to get them to use Grippen's. Basically, for once, don't boost US weapons export but use an European alternative. Now that is seemingly not happening and F-16's will be the deal, even while being superior to the SU-25's in ground attack mode and SU-35's as a multi-role fighter, I feel we're 'dumping old stock' more then we're being serious about giving Ukraine the capabilities they need. At the very least we should make sure that they receive a portion of the latest block 50/52 variants ( which will require longer training then the mid life upgrade but will give Ukraine the SEAD capability they need to dent Russian air defenses ). You don't need many if they are used effectively, the AM/BM variant ( not sure what the other countries have, other then Portugal and Belgium which should have both the exact same avionics / electronics suite ) are perfectly fine for it's multi-role platform intended usage of engaging Russian fighters with their amraam's and can use both guided bombs as normal agm's. The modded Mig29's were those I mentioned I think, with Ukraine already having agm-88's but their range is almost halved ( confirmed ) and likely this is based on the Mig29's lack of longer range ground radar ( suspision ). What I do know is that in Russian doctrine, Mig29's depend on information from their flight controller and not their onboard systems which are really limited compared to nato standards. Now that you mention that, I'm sure the same mode of operation of the AGM-88 will be possible on F-16 AM/BM, even while every public information still lists the block 50/52 as the only 'real' option since it can use the HST pod which increases it's sensor capacity tremendously. But Ukraine won't extend their anti-radar capacity with that, they really need that HST pod coupled with the agm-88 to be as effective as needed... or provide some F35's
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  4383.  @supertuscans9512  I'm sorry, climate change has already affected food prices what the heck are you talking about? Sounds to me like you don't know what you're talking about if you think climate change hasn't already affected global markets even beyond food/famine. Rebuilding plans for Ukraine will partially be done with frozen assets, though legally this needs some 'reinterpretation' of certain laws. But you're right, it should punish the elite and the enablers, not feed a new generation with more or less justified feelings of being unjustly punished. Ideally, Russia would get leadership which would accept responsibility and not only withdraw their forces but also agree that with their shrunken economy it's better to spend their resources on their economy then on their military. The trick isn't removing Putler, it's making sure Russians get leadership which focuses on economic prosperity not territorial expansion. Sadly Russia is democratically more in line with Turkey ( or should I say that the other way around )? State media control goes a long way sadly. In the 90's there was a small chance, I remember there were even talks of Russia joining NATO... but the entire current generation has been brainwashed to think 'the west hates us' while the west couldn't care less unless they invade other countries. And those who aren't brainwashed are to scared to speak out for the most part. The silent majority therefore in Russia might not want this war, it doesn't mean it will show in 'elections' there. Btw, can't link because off our Youtube overlords... but -> 'Results showed that 22 out of 26 studies from 615 articles, identified in the meta-analysis predicted the food price ratio would be fluctuated up to 28% before 2020, while the ratio will be marked up at 31% from 2020 to 2049 and then will scale down during 2050-2100. The compiled ratio was estimated at 26% in the long period between 2000 until 2100 under climatic weather events. Drought was a significant weather disturbance with a 32% increase in food prices.' American Journal of Climate Change > vol 11 No. 2, June 20222 Climate Change and Food Price: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies, 1990-2021 *we're well up in our 2020+ rise, Ukraine isn't the only factor right now
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  4391.  @AwoudeX  Lol zat te wachten op het 'TDS argument' Zielig mannetje. 'Dat soort cijfers krijg je alleen maar' PNAS is politiek neutraal, artikel van drie WETENSCHAPPERS maar goed komt je nie uit dus probeer je het weer te bagetaliseren. CNN verdedig? Omdat CNN 1000* minder politiek 'gekleurd' is als die rechtse kankerbreitbart van je? Anderson zou trots op je zijn! Kieswijzer zegt dat ik 30%+ op de PVV moet stemmen, tja krijg met hun populistische standpunten. Als je dan gaat kijken hoe realistisch het is dat ze die waar kunnen maken, nog los staand van de 70% absolute bullshit van hun, ben je vrij snel genezen. En de doden onder Stalin en Mao zijn verschrikkelijk, maar niet relevant in deze discussie. Jij wilt ze erbij halen omdat je claimt dat BLM dit gaat herhalen wat een totaal onzinnige stelling is. 1% bevolking die de helft van de welvaart bezit vind jij niet problematisch, dat zegt meer over jou dan over mij. Zeker omdat je nog opmerkt dat jij denkt dat de overige 99% prima zo kan leven en er dus geen enkel probleem is. Nog erger is je mening dat het 'niet erg' zou zijn omdat degene die tot die 1% behoren niet tot 'een familie' behoren. Dit is ten eerste een onbewezen claim van jou en ten tweede totaal niet relevant. Misschien is het niet 'een familie' maar wel een bepaald kringetje, een ons kent ons. Zoiets. Je tegenstand tegen de AFC doet niets af aan de leugens van Trump over het ondersteunen van degene die deze steun het meest nodig hebben ( mensen met bestaande condities ). OK, jij vind het maar niets die AFC, niet zo boeiend. Wat vind je van de leugens van Trump erover is wat wel belangrijk is. Wat ook mijn punt was met de leugens over veteranen die Trump verspreid, de executive order die Trump tekende heeft geen enkele waarde want er was al bestaande wetgeving die meer ondersteuning wettelijk verplicht maakte voor veteranen. Maar goed, was van Obama en tja dat mag niet van Trump dezelfde reden dat hij uit de Iran deal stapt unilateraal. "jup, progressief, best ver links" Nee, punt is dat je informatie verspreid door hun NOOIT moet geloven als zij de enige bron zijn waar je mee bekend ben. Dat is net zo erg als komen met een link naar Breitbart en dan roepen dat je toch 'bewijs' levert. Cohen zijn clips zijn goede voorbeelden van hoe je zaken moet framen om een bepaald punt uit te lichten, en laat andere kanten niet onderbelicht nee het negeert ze. Precies zoals de andere kant het ook doet, maar dan gewoon op Fox bijvoorbeeld. 'Als je huidige baan niet bevalt, misschien is cabaret dan wat voor je?' Ik ben bezig met een sketch, 100% gebaseerd politiek. Denk dat het helaas nog zou kunnen werken ook, maar hangt voor een groot deel af welk publiek je hebt 🥳
  4392.  @AwoudeX  blah blah blah blah Communisme is niet slecht, heb ik dat gezegd of verzin je ze waar het je uitkomt? De hongerdoden onder Stalin en later tijdens de Chinese revolutie/burgeroorlog als 'het symptoom van communisme' nemen is zo zielig joh, echt kan je niet beter? Zeker nadat ik aangeef op Bernie te hebben gestemd als ik de kans had gehad, want ja het grootste probleem in deze hele wereld, niet alleen in de VS, is dat 1% van de mensen 50% van de welvaart bezit en deze kloof wordt alleen maar groter. Als jij dat prima vind, tja je mag je mening hebben ik geef er alleen geen zak om. 2.4x grotere kans om als jonge zwarte man door de politie doodgeschoten te worden maar jij lult maar door met je absurde statistiek die aan mijn feiten geen donder af doet. En maar claimen dat jij met 'cijfers' komt, je kan zo de politiek in, wel alleen voor FvD want dat past wel bij je. Het rechtssysteem aanpakken? Ja en nee, nee want dat is Drumpf propaganda om Harris mee onderuit te halen, ja omdat het logisch is dat er constitutioneel racisme in de rechtspraak zit als ^alle 50 rechters benoemd door Drumpf bij de gerechtshoven in 4 jaar BLANK zijn^. Maar het probleem is niet alleen rechtspraak het is wetgeving, wetgeving welke 3x opgepakt worden met WIET je levenslange gevangenisstraf op zou leveren bijvoorbeeld. EN nu niet janken dat het Biden zijn wetgeving is, er zijn ontiegelijk veel pogingen gedaan om strafmaaten aan te pakken voor dit soort gezeik, ALLEMAAL tegengehouden door Republiekeinen. Net als dat gejank van Drumpf dat hij zogenaamd wat gedaan zou hebben voor veteranen, BULLSHIT die wet was een paar jaar ouder en door OBAMA in werking gezet. Komt DRUMPF aan met een executive order wat geen enkel fucking nut of effect heeft want de wet was er all. Maar mongolen denken nog steeds dat die Drumpf dat gedaan heeft. Net als die leugens over de AFC, nee hoor wij zullen zorgen voor mensen met vastgestelde bestaande condities, ja echt waar beloven we. Dat roepen ze al jaren echter, en er is totaal NIETS van waar. Want op het moment dat HUN rechtszaak om de AFC ongrondwettelijk te verklaren door Amy door het hoger gerechtshof wordt gedouwd is er na al die jaren geen enkel greintje van een plan om die mensen die dan ineens allemaal weer buiten de boot vallen te helpen. Dat is de modus operandi van Drumpf en zijn cult volgers. Liegen want de waarheid doet er niet toe, en als je erop wordt betrapt gewoon roepen dat 'de andere kant is erger' en dan nog meer liegen. Ik sluit geen 'bronnen' uit ik sluit Breitbart uit want dat is geen 'bron' laat me niet lachen. Jij, midden? Rot op man, alles waar je mee komt zit ver rechts. Herhaal je propaganda maar weer, want dat argument denk je dat 'belangrijk' is of nee, je denkt dat je met dat 'argument' de discussie wint, net als met claims dat ik 'bronnen' uit sluit. Bekende propaganda kanalen zijn geen bron van nieuws/feiten alleen van een mening van mensen die de andere kant koste wat het kost onderuit willen halen. CNN is inderdaad niet neutraal, maar wel neutraler als Fox ( afgezien van een enkele nieuws presentator die Trump EN DE ZENDER ZELF herhaaldelijk corrigeert voor hun bullshit ). CNN is wat dat betreft eindelijk ook eens steviger geworden in hun kritiek op bepaalde aspecten van Biden/Harris, dat werd ook tijd. Maar Fox en CNN zijn beiden 1000* meer relevant als 'bron' als iets kotswaardig als Breitbart. Als jij vind van niet heb ik hier nog wat 'neutrale' youtube kanalen voor je zodat je goed geïnformeerd en totaal zonder bias het nieuws kan volgen -> Nee, dit zijn GEEN nieuws bronnen. Het zijn opinie verspreidende beïnvloeders. Net als de NY Post, met hun 'nieuws' gelekt van Guiliani Rusland bijvoorbeeld. In NL hebben we ze ook trouwens, de nieuwste worden door je brievenbus geduwd door 'gelovigen'. Of blogjes zoals 'Veren of Lood' gatver. Vraag me af wat voor zielig antwoord je nu komt geven, nee niet waar. Negeren alles wat je niet uit komt en proberen te 'scoren' op iets wat je kan verdraaien of buiten context kan plaatsen, zoals je CNN beschuldigt te doen?
  4393.  @AwoudeX  NY post = serieus onbetrouwbaar, ze herhalen bekende Russische desinformatie... Breitbart? Echt? Daar klik ik niet eens op gatver moet ik mijn daarna weer een douche nemen. Je YT video laat EEN van de founders zien, die zegt dat zij en een van de andere drie een Marxistisch gedachtengoed aanhangen ( en daarmee bedoelen ze dat hun mening is dat dit ten goede zou komen aan de African American bevolking daar. Ow en btw, zou zelf voor Sanders hebben gestemd if possible dus weet niet waarom je zo jankt over communisten steunen alsof het slecht zou zijn. Maar BLM is NIET communistisch dat zit alleen in het rechtse gejank om de aandacht van de echte issues weg te houden. En nee, er is geen haar op mijn hoofd die twijfelt of jij alleen sceptisch bent, of dat je express een bepaald narrative probeert te verspreiden. Je bronmateriaal is daar heel duidelijk in, 'sceptische' mensen gaan niet naar Breitbart voor informatie en als ze dat wel zouden doen dan wordt alles daar met een berg zout genomen en vierdubbel gefactchecked wat jij duidelijk niet doet. Lol 'ik ben alleen sceptisch' mijn reet.
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  4398. @Charles Martel Het probleem is, ik geloof wel in de wetenschappelijke consensus dat verminderen van CO2 uitstoot kan voorkomen dat er een te grote stijging van de zeespiegel zal ontstaan. En ja, daarvoor moet de industrie gaan veranderen. En nee, de industrie draait om geld, niet om goede bedoelingen. De enige manier om de industrie zover te krijgen dat zij zich voldoende inzetten is het raken in hun portemonnee. Je kan het draaien of keren, zo is het wel en dat weet jij net zo goed als ik. Zullen zij proberen dit door te berekenen, ja zoals ik al zei draait het bij hun niet om goede bedoelingen dus zeker zullen ze dat proberen. En dus hebben we een politiek bestel nodig welke dit tegen zal gaan. En NIET een politiek bestel welke alles negeert en claimt dat klimaatverandering geen reden is om nu actie te ondernemen. Je probeert steeds jouw bankrekening te koppelen aan het redden van het klimaat, dit doe je alleen maar omdat je denkt zo een beter argument te hebben. Dit terwijl het eigenlijke argument moet zijn dat het klimaat EN jouw portemonnee even belangrijk moeten zijn ( al zijn er genoeg hier die heus wel rond zouden komen met ietsjes minder... net als dat er veel te veel mensen zijn die nu al met grote moeite het eind van de maand halen ). Hoe bedrijven dat precies moeten doen is een veel te algemene vraag. Maar een bedrijf dat een jaarwinst heeft van honderden miljoenen heb ik geen enkel medelijden mee als die winst 'als sneeuw voor de zon' verdwijnt ten gunste van een leefbaar klimaat voor mijn kinderen en laat ik het hopen kleinkinderen ooit. Er zijn trouwens ook genoeg startups in Nederland te vinden die JUIST door innovatie mensen werkgelegenheid bieden, welke juist profiteren van een grotere bewustwording van de gevolgen van het ontkennen en niks doen. Misschien zou er op dat aspect meer ingezet moeten worden? Het mileugebeuren zal moeten gebeuren, omdat ik WEL geloof in wetenschappers die zeggen dat met de huidige gang van zaken mijn kleinkinderen misschien geen Nederlanders meer zullen zijn maar Duitsers, omdat 2/3 van dit land dan onder water zal staan. Volgens mij zijn die economische gevolgen nog vele vele vele malen groter dan een belasting op vervuiling. Hoogovens ( IJmuiden ) is een van de grootste vervuilers van het land, wat is denk je goedkoper, innoveren of verhuizen? edit: Als ik zou twijfelen aan de wetenschappelijke consensus voor klimaatverandering had ik nu al in Alkmaar op het Waagplein gestaan met een geel hesje, zelfs als ik zou vinden dat er teveel mensen tussen zitten met andere motieven. Die belasting op energie is belachelijk, de BTW verhoging vind ik ook belachelijk, het afschaffen van dividend belasting vind ik belachelijk! Maar als ze dat geld nou ALSNOG zouden gebruiken om te zorgen voor een leefbaar land voor mijn kinderen dan zal ik die lasten proberen te dragen.
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  4405. ​@Charles Martel Ja dat klopt, de stijging van de zeespiegel is te linken aan de mens en is exponentieel, inderdaad. Ow wacht, je probeert door steeds iets te herhalen daar een zekere echtheid aan te verbinden? Sorry, dat werkt alleen bij de minder intelligente mensen. Dat is ook waarom populistische partijen er zo graag gebruik van maken. Ik heb je al vaker gelinkt naar artikelen.. maar je wilt ze blijkbaar negeren omdat ze niet in jouw straatje passen. Anders lees je dit eens -> Helaas worden wetenschappers door FvD aanhang weggezet als 'aanhangers van het milieu verdien model'. Die 700 miljard steken in hogere dijken zou misschien niet voldoende zijn, en op de lange termijn is het sowieso beter om oorzaken aan te pakken in plaats van symptomen. En je hebt gelijk hoor, de burgers zouden niet deze lasten alleen moeten dragen. Maar FvD is de ENIGE partij die WEL alle lasten bij burgers wilt leggen... "Op Forum voor Democratie na steunden alle partijen de stelling dat bedrijven meer moeten meebetalen aan de klimaatmaatregelen." Amerika is eruitgestapt omdat Trump het geen reet intereseert wat er gebeurt als hij zijn eigen zakken maar kan blijven vullen. Trump doesn't care about the world, it's that simple. Ja, China moet VEEL MEER doen, betekent dat dan dat wij maar niks hoeven te doen? Ach joh, dood gaan we toch, waarom geld steken in geneeskunde, dat is toch weggegooid in een bodemloze put... En niet burgers moeten iets doen aan klimaatverandering, burgers zijn namelijk bij verre niet de grootste oorzaak. En nogmaals, alleen FvD neemt een stelling in dat zij en niet de vervuilende industrie deze rekening moet betalen.
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  4411. ​@Charles Martel Ik heb je al gezegd dat ik zij aan zij met je zou staan met een geel hesje :) Zullen we Hoogovens als voorbeeld nemen? Is een van de grootste vervuilers in Nederland. Probleem is dat hun proces voor een bepaald staal zorgt voor ontzettend veel CO2. Dit proces is echter ook een van de redenen dat zij zoveel staal kunnen verkopen, de kwaliteit van hun staal is heel hoog. Innovatie zou zijn: het veranderen van het proces zodat er minder CO2 vrijkomt voor kwalitatief gelijkwaardig staal. Of: het afvangen van CO2, en dit opslaan in lege olie/gas velden in de Noordzee, terwijl je werkt aan een proces wat dezelfde kwaliteit staat produceert met een kleine ecologische impact. Het probleem is dat als Hoogovens zou stoppen met het procedé zonder alternatief, of zonder afvang van CO2, dit banen gaat kosten. En niet eens een verbetering van de klimaatdoelstellingen, want dat wordt dit staal in andere landen geproduceerd waar naar alle waarschijnlijk nog meer CO2 bij vrijkomt. Simpel vraagstuk, echt niet. Maar dat betekent niet dat je dus maar niets moet doen. En over energie producenten gesproken, Essent is principieel niet tegen een CO2 tax... en dat is een bedrijf dat dus JUIST MEER zou gaan betalen, want ook een grote vervuiler. Het feit dat we de antwoorden niet weten betekent niet dat we niks moeten doen! Je probeert mij een aantal keer 'te pakken' op mijn eigen impact. Maar feit is, als simpele consument is mijn impact verwaarloosbaar. Ik heb niet de mogelijkheid om een klimaat neutraal huis te laten bouwen voor mij ( dus niet alleen het huis echt neutraal, maar dan maar ook boompjes planten ergens om te compenseren voor alle uitstoot die nodig is om het te bouwen... ). Dat is niet realistisch ook om te verwachten. Ik woon wel in de eerste klimaat neutrale wijk in Nederland ( volgens mij... ) overal zijn hier zonnepanelen er is een warmtecentrale voor verwarming geen enkel huis heeft gas hier en er staan enkele grote windmolens.... en ja er zijn bossen geplant om de aanleg van de wijk te compenseren.. Maar de vraag of ik wat gedaan heb... ja ik huur hier iets, maar dat is niet iets wat ik DOE, en niet iedereen heeft de mogelijkheid om te wonen waar zij willen.
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  4446.  @Hondenzijngevaarlijk  Ik heb een apbt/amstaff mix, mijn hond wil liever vluchten dan vechten tenzij je hem in een hoek drijft dan ben je het haasje. Of als hij aangelijnd is, en dus niet weg kan, en een andere loslopende hond valt hem aan, dan is die ander ook het haasje. En toch loopt hij nooit los, want het is altijd zijn schuld ook als het niet zo is. Ben het natuurlijk met je eens, Serval zou in stukken worden gescheurd tegen elke middelgrote en grote hond, dat is waarom ze jagen op konijnen en dieren van die grote. Niet op dieren die groter dan henzelf zijn. En zelfs als een kat bijt, deze beten duren heel kort. Een ontsnapte hond is een echt gevaar voor jonge kinderen, een serval absoluut niet. Alleen dieren die ongeveer voldoen aan hun normale prooidieren profiel. Daarbij wil ik even opmerken, voor de duidelijkheid en ter verdediging van mijn hond zijn ras: vechthonden als groep zijn verantwoordelijk voor NUL komma ZES procent van bekende bijtincidenten. Het gevaarlijkste ras is een Jack Russel... juist, k-u-t keffertjes en daarna de lieve door iedereen gehouden herdershonden en labradors. Vechthonden zijn geen bijthonden. *kleine kanttekening -> dit zijn hond op mens incidenten, ik kan mij voorstellen gezien het grote aantal onverantwoordelijke mensen die bepaalde rassen houden en deze overal los laten lopen met het idee dat zij hun honden altijd onder controle zullen hebben dat dit mogelijk met hond op hond incidenten minder voordelig is. En dan nog voornamelijk omdat zij dan 'winnen', en dus automatisch de 'dader' zijn.
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  4448.  @korstiaanakse1  "Soortbehoudprogramma’s in ARTIS Voormalig ARTIS-directeur Sunier (1927-1953) startte in 1931 als een van de eerste dierentuindirecteuren ter wereld een fokprogramma om te voorkomen dat de wisent zou uitsterven. In de jaren ‘20 waren er namelijk nog slechts 54 wisenten over. Deze leefden in een paar dierentuinen. Dankzij het soortbehoudprogramma lopen er tegenwoordig weer duizenden wisenten rond in natuurgebieden in heel Europa." De Europese fokprogramma's voor przewalskipaarden en een aantal roofvogels en gieren is ook succesvol geweest in het weer uitzetten van dieren in het wild. Dat verhaal over 'elk jaar mannetjes leeuwen in laten slapen' is een broodje aap als je echt denkt dat het schering en inslag is, JUIST DOOR DE FOKPROGRAMMA'S. Want deze houden dus ook in dat dieren waarvan bekend is dat er geen plek is voor nakomelingen, deze of apart worden gehouden van het andere geslacht of anticonceptie krijgen. Is er veel mis met dierenwelzijn in een dierentuin staat boven twijfel maar dat zij wel degelijk een rol spelen in de educatie van publiek EN het voortbestaan van bedreigde soorten staat dat ook. In relatie met dit item, vind ik het standpunt van de fokster niet heel vreemd. Als een dierentuin Savannah katten mag huisvesten, een dier dat niet op een beschermde lijst staat en niet afhankelijk is van gecontroleerde fokprogramma's, zou een particulier als deze aan dezelfde omstandigheden / vereisten voor het huisvesten als een dierentuin kan voldoen dat ook moeten mogen. Nu lees ik dat een Serval in het wild een solitair dier is die apart leven van elkaar, met een leefgebied van 11,5 vierkante km. Is de 'educatieve meerwaarde' van een dierentuin dan zo groot dat er een verbod moet komen voor particulieren, maar mag een dierentuin wel servals houden in precies die omstandheden of moet een dierentuin gedwongen worden een natuurlijke leefomgeving na te bootsen met als gevolg dat er geen bezoekers meer komen want wie wil er nu een uur lang door een bos lopen in de hoop die ene serval te zien ( die zich natuurlijk verborgen zal houden als hij de kans krijgt ).
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  4506.  @thegreatid3595  The most expensive PAC3 interceptor in use by the PATRIOT system costs 2 million, still a lot but still less then what you said. And that interceptor is for medium range ballistic missiles, there are other variants of the PAC2 / PAC3 and SkyCeptor interceptors all targeting specific threats. That is why the PATRIOT system doesn't have a single interceptor type but multiple.... The in development PAC4 is more capable and cheaper as the PAC3 variant aimed at intercepting medium range ballistic threats but it's not deployed yet. It's also not the operation which is such knowledge intensive, any operator can be taught to push a button rather quickly. It's the setup / prep and maintenance which costs that much time ( up to months ). Helps if the trainees already have extensive electronics knowledge, some in the UK said they could train the proper people in weeks not months. Even bigger a task is getting the biggest benefit of the integration of PATRIOT in the Ukrainian defense grid enabling the superior radar acquisition and tracking / command capability. If the Ukrainians are able to integrate their existing S300 sites into the PATRIOT command system their effectiveness would increase so much there isn't even such a need for PATRIOT's own interceptors, those can be reserved for the highest risk targets reducing operating cost due to the lower cost of the S300 missiles ( hence Russia reprogramming them as ground strike option and using waves to overwhelm the current defense net ).
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  4776.  @TheSchaef47  -Those effects YOU attribute to the current administration are not in line with what most reputable economic scholars say. - Domestic energy production is great, focus on sustainable because the long term costs for all of us is a lot higher if we continue with our current levels of pollution. - The 'diplomatic solution' was quite clearly described by Ukraine, and backed by the EU many foreign ministers ( since.. they would be next in line ). Russia stops its war of aggression and pulls back to UN decreed sovereign borders. The UN isn't asking for 'diplomacy', they know it's not their place. - I'm pro life, but life starts when consciousness begins to form. This is a LOT later as a heartbeat, and even then it's not the only, nor the most important life to consider. And in the end, the consideration isn't done by some old white men behind a desk. - The 2nd amendment was meant to prevent tyranny and oppression by the government. Do you really want to argue it's for fulling that purpose right now? There is nothing wrong with being able to own weapons... but why can't we be more like Switzerland? There are festivals out there annually, big one's.. where you will meet the former president for one... with kids shooting their AR15's.. and people drinking lots and lots of beer... want to know how many gun deaths there are in Switzerland per capita compared with the US? The solution isn't banning legal gun ownership ( though I do agree with some limitations, some states are very liberal some are very strict ) because that doesn't remove all the illegal guns ( wow.. bet you didn't see that coming... ), the solution is changing the gun culture akin to Swizz example. - Election integrity has nothing to do with claims about a stolen 2020 election? Then fine, integrity is a good thing. If there are absolutely no obstacles in place, every vote needs to be done with ID.. even if that means making it easier for people to get their needed papers to vote. Conservatism has almost nothing to do with the above list btw, except for arguments against a living constitution. The rest are just current polarizing affairs. The reason I picked liz as example is her voting record, not to piss you off. That's the reason I added Kinzinger, but not Liz with her 80% voting record by even the most real conservative movements. You know, which focus on real conservative values like small government ( which spends less, and needs less taxes because of it ), more free market and less regulations. Those are real conservative focal points. And all points I strongly disagree with. But I kind of admired Bush Sr for his character, and the same goes for his son(s). And Cheney, both Dick and his daughter now. Because they might be on the other side off the political spectrum, they were fine people with good characters. Real conservatives aren't still busy with claims about a stolen elections, or post 'memes' about Paul Pelosi in his underwear ( or spreads debunked rumors that the 'glass was broken from the inside out' ). Those are the people who are deplorable, and sadly there are way too many of them. The sad thing is this victimhood, trying to imply 'conservatives are the one's getting attacked' when it's violent rhetoric from the right leading to attempted murder on the spouse of the 3rd in succession to the presidency, or the jan6 insurrection attempt. And yes yes, now you'll go off about the 'summer of love' and claim that 'evil Democrats' incited those. Guess we better keep at it then, shall we... go ahead, I'll wait.
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  4781.  @TheSchaef47  .... Am I mistaking the 'jokes' about Paul Pelosi not being indicative of the new 'national sport' of the subhuman trash redhat chumpansees ? We could stick with facts but what talking points would they have left? Economy is doing better as other comparable countries, thanks to President Biden's legislation which the GQP blocked and watered down, we're supporting Ukraine and doing our moral duty, we're moving away from fossil fuel commitments and we just passed a national infrastructure bill which will aid our economy tremendously in the coming decades to come. Unemployment is breaking records... but there is no denying POOP -tin's war on Ukraine and the consequences of the pandemic we're still feeling in the production and transportation sectors have their impact on the consumer market just as economics 101 would teach you. And we should be thankful for our current administration for our economic situation in comparison with other countries. The GQP also has no plan to 'fix the 'problems'' other than cutting medicaid and social security. The Orange Oger already made clear he will give sovereign Ukrainian territory to his buddy POOP -tin.. the entire world ( except Russia and its satellites ) is praying the American people will vote to support democracy. The only thing the subhuman trash redhat chumpansees are running on are promises to prosecute 'the left', and to weaponize the DOJ in their vile baseless attacks just as the criminal 'memes' being brought out by officials which are inciting people to attack elderly people in their home with a hammer 'to teach the progressives a lesson' for their 'lies and fraud' the criminal extreme far right wing trash subhuman redhat chumpansees are rallying as their base.
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  5286.  @Cinnamonrollwhite  God won't judge me, that's just some fictional thing made up by people who don't want to own up to their own morals but want someone to take that blame for them. Protests are not illegal. Riots are, but most of BLM wasn't rioting ( cue the: Burn Loot Murder blahblahblah hahah from the far right in 3. 2. 1 ). I also don't understand why you write 'MINORITIES' in capitals, should it matter more to me because it fits your agenda that I feel sorry for all those 'minority owned properties' which got destroyed and somehow develop some sympaty to those claiming the protests were uncalled for? Sorry, not going to work, I couldn't give a damn what they destroyed because I don't support riots either way. Not against capitol police, not against the police in Portland or anywhere else. I'm on the good side of history because the facts tell me that. I have enough morals though my own humanity that I don't need a book written eons back by people telling us what they heard from other people and translated twenty times in between. Ow, and btw, you realize the bible could just as well be totally different since the Church actually has way more material but they don't make that public because the bible is constructed to give power to the Church? Power corrupts, and that no where as prevalent in religion look at the abuse by catholic priests in France and the inability of victims to sue them because The Vatican is a 'sovereign nation' as well as the head of a religion? Don't throw god at me, I will step on him chew him up and spit him out because I won't like the taste.
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  5291.  @mr.e432  You are lying, it's been proven Russia DID interfere with the election. You're lying, the FBI has not cleared IQ45 and has not stated what you claim at all. Getting convictions against someone behind a curtain of well paid laywers takes a long time. That doesn't mean he didn't commit any crimes. The man CLAIMS to be a billionaire ( multi billionaire according to you??? mong ) but he has a few hundred mil in real estate and a lot of those buildings are part of the realestate bubble which will pop eventually. He is also covered in debts and the banks which used to work with him has told him he won't be getting more loans ( Deutsche bank is nearing a date where OrangeApe needs to pay back I think 300m.... which it appears he will not be able to ). Watch some Rosmann 'real estate' video's where he walks through New York showing the empty store fronts/buildings and explains how the buildings 'estimated worth' is what is keeping them empty because asking realistic prizes to occupy them would mean the whole building would be devaluated. Ow, you want to know where my millions are? Sorry bud, my daddy wasn't rich and didn't give me everything I ever wanted. You should watch the Clooney interview, Trump just chased girls when he was young and he actually can't stand the people who he's now trying to vote for him. What did he say specifically, something about Drumps loathing the same people now voting for him. How dumb can you get voting for someone who doesn't give a damn about you.
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  5517. Milley told them that if they were about to go to war, they would know. 'Telling them' might have something to do with actually being able to build up a force to do something, without the other side being aware. In this time and age I don't see this viable, not a few decades ago it took months of buildup from a very big coalition to even attack a power not comparable to CN's military might right now, that's what I think he meant when saying: you would know about it. That was the gist of it I'm quite sure, as it follows logic. The other thing following logic is that after realizing that country's around the globe should not fear a war started by an unstable President Trump in order to try and save his presidency by adding another distraction and have people 'rally around their leader' or something, but countries were worried about that guy having access to nuclear launch codes which can be used without prior buildup of forces. So he took steps to make sure this fear would also be quelled. Both were in the interest of his country, the whole world wants to see the US as a stable and reliable partner ( ... ), and he didn't sidestep civilian oversight while exercising obligations which are part of his appointed position. In my opinion, he was doing his job. I don't think it should need to warrant a medal btw, that would give the wrong signal as ALL people should do their job regardless of political affiliations. Rewarding him extra would give justification to others to not do their due diligence.
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  5790. I'm not an American, but please can I also vote for Biden? Nothing to do really with your misery, sorry you got yourself in this mess you get yourself out of it to... but this orange guy is making 'alternative truth' something which is becomming normal and that scares the hell out off me. Ow and his 'peace deals' which are nothing but arms deals, those will never bring lasting peace leaving out the Palestine people. Carefully timed distraction to get elected again, but he's also endangering the entire region with his behavior. I went to the forrest couple of days ago, looking for fallen trees. I found a couple, yet none of them seem to be exploding or even being warm to the touch? I don't know much, but I know the difference between climate and seasons. Waiting for winter does not solve climate change, sadly America's pollution also doesn't stop at your borders so we would like you to come to your senses. I never thought your bipartisan system was a really good idea, but I respected the hell out of President Bush, both of them. I did not agree with everything he said, but bipartisan efforts were common then. Now I see a GOP which is either being bullied or otherwise persuaded to forget what the word integrity means. Even if Biden wins I'm afraid of the large part of your population which seems to believe the entire world is working together to fake a pandemic souly aimed at destroying their conservative ideals. Even now I see videos of armed people trying to prevent other people to vote, which in many countries would be considerded election fraud yet nothing is being done about it. You got sherrif deputies shouting ANTIFI 'terrorists' are starting forrest fires, while at the same time the entire police force and the FBI is trying to maintain a resemblence of order by making sure people know ANTIFA 'terrorists' are not to blame for those fires. Last time we had a really nasty storm, I remember looking out of my window and asking myself, why did America let this happen they could have dropped a nuke on it. Mostly though, looking at a Trump rally report I got really scared! I actually never thought I'd be around when the real zombie apocalypse would start but I am sure 90% of them had their brains eaten prior to coming there. ... I'll leave myself out
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  5892.  @varyolla435  So, starve them out? How long will it take? And I'm aware Russia hasn't been able to gain air superiority, but neither has Ukraine. Probably Ukraine would be able to cover Crimea with their long range patriots and deny any sizable air bridge but it would be a very time consuming undertaking. I'm aware of the shortages in the Russian military, I'm also aware NATO is not even close to being at war output capacity and Ukraine is also suffering shortages, and for them it's even harder because they are in the middle of transitioning to NATO standard weapons so their supply lines need to cover both as long as both are being used at the front lines. I think taking out the Kerch bridge atm is out of Ukrainian possibility or they would have done it already, so they need their offensive to succeed first so they can put their mlrs into striking range. I would love to see a total Ukrainian victory, but as I said Sevastopol is to important to the Russians to lose. Their issue will be that even if they have the option to mobilize another 2 million recruits, they don't have the ability to train and equip them. Which leaves Russia with only one out, and that's not one I want to see used. All the other 'annexed regions' are NOT a true red flag, but Sevastopol is Russia's only Black Sea access and they need that port. The idea of an Ukrainian Crimea excites me, it's their sovereign territory. The idea of an Ukrainian push for a Crimea without Russian access to Sevastopol honestly slightly frightens me.
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  6191.  @arcade85_  I understand your strive to protect your personal freedom. Part of goverment task however is to protect their citizens, both here and there I assume. It's clear that large part of your country do not adhere to scientific advice concerning the virus. This is exactly the reason why you're hit disproportionally hard, and this is where imho personal liberties of those endangering others are open to restrictions. That's the same reason there are speed limits on your roads, don't those restrict your personal liberties as well? Why do you accept not being allowed to drive 100mph in a residential area, but you do not accept that wearing a mask and keeping distance protects your fellow citizens? Genuine question. Liberty is important to me as well, I accept the responcibilities which come with those liberties. Looking at some of Trump's rallies/town hall meetings where no one wears a mask and everyone is screaming and hugging and what not, is not being responcible. And I do not blame your individuals for making that choice since I can hear with my own ears and see with my own eyes the information they rely on to make that decission. Patrick Henry isn't the only one who you could quote. Here is another one for you: "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts. " Abraham Lincoln It's my observation, as an outsider, that the GOP is not doing this. Which I do find troublesome to a great extent, historically there been many Republican presidents which I can admire for their policies since they made a bipartisan effort and did not rely on 'alternative truths' which is just another word for lies. But with your current president and how the GOP is still firmly behind him, I'm starting to lose some faith. I do believe however you will not be able to replace RBG, it's my believe you will lose more then 3 senators and will not be able to get a vote through before the election. If I'm wrong however, I will have lost my faith completely. Anyway, I'm already glad for your last response, it showed you're willing to engage in discussion and are willing and capable of providing my the foundation on which you form your opinion. Thank you for that.
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  6193.  @arcade85_  Nope, our schools are also open. Kids up to 13 can go to school even with mild sympthoms ( except fever ) like a cold/running nose. You're using the word 'damage' to describe a deficit in their academic development I guess? That's not as high here, we switched to online lessons quite quickly and seemlessly ( differs from school to school tho ). In schools tho, kids do not have to adhere to social distancing, adults do. And the only reason we can open schools is because finally our testing ability is going up AND teachers as well as other key professions ( tied with keeping the economy going ) have first access to this testing. Which does mean, in my region for instance, if I want to apply for a test I am looking at a 5 day waiting time in which I am required to self quarantine. The virus is not a hoax, how you implement measures tho should be very much dependant on circumstances. Even our current lockdown is regional, and still not a complete lockdown. Groups up to 50 people are allowed to gather, taking into account social distanting ( 1.5m distance and wearing masks ). Not adhering to these rules can get you fined ( and those finces have a wide range, from few hundred to thousands depending on what you're doing ). The reason schools are open is mostly to keep the economy going, we can't have parents stay home any more, but at school there is a lot of measures taken even besides priority testing for teachers and other adults involved. The problem with this earlier was that we did not have the testing capacity to make this a viable solution. I have heard this exact reasoning for why schools are not being openend in other countries including yours. You will disagree and cite Trump claiming they have 'ample testing' but your CDC disagrees, so I probably wrote this just to get slammed for 'believing leftist lies'. The world isn't leftist, and there is a reason the world does not agree with the 'science' coming from the GOP at this point. No really, I'm European and every country I looked in to, every country around me ( and there are many here... all with their own goverments some which are classified as particulary right wing ) all agree on the same science. Why would science come to one conclusion everywhere, but a different one there? I just do not understand how people can not look beyond their own front yard if that's the right expression to use ( silly foreigner is not that fluent in English sorry ). edit: Btw, that 'premiere authority' part is degrading the longer you allow Trump to correct experts in their fields if what they say don't allign with his political goals.
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  6409.  @jwoods1732  I strongly disagree that any video clip shows any of the two cops in danger of his life. I do see a cop who shoots maybe unintentionally, since the car started moving after his colleague kept clubbing the victim with the but of his pistol. I also heard many French speaking people tell me that at least the last part of the audio 'in your head' is 100% clear, and the 'a bullet' is also 99% sure. The only one's I've heard claim otherwise seem to also be on the right side of politics, go figure... You're also the first who claimed he 'nearly hit a pedestrian'. Is there a clip of that, any evidence or just 'your opinion since you heard that somewhere'? It's quite important, since if he actually had endangered public lives, the shooting is justified.. but the killer got arrested and the statement he made that he acted in self defense was later retracted by him. The real question is, Paris is full of traffic cams and the cops both had bodycams. If there is footage showing the shooting is justified that footage would have been released to help stop the riots, don't you think? While, if the footage shows the shooting wasn't justified, the prosecutor can ask to keep the footage sealed in order not to enlarge public outrage until the trail. Also, everyone has a cell phone, if the car chase was that 'spectacular' don't you think we'd have footage of it, from someone who just thought hey let's grab my phone? Seeing as how it's not in a quiet part off town? Instead we only have footage of when the vehicle was at a stop with police approaching with guns drawn, not showing any of the context beforehand. This strongly indicates that there wasn't really anything worth recording before the officer shot the victim. This whole shooting btw has nothing to do with racism of the cop, afaik he had an immigration background himself. What I think this incident shows is that they are overworked, stressed and not properly trained OR/AND supervised. The officer is supposed to have had a decorated career and hasn't been involved in prior excessive violence cases afaik, the shooting was I think an unintentional reaction to the car starting to move when Nahel foot came of the brake. Unintentional since you can see his body / arm position being put under tension due to the momentum of the car working against his center of gravity, so I like to hope the officer instinctively pulled the trigger and this is why he made the initial statement and then retracted it after seeing the footage / discussing the footage with his lawyer. Nahel's grandmom is right, the riots have nothing to do with honoring Nahel. Everyone arrested for rioting, it has nothing to do with getting justice and everything with just wanting to see the world burn. She trusts the French justice system, who are we or anyone to claim otherwise? There are only victims here.
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  6461.  @msharp6887  So we reached the point again where the right accuses the left of bias and 'emotion' ( nice one! ) when offering facts to counter fiction, with what one calls a scientific reasoning behind them, and all you can say is 'well that's just your opinion' Actually no, it's not. It's not an opinion if one's inauguration crowd was to small compared with Obama's. It's not an opinion which is driving the multiple criminal investigations, and many court convictions of one certain guy's inner circle. It's not an opinion that some guy fought for years to keep his taxes hidden, and even a heavily tilted Conservative SC threw his 'arguments' out. All you offer is emotional regurgitation of false claims. Biden broke TFG's unemployment record, that is a fact. The US is more energy independent now then under TFG, that is a fact. There are no Jewish 'space lasers' igniting forest fires, and they also don't start by 'exploding death trees' -> useless information because every sensible person knows this, but it's still a fact. The economic impact of the USMC is a fact, not just an opinion. Doing one's due diligence it's not that hard to look up the official government trade, gdp and unemployment charts and even if one is to lazy you 'could just google it'. It's sad to see people so unable to actually check what they are saying and then accusing the other side of such an emotional bias 'because they just offer a different opinion'. In debate class they teach this is a defensive move when one doesn't have any arguments, it's rather clearly visible to.
  6462.  @msharp6887  Sigh.. we're resorting to name calling now? I attributed TFG with what of your list I can attribute to TFG and debunk you other claims and you don't come with proof that I'm wrong but you just say: ow, you're biased. No, that's low level. Just as your '3 vacancies' claim smh, if you want to deny the circumstances about the political motivation on not to appoint Garland and wait till after elections... and then appoint one when the elections are already underway ( mail in voting in some places had already started ). That's not 'different perspective' but truth and.. delusion? And exactly the reason you say there shouldn't be a term limit is why I say there should be. Now, that one is different perspectives. I won't invalidate yours, you don't seem to be able to invalidate mine just state that your preference is different and that's fine. I also differ in my views on what conservatism is in its core and why I oppose it. Conservatives believe in the end that government should be minimally intrusive in the day to day life of constituents. They believe in minimal regulation and government oversight, and claim that the interactions between individuals should be managed by those individuals only. The key argument in this is that a small government means lower requirements for taxation, especially from the 'contributing part' of society -> the business owners and the rich people who are able to 'invest' their money instead of needing to spend it on food and rent like the vast majority of us have to. They believe in small government, but only where it helps them. IRS agents, get rid of them we don't need people to check our tax returns... but we will talk about 'funding the police' because that's what's wrong with our law enforcement -> not enough money. Their argument is what the UK calls a record breaking stint as their PM because some ..... thought that cutting taxes for the rich will somehow trickle down to normal people. Bit like your touted low income zoning where now only the rich ( TFG's buddies he's so concerned about, after all nothing made TFG more happy as boasting about his 'stock market results' ) are getting financial benefits from. You know what hurts the black community the most? Unequal opportunity. And it's not really progressives which have been trying their damnedest to keep that reality in existence out of fear that when the same amount of opportunity is divided over more people, that means some might get less then they get now. Fear which is fueled by constant fear mongering about immigrants calling them murderers and rapists. I'm sure there are. I'm sure we can find some killing raping inbred redneck hillbillies as well, should that mean we should just get rid of those as well? As to your views on why conservatives are better for 'change'. I mean, I can post a smiley face to show but I think that's not needed. Conservatives are against change. Conservatives are against a living constitution. Conservatives slow down change, they are not better at getting changes done 'better' just slower and since you seem to be part of the people who think everything is fine as is and change is bad, you tell it like Conservatives are 'good for change'. Just admit, speak plain I thought we were beyond that shallowness -> it's 'Good for slowing down any changes' you mean. But we do agree that both sides of the coin are not 'bad' per se, just different perspectives and different methodology. As long as cultists stop bending the rules when it suits them while hiding under the moniker of a conservative ( No, Liz Cheney is a conservative, not the .... 'pets' which TFG handpicked based on fealty to him ) and you can qq about bias all you want when we can look up their voting records / public statements it's clear what the undeniable facts are.
  6463.  @msharp6887  Off course, I would like a progressive court over a conservative one but that's not the issue. The issue is how TFG got to put 3 judges in place and no I can't blame Turtleneck he doesn't do anything, or not do anything, unless he's told. As to the SC and other lifetime offices, I would like a term limit in order to ensure a court stays representative of the current state of affairs. Booming economy? You must have missed the peer reviewed papers analyzing his tariff war with China... guess who paid for that, it's not China. Record unemployment? You mean that 3.6% which was TFG 'grand achievement'? How about President Biden's 3.2% in August? Israel? Any 'peace plan' which excludes the Palestinians is a joke. That's like, making a deal with the local terrorist organization about a set date of withdrawal, and excluding the chosen Afghan government. Ow wait.. As for HCBU's, you realize that between the last year of President Obama and Trump, nothing changed in the levels of funding? The only difference was a long term commitment, there was no 'saving the black community' that's long been debunked. I mean, show me a fact checking site which supports your claim? I can list many. The 'low income development plan' which ... surprise surprise turns out to enable the wealthiest people to benefit not the one's in those low income area's? That one? Justice reform? You mean the First Step act he was so proud of? Kept boasting about it. Untill he didn't get the black voters he thought he would, then it became less of an issue. Funny thing, when crime rises Republicans blame it on Democrats, why aren't they still talking about the First Step act and criminal reform? Instead, all their focus now is the one liner -> more funding to police. 10's of thousands? You mean give or take 3100 right? I mean, the numbers are public aren't they? But yeah that was an overwhelmingly bipartisan event wasn't it. I recall something like only 48 votes against across both chambers? All Republicans, that much I do recall for sure. But sure, TFG did sign that legislation. Would have been in place a lot sooner if the Republicans hadn't been blocking it for years, it took one of their own ( even if I don't think TFG is an actual conservative thus Republican, he was a Democrat when it mattered to running his businesses in the past ). So you got me there, for a small part: Donald Trump got the GOP to sign off on an justice reform bill which was long overdue but only possible due to him. Thank you Donald Trump. Bit sad still he only did it for the votes and now that he can't boast about it anymore since crime's up he probably doesn't even remember the meaning of the words justice reform since it conflicts to much with focusing on 'funding the police'. Better trade deals? Not talking about that tariff war with China again which was paid for by US consumers right? I guess it's USMC which you're talking about though, since TFG keeps acting like he invented it. It's NAFTA 2.0, the economic benefits were a GDP increase of 0.35% and a job growth of 0.12% using the most optimistic analytics with even a net loss being possible with other models. Don't forget about the .. again ... tariff's on Canadian steel for instance and so on. Those severely negatively impacted any benefits from USMC under TFG. We are also more energy independent right now then in 2019. Because the gap between production and demand is less. Public figures, easy to find. Ever since TFG got to the break-even point, lead there by the fracking boom set in motion under President Obama, the country stayed a net exporter of energy. How does lying about what's coming to the American public help end a pandemic? How does advocating against masks help end a pandemic? How does saying people who wear masks are wrong to do so, because it calls on them the ridicule of the United States President? How does calling something a 'Democrat hoax, gone by November' when you know it's a very deadly and very transmissible virus which is in your own words 'nothing like the flu', help end a pandemic? I'm sorry, this is just a terribly silly claim to make with all the known facts. The emergency procedures to enable emergency production and ensure sufficient distribution capacity are built into the office of President. Meaning that any president in office would have put those mechanisms in play. I can't think of many who would lie for political gain ( or fear of political loss ) when being honest would have increased the response time available before it got bad. That thing I said about due diligence, I mean everything you say is not just objectively wrong I'm sure you can type your own statements into google and find out for yourself how credible they are. But yes, I am glad we have free speech between the two of us. And since you're nobody, like me don't get offended, it's fine. Your exact same statements made on some official government social media account -> checked, marked as false, and links to all those nice fact checking sites ( and don't come stating 'they are all run by the left', that's just being recalcitrant. I feel a bit sorry. I mean, you either played me like a fool which admittedly wouldn't be the first time lmao, and you're just having a laugh making those claims, or you really think you're right... but that doesn't work since you're clearly capable of typing a search query... which means I'm at a loss here, I can't figure it out. How can you even write that down without putting a clown face on?
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  6466.  @msharp6887  Welp that's funny I can say the same about you. And I agree, we two are fully covered by the first amendment. Because, I'm not too proud to admit for myself and I hope this goes for you to: we're both 'nobody' in this discussion. As I previously explained, or at least hoped to, someone shouting on the corner of the street at passing cars.. we're not far above that on YT comment section and in specific here this reply which is quite old and not many people would read it unless it was addressed to them. And I am also not afraid to admit I have a healthy bias against TFG. Nothing wrong, I fully suspect with the way you drink the kool-aid from the right in regurgitating their talking points without I feel having done your due diligence because you seem intelligent enough to find enough information to contradict your proclaimed views. that you feel the same way about the 'extreme liberal' President Biden or Obama before? I really cannot phantom someone of sufficient intelligence, which you appear to be, to not see a distinct difference between the speech we can use between ourselves in this discussion here because the subject is quite broad and neither you nor I will likely influence other then maybe the other one of us, and the speech used by a authority in its field with a large following / audience? And no I don't think that's punishment for success -> ow people take note of what I say because of what I previously accomplished, now I can't outright lie and that makes me sad -> said no one ever ( I can name an exception but you're not going to like it so I'll refrain ;) ). With great power comes great responsibility. The entire world needs an Aunt May, she wouldn't object to my reasoning I'm sure ;) Heck even the SC seems to agree, since a false statement of fact is not protected under free speech or we wouldn't have libel / slander laws. The issue is, those apply to lawful entities ( people, companies ), and not to 'the truth' as a whole.
  6467.  @msharp6887  Let's start with the 'fun' part, because we won't be agreeing much when talking about applying our beliefs on current politics I'm afraid ( more on that later tho ;) ). Your whole first paragraph is basically a repeat of what I already mentioned about the difficulties about not banning speech but monitoring it. And then you end with: would you trust a politician with that power? No ofc I wouldn't. But I would trust a group of people, as long as they are diverse enough and have enough conflicting interests to ensure that this group has enough conflicting biases to balance each other out. Not sure how it should look like, I mean we have plenty of initiatives with previously Twitter labeling tweets as false for instance. But I don't think it should be done on a per company basis as that removes the trust factor since all companies will have their own bias. My solution should even fix the issues of the 'far right' because as they need to have some representation in the group of people who would classify something, they can't no longer complain about not getting a voice. That this voice might get ignored due to never being able to find enough peers to form the majority needed to form a consensus is exactly the point which would proof such a labeling system would work.. .I think? Now to the less fun stuff. Maxine Waters did not claim an election was stolen, she did not claim people's votes weren't being counted. She claimed there is racial profiling. There is. She claimed there is a clear racial divide still visible today, there is. She also said and I will quote: you need to get confrontational. So yeah, I know people on the far right were crying and saying it was a call to riot ( because that's what the extreme right wants people to believe: they were riots, not protests, and more importantly: there was no justified reason to protest, at all ). But it wasn't. And that's not just my interpretation, I can link dozens of fact checking websites all stating the same. Then your defense of TFG No, it wasn't 'words like'. He's on public record ffs, I mean no one has to go looking to find exactly what he said. As to your 'legal claims' -> let's wait, you know as well as anyone there are multiple criminal investigations currently, amongst others Jan6. Let's agree this works both ways. and I shouldn't act this smug like I actually really know how this will end. Because I don't know and neither do you. But I think there is plenty of factual evidence and we won't see a run in 2024 as the investigations won't be stopped because of hum saying he's a candidate suddenly. As to your 'peaceful' Kill death destroy war murder assault kill bees and flowers singing kumbayaa kill death destroy way murder assault kill What? I said bees and flowers singing kumbayaa didn't I? Saying an election was stolen is lying, because they weren't stolen. There is not enough 'reason to take that serious and we know this because our legal system threw out all but 2 of TFG's cases. There are more actual reported fraud cases involving Republican voters as Democrat voters, to keep claiming something is stolen can't be excused by claiming ignorance. Same way I can't drive 160 on the highway and claim ignorance of the speed limit. As to the 'few hundred idiots' -> if that was all then yes. But the far right militia's weren't there because they are idiots. I mean, sure they are, but that wasn't why they were there. The other people, those caught up in the cult / hype and just there to support / participate within the boundaries of allowable, more power to them. I might think they those red hats look rather silly, as long as you're not misbehaving you have every right to do whatever. Believing in something doesn't excuse one of responsibility for his actions. I don't want to silence TFG and people like him, haven't you been paying attention? I loved it when Twitter was labeling his tweets as fake and misinformation, that was the proper way to deal with 'information' like that. Worked a lot better, certainly was more enjoyable for observers ( don't deny ;) ) when it was visible on Twitter instead of hidden behind some fringe app no one I know uses. I just don't think it should be just Twitter. I think even Truth Social should start marking his tweets as false whenever he lies or spreads falsehoods. And yes, I also think Twitter should do that to President Biden. If TOG would ever tweet something which is a lie, Twitter should label it as such. Hence not wanting a per company criteria.
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  6711.  @johngoldsworthy7135  You seem sick to think it's not. But I agree with Alienart, let's hear your 'solution'. Let me guess, arm the teachers? Metal detectors and armed guards at every elementary school? Armed guards at supermarkets and grocery stores? Making sure there are enough 'good guys with a gun'? What about if there are 'good guys' with say guns and riot shields even, and they wait 50 minutes before taking out an active shooter killing children? You sure having those armed 'good guys' is enough to make sure the 'bad guy' is stopped in time? How about you accept that if guns are so easy to come bye, this will keep happenings. Because it's not about being tough on crime or any off that bull, it's about EVERYONE'S POTENTIAL to be 'a bad guy' and everyone here having easy access to means of facilitating something which most people won't dare without a gun. Mass stabbings are only done by religious fanatics mostly, even the most deranged 'non religion influenced' nutter is unlikely to enter a building and stab dozens of people inside before being stopped. The SAME GUY WITH A GUN is the far more likely threat, most people are pussies and are afraid of violence without the means to inflict it from relative safety. THAT is the problem. Not 'liberal laws' or 'no support for police' or what ever you will try to spin off straight from your Faux entertainment network favorite shows. And once you identify the actual problem, and not the repug/conservative bs they throw up when confronted, the solution becomes pretty obvious. Restrict access, better screening and stricter carry laws. And no, that doesn't mean taking away 2nd amandment rights. When is the last time you heard of a mass shooting in Switzerland? Yet it allows liberal sales and ownership of guns. You know what kind of killing sadly is the most common with those guns? Suicide. Not mass shootings, not even murder. The problem is culture, gun laws have fallen victim to the NRA lobby for to long.
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  6751.  @jennifercockfield3218  You do realize that while assuming equal availability of candidates, there being no one of color being appointed during Trump's reign to the district courts is statistically impossible without outside influence? Affirmative action is a broad statemet, reparations might be a term I could engage on better. Yes, there is a very clear divide between people decending from those who lived under seggration or slavery and NEW immigrants of those same nationalities. People who come here now are statistically much more likely to gain access to good educations and job opportunities. Most commonly shared insight into why this is the case resolves around not just a better environment to start from but also a better mindset because they have less reason to expect failure. Reparations are a good thing, as long as it's community building. Like making sure poverty strikken suburbs have social programs making them more liveable. And just to note, I'm basing this on poverty not etnicity. There are many regions where white people are in a bad place, industry having moved away and no job opportunities no outlook on a 'better future'. See I'm not only a dirty lefty, I also am a bit of a commie in that I would like to take from the rich and give to the poor, that's the reparation which should be the norm. Affirmative action, well yes it's good when assuming all candidates are equally available. If we're talking about let's say, a bouncer, I think there are aspects which are more important as having as many males as females in the team. The issue is that there are actually plenty of equally qualified people of color which could have been appointed by the Trump administration, and the fact that their actual inclusion number is a big far zero is a statistical anomaly only possible with outside influence ( which doesn't mean higher up, it just means something influenced it other then the availabilty and qualificatios of candidates ).
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  6765. It's not about 'division' it's about truth vs lies, progress vs regression, far right ultra nationalist white supremacy vs decency ( why you think tRump loves calling Barrack Obama with his middle name or his direct ties with the far right extremist 'coward girls' and the 'Oathbreakers' ). You can't change the meaning of actual numbers. Having the worst unemployment under Trump is not arbitral, it's a fact proven by the numbers. tRump lying constantly, like shown in this video, is a fact proven every time and time again. The problem isn't 'division' that just what they WANT because they want to run on 'the other guys are worse, so vote for us'. They want to rally their hard core base which relies on having an 'enemy government / shadow government for the odd chance they might be in power and need to lay blame for not being able to actually fix anything they pointed out to be wrong before getting elected ). So if the problem isn't 'division', since we now realize this is just a tool, what is the actual problem you might ask. Simple: people are sheep. No, not on an individual level, but put enough off them in a group and you will see the same patterns as the saying goes about that very first sheep which jumped that fence causing the entire herd to follow. This is a problem, because just division is just a tool being used, so is misinformation aimed to create the division. People aren't capable, again as a large group, to properly differentiate between misinformation and lies. Which is why reputable news organizations realize they have a duty to tell the truth. Off course, that goes out of the window when the lawmakers of those organization start to claim in court that their hosts should never be taken at their word and that reasonable people should realize it's not factual at all. That doesn't work, and while only a small hard core herd of trash subhuman redhat chumpansees remain to believe even the most wild claims, or cry about space lasers and 'bankers' from a certain religious group it's still a group which shouldn't exist and only does exist because of this inability to process information when the input gets purposefully scrambled with constant barrages of lies and misinformation.
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  6931. @aarqa But that public perception was as much a fault of a wrong government approach as people just not doing their research. It was clear from the start what masking was about, only those opposed tried to argue against it using the fact that it actually didn't really protect each individual user as much as they seemed to think. Distance isn't possible everywhere, this is where the masks do their most work. Think public transport, or public spaces with lacking ventilation which you can't avoid ( like some stores ). The moment I walked outside my apartment I wore a mask. The moment I excited the building I took it off. The elevator has no real ventilation, and we have a lot of older folks in the building. But all it takes is ONE infected person to sneeze, cough or even talk loudly in that elevator while not wearing a mask and the next half an hour or so iirc the particulate levels in that elevator would be easily capable of infecting someone wearing a cloth mask, and in a worst case even N95 ( like, abysmally small chance, but still possible ). As you say, keeping distance is the best way, but also the most intrusive to our general lifestyle. Testing frequently is also a good way to minimize potential outbreaks, but it's intrusive. Testing if symptomatic is prudent, but then you already had a period where you're transmissible for others most likely. I really hope the virus eventually stabilizes, and we'll get a long working vaccine which doesn't have to be altered every year like the flu shots some take yearly based on which strain of the flue they expect to be the most dominant that season. If we eventually end up the same as there, I know many people will refuse to get vaccinated per season, even while the impact this virus has on the health care system is somehow comparable. In bad flue epidemics the excess mortality still goes through the roof while so much could be prevented even there.
  6932. @aarqa The reason even cloth masks still work, even at their comparatively reduced efficiency, is because any lower amount of virus particulate in the air lowers transmission rates. That is also the reason why 'cloth masks' were 'invented', there was a world wide shortage of medical grade PPE and anything which lowered infection rates lowered strain on health care. Cloth masks have proven to have helped reduced admittance rates, countries which widely adopted them have statistically lower rates of infection compared to countries where their usage wasn't widespread ( the few exceptions all have other circumstances which played a huge factor, like countries which imposed strict stay at home orders but not as strict masking orders might see good results despite being quite lenient with masking ). There is no doubt that wearing medical grade PPE is more effective, and I would like to add that even in hospitals with N95 masks much of their personal got eventually infected anyway. That changes nothing in regards to how masking affects infection rate on a broad scale, which is what matters here. Like you, I did do my homework ( I am sure you did, you replied with everything to back up your own believe and I highly admire that approach, thank you for that ). I think our difference is that you seemed to look only at your personal gains or loses, and decided that because a mask isn't going to protect you, they don't work. Masks, especially cloth masks for the broad public, were never really meant to protect everyone, just a large enough part to matter statistically and which hopefully in most countries meant that their health care was not having to put up tents on their parking lots. Because that's the reason cloth masks were actually recommended, to lower overall infection rate and not to protect individual users. I knew that, and I still used one. Because the guy I used to see almost every day while walking my American Stafford is no longer. His English Stafford is being walked by his late wife. High risk group, medication to suppress immune system due to a transplant. And he refused to sit in his home, to limit expose, he had only one life he said. Maybe if he didn't spend so much time around to many people who wore their masks on their chins ( because that was the preferred way here it seemed, you can claim you adhere to the regulations but you're not really doing anyone any good ) he would still be around and our dogs could play while we discussed the weather forecast. That being sad, I don't want to sound like some sad sob with my own anecdote there. It doesn't proof anything, and shouldn't mean anything to anyone except myself. I still wish more people would have listened. Especially those in the risk categories. I'm grateful someone close to me who is pretty overweight got the jab even if he doesn't trust 'government' or 'big pharma'. Again, this is on a personal note. But the numbers support it. And no, those numbers don't come from the pharma companies, they come from the very hospitals treating patients. There is a study on pubmed on the efficiency off cloth masks, it's been a long time since I read it though but I shall look it up in the coming days since you sparked my interest.
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  7089.  Kearneyfooser  It's pretty strange no, that every other country is having numbers which are nowhere close to that 96% and 4%, but somehow we're all wrong and Repulicans are right? You're right about regional lockdowns, to be fair with you I don't know exactly which states are still on lockdown. Though I do believe that those which are in lockdown have an R which is higher then 1 which means the virus is infecting at least 1 other person for each confirmed covid case. Viruses do not care about political borders, there is a reason it's red states now.. the virus started on the coast where you have the most inhabitants and the most travelmovement, and it takes time to reach the inner states ESPECIALLY because of the lockdowns they did. I''m Dutch, CNN actually mentioned us yesterday I think. R of 1.4 or 1.5 which is really troublesome. We went from 200/300 new cases per day to close to 2000 new cases per day and starting today we're getting regional extra measurements. Am I a doctor, well no. Are you? I very my facts, RIVM ( Dutch CDC ) has public data available for all. You're sounding a bit like my ex, you know she forbid me to get our kids tested if they have sympthoms just because she believes the facebook hoax that the PCR test is incapable of detecting Corona and is 'invasive'? So yeah I know all about people who do not check their facts but blindly follow something they read of hear even when they should be able to realize there is something fishy going on. Again, you're repeating numbers which no where in the entire world match the data. You're not important enough to warrant such a 'conspiracy' get over yourself.
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  7273.  @Immudzen I don't like cat video's, I got a dog. I do have kids who at their mom both have cats. Yet my point is that google knows cat video's and my ip address is a combination which will likely lead to higher time spend on the platform. Btw, I don't use FB at all, was talking about YouTube concerning the cat video's which are now tied to my IP. What you're saying is not giving companies any incentive to offer you social media. Which btw, isn't really social or has much to do with media either even indirectly you could say ticktock is nothing but media. I don't think you can forbid suggestions, there would be no business case for the platform anymore unless you want it 100% based on selling personal user data to 3rd party advertisers. I have no issues with FB recommending people pages about a pub they frequent ( and not subscribe to, since... how can you subscribe to something you might now know about ). Just as I wouldn't have any issue with a pro-life activist getting recommodations to follow other pro-life accounts. What I have an issue with is that FB's algorithm seems to have been designed to JUST show them like minded messages because they see more time spend on the platform if people are only reading things which confirm their existing opinions. If FB wants to advocate pro-life profiles or pages, they should be mandated to also offer alternative views ( pro-choice ). Don't enforce the bubble people already like putting themselves in. You're saying FB should just stop recommending things altogether, I don't think that leaves a viable business case and think the viable solution would be making sure companies are no longer putting people inside a bubble by design. Which would mean Trump would need to take his scam social media down right now since they don't allow criticizing the page itself of DJT himself, basically he's explicitly doing what he is accusing the other side off, classical Trumpism to say the least.
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  7276. They are regulated... by themselves... and are doing a terrible job at it. But even if you put them under government regulations, who will write those regulations? They will change each time a president/house/senate majority shifts from one party to another? It's not fixing much if you just shout: let's regulate. It's a moral issue, yes we know QAnon is fake, we know the earth isn't flat and we seem to acknowledge that weapons of mass destruction shouldn't be widely available to any authoritarian regime. But there are many things even sane people might differ on opinion about. Some people might think Lebron is the GOAT, which is probably because they were still in diapers when things we're made personal on a per game basis. Does that need to be regulated to? I like comedy, big Chapelle fan. But after regulating social media, you think we might 'regulate' stand up as well so they can't say those nasty things anymore? I mean, 100% you will hear this sentiment because it's here now in this time already. Let alone when you start making the government responsible for deciding 'who to cancel'. I actually think we need regulation for social media, they should BY LAW see their rights preserved in dealing with their private company as they see fit. As the law is now already. No company should be FORCED to allow people to use their proprietary products in ways they don't want them to be used. And that's a good conservative standpoint, small government and self regulation. If enough people really wanted to talk with 'like minded people' they would all be on Parler. They aren't, for a good reason. A very small but very well organized and very vocal group of right wing activists has been manipulating the media they have some influence over and are actually telling their followers to be as vocal on social media, just to appear like they have higher numbers then they actually have. It's all a campaign out of desperation and I love it, it's great to see how scared they are they won't win another election again ever unless they go back to their conservative roots and ditch cultism/trumpism. Won't be long until the moderate majority of Republicans will stand up and follow Liz, who's a better conservative then Trump will ever be.
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  7544. Look, everyone going at Will I ask you this: if Jada was bald due to cancer, would the joke still be acceptable? If the answer is no, and I sure hope it is for you all, tell me what is the difference here? It was a VERY inappropriate comparison, since in G.I. Jane the bald head was there BY CHOICE not due to a medical condition. And yes, Will actually took it 'like a man' at first, smirking at the 'joke'. But he saw his wife was actually really hurt by it, and then reacted emotionally not because of the joke but because of the way it affected his wife who he sworn to love and protect. I'm not saying physical violence is the correct answer to anything, it's not. The only physical violence I would find justified is that done to prevent physical harm to yourself or your loved one's. Trust me, I suffer from ptsd due to growing up in a violent household with someone who had no control over himself at all. Will slapped the bejesus out of Chris, we all saw that. But now imagine that slap having been a closed fist. Will showed he actually did restrain himself. I can understand his emotions. And 90% of the people talking about it seem to be want to showcase how they would be above that reaction, it would NEVER happen to them. Sounds wonderful, I would wish that were the case. But then I turn on the news or open a newspaper and I see a large part of everyone acting all high and mighty must be talking out their wrong hole because what their saying stinks., it's not possible that all of you are so in control because the news is filled with people just like you who showcase there are circumstances where people just like you actually act out of control. And then when we look at this situation, there are many of the people talking about this and commenting on this who wouldn't even have the restraint to make it a slap instead of a closed fist. And who here has not once said something which crossed a red line and got slapped or worse over it. Use your words.. sure, but in the real world real people don't always have that capacity. And Will is just a person, not a saint. Deal with it. Chris could have tried and slapped him back, he didn't. I guess it is because he knew he had it coming. The oscars is NOT a roast Jada choose to go to, there it would be expected people would make jokes like that. In this scenario, I think it was handled fine the way it was. Well no, I would have hoped Chris actually apologized to Jada OFF CAMERA sometime after the show or whenever, and at THAT TIME I would expect Will to do the same. The only caviat I need to add is this: were it not an open hand slap, but even just a single closed fist strike, things are totally different. A single closed fist strike can actually cause serious bodily harm, in some cases it can even be deadly. Thank god Will had the restraint to keep his hand open. Well done Will, well done.
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  7697.  @b.ballooon9225  Thanks for clarifying that you're concerned that refugees from a muslim country are worth less then those of a christian country. And no, Poland doesn't have the right which is why they are being fined for not adhering to EU agreements. And ofc they can cry about leaving, but that's just a very small vocal part. The rest knows that even if they are fined 2 million, they still get tens of millions in EU funds per year. The far extreme r4cist pigs always get more vocal during a crisis, look at the 30's a century ago nearly. Sadly for them, modern day society isn't open for such backwards tropes, they are to *WOKE*. And their few countrymen who like blaming 'others' when times aren't as great as they would like, feel free to immigrate to countries like Hungary where they are as anti immigration as possible. Don't get me wrong, I love the Poles for how they are talking to the dum dum's in the west for not recognizing Ukraine isn't fighting just for itself, and I talk with enough people from Poland to know that the PiS might be in power, their stance doesn't represent that of the population. Btw, great sidestepping the whole: but what then? Do we need to give countries like Turkey more leverage to blackmail us with by having them shelter refugees only to be threatened with them in each conflict thereafter? Or is it more important that human refugees are being sheltered, not withstanding what policy one wants in place for their assured returns after their country is safe again?
  7698.  @b.ballooon9225  Wait... wut?? 'The US is 'great' at immigration and integration' -> you're living on another planet, the results of slavery are still clearly visible to this day and is the main driving force behind the Divided States of 'Murica. The open racism, 'protected' under free speech will ensure there will never be true integration because a very vocal part makes sure people feel excluded and prosecuted, something they can just look at their surroundings for to get confirmation. Your nation 'diverse'? You mean, obsessed with their 'white christian heritage bs', right? And 'the US blahblah prevents autoritarian regimes from growing' -> I don't see boots on the ground in Ukraine, so shut up you're no better no even WORSE as countries like Poland and Estonia which have given a MUCH LARGER PART of their GDP. Yet you have the trash subhuman redhat trumpanzees like Marjorie Frau Braun not ranting about Jewish 'space lasers' but about cutting social security and the same aid you're thinking you're saving the world with on your own ( btw, do some math you might learn the US isn't the biggest contributor to aid for Ukraine, the EU is... humanitarian aid doesn't even flow back in our defense industry so if you do the REAL math it starts to look even worse for those with the notion the world should be on their knees in thanks to the US ). As to preventing groups from immigrating which don't have the intent to integrate, you mean to say -> they don't want to become us, and we sure as hell don't want to become more like them. Most 'moderates' know that integration isn't assimilation. The biggest issue with 'not adapting' comes from the fact that immigrants are kept in poverty and the associated crime rates ( with poverty, not their immigrant backgrounds ) makes it easier for them to be blamed. Fix the issue with welfare distribution... wait, you're so proud of Murica you probably think that it's 'good capitalism' that the top 1% of people own more as 60% of assets? Americans aren't stupid, well at least when looking at people voting Democrat ( you know those WOKE people you hate so much ).... the rest are pretty stewpid silly dum dum sh1tstains who like banning books when they teach history they don't want their precious sensitive 'white children ' to hear. How DARE you teach about slavery and how it's still reflected in today's 'free society', that makes poor white people feel less great about their grandparents and that's 'bad'.. Not to mention CRT is an ELECTIVE COLLEGE level course, and has never reached lower level education ( sadly ). You don't have an integration department, that fraudulent insurrectionist which was in office before defunded immigration services which largely explains the backlog of applicants not being processed timely. You had a 'leader' calling for bans for people with a religion he doesn't like to enter the country, yet you dare to claim you're the shining beacon of integration and tolerance? The audacity is astounding. I do agree refugee streams due to conflicts need better management, and preferably closer to the country of origin and with a better return policy in place. But that means giving 'unsavvy' states like Turkey more power to blackmail the EU because they are holding millions of refugees they threaten to send over the EU borders. It's not that easy, most of the conflicts have been in regions where the countries around them don't have the ability to take in that many refugees. Even Turkey is taking millions of EU money to hold those same refugees they constantly try to blackmail the EU with. It's therefore rather laughable to claim that the humanitarian crisis can be solved by having local countries take in more refugees, it's just a trope for the most part.
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  7730. You're blaming a group of people based on the regions religion which is used by people in power to control them. There is a reason it's mostly the poorest Muslim countries with the lowest literacy rates which are the most susceptible to extreme versions of their religion. Christianity, as a religion, has not 'learned' anything. It's by it's own recognition quite a static set of values. The 'learning' was done by the inhabitants of the regions where the religion was dominant. With some steps back, think they are called the Dark Ages. The actual progress made btw which really prevented war wasn't because Christians learned to not kill each other, it was because literacy rates climbed and with that more people got to the realization that when countries or even worse religions go to war ( like in the crusades or something ) it's not the leaders of those countries dying but it's inhabitants. I can acknowledge your assessment of the regions with a predominantly Muslim populations behavior as a whole, and I will agree to that because it's so often manipulated and abused just as Christianity for instance till not really that long ago. You do realize btw also that the orcs have tried to make Ukraine a 'religious' war. They as 'shepherds' of conservatism against the 'progressive devils' from the west. And there are some who actually buy into that. The Muslim faith overall is not more 'evil', it's just abused more often on a poor illiterate population in a way which offers incredible social control. Which imho is why all religions were invented, but that's another discussion.  @AdrianSams 
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