Comments by "" (@0xyGen_2.p0) on "BLACKPINK unites in London... A positive sign for contract renewal?" video.

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  2.  @Samirose21  problem is, girls apparently promote importance of fighting against climate change, but at the same tume they enjoy in activities that are one of major causes of climate change (for example, flying, use of smart phones, luxury cars, etc.). Those girls are nothing but a joke in context of a climate change battle. On another hand, there is this whole climate change hysteria that is in large scale generated by interest of big capital out there, global corporations that promote ideology if green technologies and green transfer, while most of those so call "green technologies" aren't green at all. Look just at solar panel production or electric cars battery production, they don't have "g" in green in them. Also, constant ideological mantra that it is a man that causes a climate change. Truth is that a man is just a minor factor. How do you fight El Niño that is undoubtedly causing majority of glibal warming as we witness now, and it causes such changes cyclical every 200 or 300 hundred years? You can't fight the nature and it's own laws. I am all for protecting nature, but I dislije it when somebody that wants to make big money from it, turns it to ideology and manipulates world opinion and politics about it by hiding real causes of global warming that is only in a very small scale caused by human activity. I also openly despise apologets of such fake religion that also want tonprofit from it, such as Blakpink here. They are all fakes. And Black Pink caring about environment is a joke. Their own lifestyle negates every single principle of climate protection that exists. Every single one of them. Even when they sell their music on CDs, they are endagering environment and adding to climate change. Their concerts attribute to environment pollution. So who are they trying to make fool of. As I can see, they are only making fools of themselves.
  3.  @Dmwntkp99  Greta is also one pathetic fake environmental "saver" travelling around with jets and yahts with all her enviromental damaging electronic devices. Also Greta openly supported Hamas butchers, the same terrorist organisation that uses its own people as living wall and launches its terrorist activities from a hospital. I have zero respect for rich fanatic girl that earns millions on manipulation with enviromental thematics playing in hands of powerful green lobbies and corporations in shadows that earn with so called "green transfer". Greta plays as being anticapitalist, and yet she enjoys in all benefits of capitalism, makes herself richer every day and make those hidden corporations and the deep state richer every day. Greta and Blankpinks of this world are of similar kinds: fake prophets and fake fighters for social equality, while they are the ones that are part of rich elites - the same ones that cause social inequality and environmental pollution. So bah. The louder and more agressive they are, more they mark others as fascist, more sure you can be that it is THEM who are real fascists, source of social unequality and main environmental and social PROBLEM. Poor people don't have yachts and don't travel with jets and so on. At least these rich people should be quiet and not fake it how concerned and sensitive apparently they are about environment or social unequally and save their face this way. But no, they feel like if they fake it they will make it - and they usually do. Be aware who these people support politically. To those they support, a smart person should never vote - because they will always support interests of elite they belong to, and never the interests of majority of population. Political interest of elite is always to keep its powers and privilegies, keep things untransparent, and decisions being taken on private meetings of those few rich - while interests of ordinary people are the opposite - transparency, democratically taken decision, democratic control over elected political elites, social equality. If Greta or Blackpink say vote for this - I'll be sure to vote contra. For my pocket and my future, and not theirs and the elites they belong for and work for.
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