Comments by "" (@DanielSMatthews) on "Marise Payne's no-show at the March 4 Justice was a 'bad look for the Coalition'" video.
All these media and political wonks are so full of it, none of them are across the relevant research, nor are the social justice warriors. They are literally a decade or more out of relevance with their understanding of anything.
Check this out,
DOI: 10.1038/embor.2010.122
Journal: EMBO reports Volume: 11 Issues: 9 667--669
Title: The psycho gene
Author(s): Hunter, Philip
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
Year: 2010
And this,
"For psychopathic offenders, the failure rate for sexual recidivism was 55%, for violent nonsexual recidivism 64%, for violent recidivism 76%, and for general recidivism 91 %. For nonpsychopathic sex offenders, failure rates were 23%, 38%, 44%, and 64%, respectively. It is clear that psychopathic offenders were more likely to recidivate than nonpsychopathic offenders."
DOI: 10.1177/107906320401600101
Journal: Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment Volume: 16 Issues: 1 1--24
Title: Psychopathy and Sexual Deviance in Treated Rapists: Association With Sexual and Nonsexual Recidivism
Author(s): Hildebrand, M.; de Ruiter, C.; de Vogel, V.
Publisher: Sage Publications
Year: 2004