Comments by "tomitstube" (@tomitstube) on "“The Battle for Paradise”: Naomi Klein on Disaster Capitalism & the Fight for Puerto Rico’s Future" video.
so what do private schools and tax cuts have to do with the aftermath of a devastating hurricane? nothing... these people are predator capitalists who wait for disasters, man made or natural, doesn't matter which, and while most people are trying to get back on their feet and looking the other way, predator capitalists are exploiting the system, people, and situation to enrich themselves, they gut social programs that actually help and implement privatization schemes that make matters worse for the vast majority of people.
they don't care about anything but themselves, they don't care about human suffering, they don't care about what's best for people, they are greedy capitalist vultures who exploit people in their time of need.
think of what christopher columbus did to hispanola when he landed, think of the exploitation of millions of native americans and think of the complete extinction on the arawak people, this is the same thing in a more modern way.