Comments by "C S ~ \x5bDuke of Ramble\x5d" (@DUKE_of_RAMBLE) on "Ukraine War Footage Day 112 Summary | The Enforcer Short Clips" video.

  1. So today I am pretty sure I figured out the reason or motivating behind why Putin does what he does.... Simply, it's because he's fucking bored! 😔 Seriously, think about it. When a dog is bored, often times that's when they become destructive. How about extreme sports people? They didn't start there, they worked up to it... Welp, that's Putin. He was a spy once upon a time, thrilling work I could imagine, even for the ones that were data analysts (not saying he was) since you'd always have your brain firing on all cylinders. Which on top of that, for an in-the-field spy, there'd be adrenaline rushes. Now as time marched on after he became a politician, and the world climate stabilizes, what's there for him to do? For a guy like that I can't imagine running a country is all that fun. He had reached the top. He has the ability to do whatever he wants and likely has done most of it early on.... So when he gets bored? What, you expect him to play video games or read a good book? Fuuuuck no! He's like a dog and wants destruction. He rigs an election (or, fixes it after losing), or starts shit by invading a country, or ways to screw with economy or supply chains, or have his critics killed! Thing is, I don't know if this is better or worse than my initial thinking, where he was terminally ill (but has some years left) and is trying to leave some kind of "legacy" by increasing Russia's borders in a meaningful way.... Meaning he isn't wanting Russia to be in a bad state when he finally kicks the bucket, so he'd be conducting major actions BUT would only be bluffing when it came to using nukes... Because now, if the last 15 years have been boredom-fueled, I'm worried that means he might go nuclear 😕 Right now, his carelessness seems to be very much like a man who's playing the boardgame RISK. His army, to him, are nothing more than plastic pieces on a map, not humans going to slaughter 😖 Thoughts?? 😒 Am I onto something, or just on something? ðŸĪŠ