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King Lucifer
The Rational National
Comments by "King Lucifer" (@kinglucifer3633) on "AOC u0026 John Kerry Slam GOP Absurdity On Climate Change" video.
@Avrysatos lol don't you get it america is and has always been about profit. What do you expect from a country that was literally built off of exploitation they dont care about the GND. The only way they would agree to it is if they could profit from it and that is the only way they would agree to pass it. Other than that you're just gonna get your feelings hurt.
Toussaints' Wrath lol dave chapelle black bush skit😆😆😆
KenjiAzurai no it's not realistic because corporatist don't just stop making profit because ppl don't like it. All they do is pay off the law makers to help them increase their profit by screwing the poor ppl.
Celena Newell lol I've been paying close attention to AOC which is why i asked how exactly is she "kicking butt" when all i see her doing is talking?
KenjiAzurai oil companies aren't just gonna move to the side and if you think that then you're not being realistic.
@BoydGilbreath you're not a corporation and life isn't fair😆
The United corporations of america🇺🇸
@MikeGilroyMusic awwww😆😆😆😆😆😆
some guy Joint Resolutions Joint resolutions may originate either in the House of Representatives or in the Senate. There is little practical difference between a bill and a joint resolution. Both are subject to the same procedure, except for a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution. On approval of such a resolution by two-thirds of both the House and Senate, it is sent directly to the Administrator of General Services for submission to the individual states for ratification. It is not presented to the President for approval. A joint resolution originating in the House of Representatives is designated “H.J.Res.” followed by its individual number. Joint resolutions become law in the same manner as bills. Face it she's a fraud. If she's as serious about this thing as she's pretending to be then why won't she try to make changes? Btw this isn't my opinion i got this info straight from the government site.
@deborahallen3318 i am listening and that is why i question her knowledge and abilities. Now even though she's 29 she has alot to learn about politics before she can challenge anyone. But all i keep hearing is how much she's "taking down" republicans and how she's "slaying" my question is do you want a serious politician or someone who's good at "clap backs" because that's all im hearing so far. Now either you ppl get serious about politics or move out of the way
@kamehameha-xxx 👏Exactly
And you really thought they actually listened to what she said lol all they did was go back to business as usual
@mikewaldschmidt5006 no what im saying is it's the unfortunate truth that corporations run america. Voting won't necessarily stop corporations form involving themselves in our political system because they need law makers to allow them to screw over the public. Being a politician in a corrupt capitalist society you'll eventually become corrupt yourself because it's getting more expensive to live here so when corporations are waving money in their faces it's impossible to turn it down. There aren't many politicians in the world that have morals all you can do is hope that your favorite politicians aren't lying to you.
👏well said👍
Janet Baker it's already illegal but law makers do it anyway because they're the ones who make the rules of the country so it doesn't apply to them.
@samsadowitz1724 i think america was talking about moving towards nuclear energy which would be a betted idea I'll have to look into it.
And everyone on capital hill is laughing at her😆😆😆
some guy keep lying to yourself it clearly states that resolutions aren't presented to the president for approval meaning he has absolutely nothing to do with it so its clear that all you do is make stuff up to make yourself feel better you pussy. I have a copy of her 14 page wishlist she calls a resolution of course it wouldn't pass because there aren't any spacifics on how to implement anything. Any adult with a fully functional brain wouldn't take that nonsense seriously.
If AOC wants to pass her resolution as it is now then her intentions aren't good ijs.
@9nxt that plan won't pass because her resolution is basically a 14 page wish list with no spacifics. Also her resolution doesn't allow each state to make a decision on if they want it or not. Each state is governed differently so that's why her plan wont work for the entire country. She'll have a better chance trying to get it passed for the state of N.Y. because that's the state she represents.
@jazzx251 yes i know trump voters are just as delusional but you're not better than them because you worship someone else you're both insane
@jazzx251 im not mentally ill that's why i can't worship someone i don't know. Clearly you are delusional AOC doesn't know you exist. This type of ppl worship is very creepy almost stalker type behavior. Seriously get some help asap.
@jazzx251 lol look go take your meds and go back to your fantasy world. You're not the only sucker that fell for Obama's lies and deception. Even black ppl are highly disappointed in him because he did absolutely nothing for them. AOC doesn't have any power to do anything to corrupt politicians because she can only help ppl in her district she doesn't control the damn country. If you're 46 and you're this blind then no wonder this country has gone to shit because im younger than you and i don't worship politicians like you do. Politicians are human which means they are flawed like everyone else.
@rnalamo47 that's a theory which is nothing more than an educated guess.
You do know that Saudi Arabia russia Venezuela and africa are drilling for oil as well so how is america upgrading everything to green energy gonna save the planet.
@Analyst big corporations will capitalize off that also because when society has a little bit more money to spend the price for goods and services go up because of higher demands.
@Analyst exactly but ppl who make money on the internet from corporate sponsors won't like that idea because they're capitalist also.
@jazzx251 lol obama sold you hope and look how that turned out. I'm telling you kid you're in for a rude awakening. AOC is responsible for real ppl with real problems and she's gonna find out that politics isn't about just talking you have to actually show results.
@jazzx251 if the ppl in her district aren't seeing any results from her to help their district spacifically then they'll replace her like they did joe Crowley because eventually they're gonna get tired of her talking about corrupt politicians. If you don't live in her district spacifically then you have nothing to be excited about because it's not up to you whether or not she keeps her position. As far as her "slaying" the republicans they aren't listening to her so how can you trick yourself into thinking that when they're pretty much laughing in her face about the GND? This isn't high school politics is for adults not children
@GreenGrasshoppa lol you do realize that a person with conservative values can also be considered a progressive because it stems from the word progress meaning moving forward it doesn't just apply to liberals only. So you have to be careful of what your asking for in a progressive politician.
Celena Newell lol how?
@kentduggan8626 they don't have the power to do that.
Celena Newell newsflash kid she not saying anything that most of the ppl already know you're just new to it. All she can do is help the ppl in her district she can't "take down" the corrupt politicians because she doesn't have the power to do that.
Lol good luck with that you'd have to make corporations stop involving themselves in government.
some guy no she didn't the nation had already been having those discussions your just paying attention now only because she's saying it.
@ericplumhoff9208 i think the question should be why is she the only one getting worshipped when there were other female freshman congresswoman that made history but she's the one everyone wants more of? Its real obvious what's going on here. All she does is tell you what you wanna hear without actually making it come true just like any other politician that came before her. Btw you're supposed to question your politicians that's how you force them to get things done but if all you do is worship a politician then all they'll do is continually talk and tell you what you wanna hear so that they won't have to actually do anything.
some guy no you just don't know history because richard nixon started the epa even Ronald Reagan had ppl talking about global warming its nothing new you're just new to it.
some guy this isn't a left or right issue it's a greed issue. No matter if your left or right if you're always acting as if your side is always the best then you don't know anything you're just lost. Btw Ronald Reagan was once a democrat before he decided to go republican just fyi
some guy either way a republican forced the media to take notice to climate change but you wont just admit that and this was after the supposed "switch" that idiots talk about.
some guy Simple Resolutions A matter concerning the operation of either the House of Representatives or Senate alone is initiated by a simple resolution. A resolution affecting the House of Representatives is designated “H.Res.” followed by its number. They are not presented to the President for action. So how is it trumps fault when he doesn't have any power to reject it. AOC is the one who formed her resolution as a (simple resolution) so why not put pressure on her to fix it? So understand what bills and resolutions are go to and research
some guy lol your fucking pathetic i literally just gave you the site where you can actually see how resolutions work and how they're formed and you still deflect and bring up something that has absolutely nothing to do with it. All she has to do is change it to a joint resolution in order for it to have a chance a passing but she won't do that because you idiots won't pressure her which is what you're supposed to do.
some guy if she actually worked on her resolution and corrected it ppl would take it seriously but you don't understand that even if the democrats had senate majority and Bernie as president that thing still wouldn't pass because things aren't free in life. I swear if her fans will be her downfall because you idiots don't understand how the government works. The government isn't Santa Claus.
@incognitotorpedo42 lol keep telling yourself that lie😆😆
Richard G i always try to tell people that but they attack me for telling them the truth.