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Jon Smith
The Sun
Comments by "Jon Smith" (@jonsmith5058) on "The Sun" channel.
Yeah I saw the same, how tf is she a senior when she seems like a working student was pulled over and its their first attempt. Is the Sun so bad they cannot attract any talent?
Stop showing the muppet at NHS hospitals forcing staff to pander to him. He gives zero craps about the NHS or the staff, thats why he overworks them, undersfunds them and gives dodgey PPE contracts to his mates leaving the staff short and his mates quids in.
@andyh7777 ummm, the UK has the worst growth in the EU, its doing awfully, the Tories are doing a terrible job, people can’t even afford to eat or heat their homes….
@louiseleite3866 Louise, you have a problem with refugees taking Universal Credit? How do you propose they support themselves once they are here? Humour me and lets drop the whole ‘economic migrant’ argument and lets say its a group of refugees we just flew over from Afghanistan fleeing the Taliban. What do you suggest should happen?
Um, that was just one event, not sure if it was the one with the ‘suitcases of alcohol’ and Boris had many many more parties inside and, as his disgraced press secretary laughed ‘they were not socially distanced’. There is a huge gulf between what Starmer did, (even if illegal) and what BoJo did. I dont like Starmer but Boris is toxic and must go.
I have evidence the Republicans rigged this election, they stole it from the Dems. Jusy use your eyes. Don’t ask me to see the evidence though…. I just know it. Now do 10 recounts until we find something real to complain about ok? Dems won VA!!!
@andyh7777 so why does Rishi think we need to ‘rebuild the economy’ then…?
@Chris Cheltenham sadly mate, alot of native Britons have appalling English skills. I live in the EU these days and I remember being shocked at the quality of English a majority of people spoke here. I remember sometimes needing to ‘dumb it down’ or explain the meaning of a word to some people in the UK but the be shocked to hear non-native speakers here using that complex terminology. The UK has plenty of thick people, the EU have plenty of intelligent non native English speakers. So this is a poor indicator.
@cocos8903 sure but even if they did actually charge the MPs I bet they’d weasel out of it and make the government pay the fine, not the MPs themselves.
@OnlyGrafting so why is Rwanda able to assess genuine claims but we are not…? Wouldnt it make more sense for the Tories to sort out their inept home office and process the asylum seekers here, and quickly, then send them back home if they are ‘chancers’. Why should we trust Rwanda to assess properly if we cannot?
Because he doesnt think he broke the rules / did wrong. He’s trying to be humble enough to say if he’s found to be wrong though he’ll respect it and act appropriately. I’m not a fan of him, but his sentiment is clear. Do you also want Boris to resign now?
@philippedefague3835 your conspiracy ideas are nonsense, since you only suggest it to be for local issues, when it wasn’t local. Tell me why, if the UK were using it as a distraction for Brexit for example, why would the French, German, Dutch, Belgian etc etc people also have lockdowns, masks etc etc. The big problem with it being some conspiracy is the idea that ever single country agreed to be in on it and co-operated in the lie….
@andyh7777 not according to the OECD, gonna be the worst in the G7, only above Russia.
Which side lost too many times…? Was it England cause of the hundred years war and the French revolutionary wars, both of which England lost to France…? I mean by my count its been pretty balanced with both sides winning their fair share of wars….. I feel like you are just inventing conflict here, why would anyone care about wars from 100’s of years ago?
The fact this mother thinks thats normal for a kid to say and willing to excuse it shows how she’s failed as a mother. Its also BS to conflate this with gaming, boo on the Sun for adding links to gaming adict stories associated with this.
Um, there is a video too. Its not photoshopped. Don’t you think they’d demonstrate that if there was a shred of proof. Maybe you saw a photo from a different party, without tinsel.
@nairdamorton5148 ok, if its so easy find the unphotoshopped one for me. Then I’ll believe you.
@nairdamorton5148 burden of proof is on the person making the outlandish claims. As the adage goes if I claim there is a teapot orbiting Jupiter, and you disagree, its not up to you to prove me wrong, but up to me to prove it right. You are making a wild, unsubstantiated claim that you think there was an unedited photo and it 'looks' to your untrained eye a photoshop, which if true would be outrageous and the Tories would know and get the photo discredited. Its up to you to provide some proof that its the case, if you can't find that photo its likely just something you misremember and as a result some photoshop fantasy you made up.
@nairdamorton5148 lol what? You said you remember a unedited photo, which leads you to think its a scam. But don't try to find it. I say I remember a video, but also don't try to find it. Either we're both liars or neither of us are. Are you a liar?
@nairdamorton5148 ok pot, you keep calling the kettle black as you quickly assume I lie. Better advice is don’t believe things without proof, or occams razor which is the simplest explaination is usually the case. Your complex conspiracy theory of photoshop based on something you vaguely recollect is outlandish. Find some evidence and I’ll believe you. Until then, I’ll go with the most sensible explaination, which is Boris broke the rules and had an xmas party, which is supported by a ton of evidence.
@nairdamorton5148 what?!? You accused me of lying. I pointed out the logical fallacy of you doing so when you had made a very similar claim that wasnt backed up. You have a very ego centric perspective if you cannot see that. Here let me spell it out. You accuse me of lying because I don’t demonstrate a video I said I recall. I retort that by the same logic you’d be a liar because you don’t demonstrate a photo you say you recall. Can you see it now….?
@XerxezsX buddy, you do know Islam is based off of the Abrahamic faiths and is newer than Christianity. Your comment is as stupid as saying ‘Jews and Christians have been fighting for thousands of years before Jesus was born’….
This aged like milk eh? Absolutely apalling speaker.
Standing up how? This guy will just get prosecuted and the company will just need to spend more money on insurance and security in the future. He’s not changing anything.
@backagain5216 correcting someone over slang, and doing it badly, just shows you are a closed minded boomer. Thats more gutteral than using abit of slang. Your opinions are now irrelevant, we are just waiting for your selfish leeching generation to die off so we can actually make some progress and fix things.
Um… why are you guys promoting terrorists and their propaganda? Wtf?
@nicholasmorrill4711 false. There is no such international law. There is an EU law that means refugees can be returned to the first member state they arrived in but thats in. France has zero obligation to take back a refugee who came from France to the UK. They used to, but the UK decided to get out of the EU. Oh and refugees can legally claim asylum in any country, this ‘first safe country’ stuff is a lie. Look it up. A refugee can claim asylum anywhere at any time and its legal and valid, it may not be upheld but they can legally claim it in the UK.
@cocos8903 wait? There is a crime bill thats going to make it illegal to film police? Under what context? If a policeman rings my doorbell and it records them would I be breaking the law….?
@philz1225 💩💩💩🧠🧠🧠 Its easy to post dumb emojis right?
The public hate Boris you muppet. If they brought him back there would be riots.
Its hardly a crisis, this was expected. VA always votes for the opposite side to the President with the exception of one Obama term. It would have been absolutely unheard of for the Dems to win here considering there isnt an uber popular president in office.
Boris seemed incompetent and causes a ton of harm, both Tory options are scary.
@returnofthemanc9412 buddy. Thats a huge lie, Corbyn isnt an anti-semite and he did loads to fight it in his party. He is massively pro-Palestine, which is why he’s smeared with that label. The powerful Jews associated with Israel dont like criticism and use that term to try to discredit people. It worked because people like you took it at face value and believed it instead of being outraged at their influence in our politics
@ollie2717 Prove he didnt break the rules? Ok, easy. Read the rules, he’s allowed to meet inside as the leader during a bielection, just like Boris could at number 10 to run the country. There were clauses for this. Having 1 beer with dinner doesnt constitute a party. Having a BYOB invite does. Furthermore, if this actually was a scandal why didnt the Daily Mail kick up this stink when it was first reported in May 2021? The fact they are trying to resurrect this corpse of a ‘story’ should ring every alarm bell in your head and show you its a pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Boris.
@ollie2717 oh Ollie, please don’t tell me you fell for the Daily Mails pathetic, desperate attempt to deflect onto Starmer…? Starmer didnt have a party, he literally had a beer with his dinner whilst working. There was no ‘party’ and it absolutely was within the rules as he was campaigning a bi-election at the time. Boris repeatedly had wild parties that did break the rules. There is no comparison.
Why on Earth would the EU negotiate with you idiots though? You spent years insisting unicorns exist as the patiently explained it was just a zebra that Nigel farage strapped a horn onto. They finally got a clear deal and now you fuss saying that you will break the agreement in a ‘specific and limited way’ (still breaking it) and are shocked / upset that the EU is actually following the rules because, shocker, the EU did this in good faith and not to just score political points to say Brexit is done without caring about consequences. The UK is like an insane ex wife now. The EU is right to say they are done dealing with its stupidity.
@jjefferyworboys8138 yeah and a bunch got into trouble with the law for it. Bojo did it alot more than others and has since been breaking Ministerial code over it by lying and/or misleading Parliament. So its time he faced some consequences as others had to.
‘We should wait for the Sue Gray report to see what actually happened’ Followed by ‘I know the allegations that the PM was warned about the party are untrue’ Well, how do you know that? Arent we supposed to be waiting for the report? Did you already read the script shes supposed to be writing from to make her report? This guy is such a weasel.