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Max Power
Comments by "Max Power" (@smf2072) on "Who Rules America? | Complete Series | ENDEVR Documentary" video.
Its left wing, they don't get censored.
No duh .
Yeah Carlin lived like the every day workin stiff.... if anyone new the struggle was real, 'ol unsuccessful, Carlin always had to live pay check to pay check. HE WAS THE CLUB, FOO !!!
Just get rid of identifying what party politicians belong to. On the ballet just the names of the candidates. That will make more people actually research each individual & find out what this candidate is about. Do they really represent me & my voice. Otherwise its just DFL or GOP & nothing will ever dramatically change .
Thats's a pretty general thought that says nothing ....are you saying in regards to ??? Technology ? Evolution? Space exploration ? World domination? Civil rights? The world economy ? Medicine? Give us at least one example
@skyangel6336 oh you keep thinkin that 😂 And always remember; if its on the good 'ol uncensored internet, it must be true !!
Schools should start doing SOMETHING related to education.... ANYTHING. Being a teacher has to be such an unrewarding job right now.... doing nothing to improve the future lives. What a waste of time.
She deserves what she earns, just like anyone.
@janethill4365 Who doesn't ! 🤣🤣
I like how you write good reviews on your own horrible attempt at a documentary.
@Lucia-sy7le in other words, All Of The Above & then some !!
Not necessarily "Money".. .its more the things money will buy. Things , stuff, comfort, power, & always has been.
Ya gee, thats a tough one......🙄🙄
Put your hand back in your pocket, mooch.
So where do you live, the US ?
@fyrenset good thing your sister takes care of you & lets you have your space under the steps. You're ma certainly turned out a useful lill twerp with you now didn't she ??
@fyrenset yeah well that's the way people were at the with it.
Stop raising the minimum wage if you don't want prices too go up, ya goofs !!
Well if you know its just not possible, I'd have to believe that you must know the answers to your own two question. If not I question your definitive conclusion on the impossibilities for missing unaccounted for money.
Alright butty!
@Scotland2306 you don't know, do you ? 😂 How embarrassing !
You also need to take into consideration what goes into the materials used to build a house these days. The time , research & development that's put into some windows for example . Even the bottom rated is leaps and bounds over any standard prior. Roofing, concrete, so on & so forth.... obviously it costs money to develop better products. I love older homes, & many seem more solid. But for resistance to fire, water, extreme wind, heat, cold & movement, well built homes of today are going to outperform.
Welcome to America, lhave some basic respect, learn English.
Sure keep raising the minimum wage, cause that will keep prices down.... right? I mean as we can clearly see right now, its working great so far !! Where do you get your logic. How does anyone possibly figure its just raising the minimum wage. Really, no one else will get an increase? Just the bottom. .... yeah ok.... sounds like a plan.
By "off grid" you mean just the electric grid ? I always associated off grid as cutting all ties from the rest of us.
Where does the stuff we need & or want come from now, the sky ?
Get your mommy to help you talk to the adults next time Champ.
This pile of misinformation trash won't be the one to change anyone with a mind. No way in God's name.
Oh stop..... like you're something special over anyone else.
@guapochico69 and thank God for it.
Seriously, if you really can't figure that question out, if its not blatantly & painfully are exactly what makes this country so pathetic, trashy , & such an embarrassment.
I guess if they have no will to live or make it through the war , then no , I wouldn't. Thankfully most aren't of that mindset & want to survive. That doesn't tend to happen when completely alone.
I totally didn't see any sign of hard work.... None.
And so I imagine to stand behind such wise words & don't accept or have any money..... Its sooooo evil. Not exactly a clear thinker, are ya darlin?
So then where does the money come from that protect us from foreign threats & issues that require a bigger response than any state is capable of handling alone. Thats really the worst, most unthought out, half-step idea I've seen put in print . Wake up fool.
Maybe voters should educate themselves on who they are voting for PRIOR TO ELECTIONS ! Stop passing the buck & take some personal responsibility for your financial situation.
Well ya gotta be inclusive of all .
Because most are more intelligent than this .
Oh come on..... Please 🙄
For the weak minded, I bet .
@danielseaburg9763 you think the government has 500 billion sitting in a bank ? LOL, wonder if they get free checking !
@NoNoNoNopeNopeNopeNo PS No, I can't say you were of any help.
It wasn't lost..... it went to fund free sex changes for millennials.
Our military & the mind blowing money spent on it , iS the reason you feel safe enough to say its unnecessary, there are no credible threats &...... I'd like to buy the world a home And furnish it with love Grow apple trees and honey bees And snow white turtle doves
Oh Noooooooo ! There goes my plan to escape to a better country where I can have true freedom, run by a corruption free government, & everyone is equal. 🤣
Yeah..... typical uneducated brain washed leftist. She does nothing except bash the freedoms that allow her the very opportunity & doesn't even have a clue its something special....just ignorant.
Awe..... you poor old man.... It makes me so mad seeing them prey on the weak minded.
Is that right..... well you've definitely laid out a convincing argument that opened up my eyes! Jesus Christ were do you clowns come from ?
Yup your self proclaimed lack of success in life has got to be that guys fault cause he's got a better car, bigger house, the perfect tan, a terrific dancer, charming smile, your wife & dog. 😂 Awe Poor You.... jump on the Biden welfare wagon.... nothing but great things ahead.
Yeah ol George never managed to live the dream, did he ? LOL, what a clown !
You made it in life through no effort of your own, I didn't, SO GIMME!! What a minute....who is the greedy one again ? 🤔
With the most unpatriotic, uneducated, misinformed, brain washed, generation to every come up the ranks, it'll take devine intervention to make anything resembling what you wrote, to actually happen. This country will no longer exist when Gen Z is given the reigns because they know nothing of what you speak, because they haven't been taught. That way of thinking ends with gen X. Gen Z will sell this country just like the kids that you hope will take over & run the family business someday wind up doing.
Oh my ! 😱
Thats something unique to America & or recent times ? Its the human way, & its the motivation to do better.
Of course you don't..... I don't think I am either but that doesn't make it true. Sorry to break it to ya, we're all slaves to that thing called life. If you're a slave to anything else, that falls on you & only you.
So ? Are they oppressed or something? Looks like a horrible terrible place to have to live life if I've ever seen one. Those poor poor people.....just got the hot steel shaft up the rear hole. They would be better off if we had let them alone.... they would have concurred Japan, Germany, North Korea, the Middle East.... America really got in the way of Hawaiis global success & dominance.
The truth is always a "good one."
If thats what you choose, thats on you, you go getter you. 👆
Ha ha ! Loosers..... Poor you !
The words of a dense dense person.
You all passed on taking lunch? Wow THAT showed 'em !
Really ? This is the pivotal influence that will forever change the course of your life. Put you on the path to unimaginable wealth .... Just make sure you let them know when you become rich so they can make sure you're paying your fair share & redistribute your fortune to the people that said "eeeh... I don't feel like it."
Is that why people are fleeing this country at an alarming rate.??... Trying to find better healthcare & a better way of life ? I was wondering. See we need a border wall to keep Americans in !
That's progress baby !
Come on....we all secretly have some level of love for it....its always funny when someone else gets hurt. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL !!
@theresausry3535 😂 I've always enjoyed making people laugh !! 😊
No one is making you do anything.... This is America , make as much or as little of it or as you would like. But you do you , not me or him or her or Pat.