Comments by "Voix de la raison" (@voixdelaraison593) on "Sen. Manchin refuses to endorse Kamala Harris over controversial policy position" video.
@SocraticMutt List of Top Advisors to last 6 Presidents who say “TRUMP IS UNFIT TO SERVE”:
Admiral Steve Abbot
USN (Ret.), Deputy Homeland Security Advisor, George W. Bush
Kenneth Adelman Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Reagan
Dr. Carol C. Adelman Asst. Admin., U.S. Agency for International Development, Reagan
Major General John Barry USAF (Ret.), Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
Richard C. Barth Asst. Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, W. Bush
Christopher Barton Director, National Security Council Staff
John Bellinger Legal Adviser, National Security Council, W. Bush
Admiral Kenneth Bernard Special Asst. to W. Bush
Mark E. Bitterman Special Asst. to the Secretary of Defense, H.W. Bush
Robert D. Blackwill Deputy National Security Advisor, W. Bush
William Bodie Asst. to the Secretary of the Air Force, W. Bush
Christian M.L. Bonat Deputy General Counsel, DOD, W. Bush & Obama
Richard Boucher Assistant Secretary of State, W. Bush
Charles W. Boustany, Jr. Former Member of Congress, Louisiana
Charles R. Bowers Ambassador to Bolivia, H.W. Bush
Greg Brower Asst. Director, FBI, Obama & Trump
Christopher Buckley Chief Speechwriter, Office of VP H.W. Bush
James R. Bullington U.S. Ambassador to Burundi, Reagan
Richard Burt U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Reagan
Gahl Hodges Burt Asst. to the Secretary of State, Reagan
Rear Admiral Fred Byus U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Jack C. Chow Deputy Asst. Secretary of State, W. Bush
James W. Cicconi Asst. to the President & Deputy to the Chief of Staff, H. W. Bush
Peggy Cifrino Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, W. Bush
Eliot A. Cohen Counselor of the Dept. of State, W. Bush
Benedict S. Cohen General Counsel, Dept. of the Army, W. Bush
William Cohen Secretary of Defense, Clinton, & U.S. Senator, Maine
Joseph J. Collins Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense, W. Bush
Barbara Comstock Former Member of Congress, Virginia
Cindy Courville National Security Affairs for Africa, W. Bush
Chester A. Crocker Assistant Secretary of State, Reagan
Patrick M. Cronin Admin. U.S. Agency for International Development, W. Bush
Stephen W. DeVine Deputy Legal Advisor, National Security Council, W. Bush
Charles Djou Former Member of Congress, Hawaii
Michael Donley Secretary of the Air Force, George W. Bush & Obama
Raymond F. DuBois Secretary of the Army, George W. Bush
Martha E. Duncan Sr Executive Service, DOD, George W. Bush & Obama
Lewis A. Dunn Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Reagan
Eric S. Edelman Under Secretary of Defense, George W. Bush
Mickey Edwards Member of Congress, Oklahoma
Richard A. Falkenrath Deputy Assistant to the President, George W. Bush
Jendayi E. Frazer Ambassador to South Africa George W. Bush Administration
Aaron L. Friedber Deputy Assistant to George W. Bush
William Gaches Director of Counterterrorism, NSA, George W. Bush
Janice Gardner Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, George W. Bush
Stuart M. Gerson Attorney General of the United States, George W. Bush
James K. Glassman Under Secretary of State, George W. Bush
Jon D. Glassman Deputy National Security Advisor to George H.W. Bush
David Gordon Director, State Dept, Policy Planning, George W. Bush
Sen. Chuck Hagel Secretary of Defense, Obama, and former U.S. Senator, Nebraska
Christopher Hank Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; Reagan,Bush, & Clinton
Mark Harvey Special Assistant to the President, Trump
General Michael V. Hayden Director of the CIA & NSA, Bush & Obama
Carla Hills U.S. Trade Representative, George H.W Bush
Seth Hurwitz Counsel, President's Intelligence Oversight Board, George H.W. Bush
Peter Keisler Attorney General of the U.S., George W. Bush
James A. Kelly Secretary of State, George W. Bush
Adam Kinzinger Former Member of Congress, Illinois
Sofia Kinzinger Deputy Assistant Secretary, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump
Kenneth J. Krieg Under Secretary of Defense, George W. Bush
James R. Kunder Deputy Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bush
Brigadier General George Landis, USA, Ret. U.S. Personnel Info Systems Command
Frank Lavin Ambassador to Singapore & Under Secretary of Commerce, George W. Bush
Peter Lichtenbaum
Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce, George W. Bush Administration
Rear Admiral David M. Lichtman, MD, USN (Ret.)
Former Commander, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, George H.W. Bush and Clinton Administrations
Winston Lord
Former U.S. Ambassador to China, Reagan and George H.W. Bush Administration
Steven R. Mann
Former Ambassador to Turkmenistan and Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the State Dept., Clinton and George W. Bush Administrations
Colonel John W. McDonald
Former Deputy Under Secretary of the Army
P. Michael McKinley
Former Ambassador to Peru and Acting Ambassador to the European Union and Mozambique, George W. Bush Administration; Former Ambassador to Peru, Colombia, Afghanistan, and Brazil, Obama Administration
Dan Miller
Former Member of Congress, Florida
John M. Mitnick
Former General Counsel, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump
Allen Moore
Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Reagan
Alberto Mora
Former General Counsel, U.S. Information Agency, George H.W. Bush; Former General Counsel, Dept. of the Navy, George W. Bush
Kenneth Mortensen
Former Associate Deputy Attorney General, George W. Bush
Vice Admiral Charles L. Munns
U.S. Navy (Ret.), George W. Bush
John D. Negroponte Deputy Secretary of State, George W. Bush
Elizabeth Neumann Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, Trump
Sean O'Keefe Secretary of the Navy, George H.W. Bush
Bill Paxon Former Member of Congress, New York
William R Piekney CIA Chief of Station, Reagan
Daniel M. Price Deputy NSA Advisor, George W. Bush
Alan Charles Raul Vice Chairman, Civil Liberties Oversight Board, George W. Bush
Victor Reis Director, DARPA, George H.W. Bush
Robert Annan Riley Ambassador to Micronesia, Trump
Paul Rosenzweig Deputy Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, George W. Bush
Charles Rossotti Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense; Commissioner of IRS, Clinton & Bush
Nicholas Rostow National Security Council Legal Adviser, Reagan & H.W. Bush
Kori Schake Deputy Director of Policy Planning, State Dept., W. Bush
Wayne A. Schroeder Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, W. Bush
Gregory L. Schulte Sr Director, National Security Council & Atomic Energy Agency, W. Bush
Robert Shanks Deputy Assistant AG, Reagan
Rep. Christopher Shays Former Member of Congress, Connecticut
John Simon Senior Director, National Security Council Staff, W. Bush
Stephen Slick Sr. Director, National Security Council Staff, W. Bush
Mark C. Storella U.S. Ambassador to Zambia, Obama
William H. Taft IV Deputy Secretary of Defense and Ambassador to NATO, W. Bush
Miles Taylor Chief of Staff, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump
Larry D. Thompson Former Deputy AG, W. Bush
Jack Tomarchio Deputy Under Secretary of Homeland Security, W. Bush
Olivia Troye Special Advisor to VP Pence, Trump
Robert Tuttle U.S. Ambassador to the UK, W. Bush
John K. Veroneau Deputy U.S. Trade Rep. & Assistant Secretary of Defense, W. Bush & Clinton
Colonel Terry Virts, USAF (Ret.)
Former NASA Astronaut, Former Commander of the International Space Station
Dr. Thomas G. Ward, Jr. Director of Threats, Ballistic Missile Defense Org., Reagan & Clinton
Matthew C. Waxman Principal Deputy Director, State Dept Policy Planning, W. Bush
William H. Webster Director of the CIA & FBI, Reagan & H.W. Bush
William F. Weld Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Reagan
J. Robinson West Assistant Secretary of Interior, Reagan
Wendell L. Willkie II General Counsel, Dept. of Commerce, H.W. Bush
Philip Zelikow Counselor of the Dept. of State, W. Bush
Robert B. Zoellick White House Deputy Chief of Staff, George H.W. Bush
@travisclark8431 “TRUMP UNFIT TO SERVE AS PRESIDENT.” List of Republicans who signed a letter saying Trump is a Threat To Our American Democracy 🇺🇸:
Admiral Steve Abbot
USN (Ret.), Deputy Homeland Security Advisor, George W. Bush
Kenneth Adelman Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Reagan
Dr. Carol C. Adelman Asst. Admin., U.S. Agency for International Development, Reagan
Major General John Barry USAF (Ret.), Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
Richard C. Barth Asst. Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, W. Bush
Christopher Barton Director, National Security Council Staff
John Bellinger Legal Adviser, National Security Council, W. Bush
Admiral Kenneth Bernard Special Asst. to W. Bush
Mark E. Bitterman Special Asst. to the Secretary of Defense, H.W. Bush
Robert D. Blackwill Deputy National Security Advisor, W. Bush
William Bodie Asst. to the Secretary of the Air Force, W. Bush
Christian M.L. Bonat Deputy General Counsel, DOD, W. Bush & Obama
Richard Boucher Assistant Secretary of State, W. Bush
Charles W. Boustany, Jr. Former Member of Congress, Louisiana
Charles R. Bowers Ambassador to Bolivia, H.W. Bush
Greg Brower Asst. Director, FBI, Obama & Trump
Christopher Buckley Chief Speechwriter, Office of VP H.W. Bush
James R. Bullington U.S. Ambassador to Burundi, Reagan
Richard Burt U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Reagan
Gahl Hodges Burt Asst. to the Secretary of State, Reagan
Rear Admiral Fred Byus U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Jack C. Chow Deputy Asst. Secretary of State, W. Bush
James W. Cicconi Asst. to the President & Deputy to the Chief of Staff, H. W. Bush
Peggy Cifrino Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, W. Bush
Eliot A. Cohen Counselor of the Dept. of State, W. Bush
Benedict S. Cohen General Counsel, Dept. of the Army, W. Bush
William Cohen Secretary of Defense, Clinton, & U.S. Senator, Maine
Joseph J. Collins Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense, W. Bush
Barbara Comstock Former Member of Congress, Virginia
Cindy Courville National Security Affairs for Africa, W. Bush
Chester A. Crocker Assistant Secretary of State, Reagan
Patrick M. Cronin Admin. U.S. Agency for International Development, W. Bush
Stephen W. DeVine Deputy Legal Advisor, National Security Council, W. Bush
Charles Djou Former Member of Congress, Hawaii
Michael Donley Secretary of the Air Force, George W. Bush & Obama
Raymond F. DuBois Secretary of the Army, George W. Bush
Martha E. Duncan Sr Executive Service, DOD, George W. Bush & Obama
Lewis A. Dunn Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Reagan
Eric S. Edelman Under Secretary of Defense, George W. Bush
Mickey Edwards Member of Congress, Oklahoma
Richard A. Falkenrath Deputy Assistant to the President, George W. Bush
Jendayi E. Frazer Ambassador to South Africa George W. Bush Administration
Aaron L. Friedber Deputy Assistant to George W. Bush
William Gaches Director of Counterterrorism, NSA, George W. Bush
Janice Gardner Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, George W. Bush
Stuart M. Gerson Attorney General of the United States, George W. Bush
James K. Glassman Under Secretary of State, George W. Bush
Jon D. Glassman Deputy National Security Advisor to George H.W. Bush
David Gordon Director, State Dept, Policy Planning, George W. Bush
Sen. Chuck Hagel Secretary of Defense, Obama, and former U.S. Senator, Nebraska
Christopher Hank Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; Reagan,Bush, & Clinton
Mark Harvey Special Assistant to the President, Trump
General Michael V. Hayden Director of the CIA & NSA, Bush & Obama
Carla Hills U.S. Trade Representative, George H.W Bush
Seth Hurwitz Counsel, President's Intelligence Oversight Board, George H.W. Bush
Peter Keisler Attorney General of the U.S., George W. Bush
James A. Kelly Secretary of State, George W. Bush
Adam Kinzinger Former Member of Congress, Illinois
Sofia Kinzinger Deputy Assistant Secretary, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump
Kenneth J. Krieg Under Secretary of Defense, George W. Bush
James R. Kunder Deputy Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bush
Brigadier General George Landis, USA, Ret. U.S. Personnel Info Systems Command
Frank Lavin Ambassador to Singapore & Under Secretary of Commerce, George W. Bush
Peter Lichtenbaum
Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce, George W. Bush Administration
Rear Admiral David M. Lichtman, MD, USN (Ret.)
Former Commander, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, George H.W. Bush and Clinton Administrations
Winston Lord
Former U.S. Ambassador to China, Reagan and George H.W. Bush Administration
Steven R. Mann
Former Ambassador to Turkmenistan and Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the State Dept., Clinton and George W. Bush Administrations
Colonel John W. McDonald
Former Deputy Under Secretary of the Army
P. Michael McKinley
Former Ambassador to Peru and Acting Ambassador to the European Union and Mozambique, George W. Bush Administration; Former Ambassador to Peru, Colombia, Afghanistan, and Brazil, Obama Administration
Dan Miller
Former Member of Congress, Florida
John M. Mitnick
Former General Counsel, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump
Allen Moore
Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Reagan
Alberto Mora
Former General Counsel, U.S. Information Agency, George H.W. Bush; Former General Counsel, Dept. of the Navy, George W. Bush
Kenneth Mortensen
Former Associate Deputy Attorney General, George W. Bush
Vice Admiral Charles L. Munns
U.S. Navy (Ret.), George W. Bush
John D. Negroponte Deputy Secretary of State, George W. Bush
Elizabeth Neumann Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, Trump
Sean O'Keefe Secretary of the Navy, George H.W. Bush
Bill Paxon Former Member of Congress, New York
William R Piekney CIA Chief of Station, Reagan
Daniel M. Price Deputy NSA Advisor, George W. Bush
Alan Charles Raul Vice Chairman, Civil Liberties Oversight Board, George W. Bush
Victor Reis Director, DARPA, George H.W. Bush
Robert Annan Riley Ambassador to Micronesia, Trump
Paul Rosenzweig Deputy Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, George W. Bush
Charles Rossotti Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense; Commissioner of IRS, Clinton & Bush
Nicholas Rostow National Security Council Legal Adviser, Reagan & H.W. Bush
Kori Schake Deputy Director of Policy Planning, State Dept., W. Bush
Wayne A. Schroeder Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, W. Bush
Gregory L. Schulte Sr Director, National Security Council & Atomic Energy Agency, W. Bush
Robert Shanks Deputy Assistant AG, Reagan
Rep. Christopher Shays Former Member of Congress, Connecticut
John Simon Senior Director, National Security Council Staff, W. Bush
Stephen Slick Sr. Director, National Security Council Staff, W. Bush
Mark C. Storella U.S. Ambassador to Zambia, Obama
William H. Taft IV Deputy Secretary of Defense and Ambassador to NATO, W. Bush
Miles Taylor Chief of Staff, Dept. of Homeland Security, Trump
Larry D. Thompson Former Deputy AG, W. Bush
Jack Tomarchio Deputy Under Secretary of Homeland Security, W. Bush
Olivia Troye Special Advisor to VP Pence, Trump
Robert Tuttle U.S. Ambassador to the UK, W. Bush
John K. Veroneau Deputy U.S. Trade Rep. & Assistant Secretary of Defense, W. Bush & Clinton
Colonel Terry Virts, USAF (Ret.)
Former NASA Astronaut, Former Commander of the International Space Station
Dr. Thomas G. Ward, Jr. Director of Threats, Ballistic Missile Defense Org., Reagan & Clinton
Matthew C. Waxman Principal Deputy Director, State Dept Policy Planning, W. Bush
William H. Webster Director of the CIA & FBI, Reagan & H.W. Bush
William F. Weld Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Reagan
J. Robinson West Assistant Secretary of Interior, Reagan
Wendell L. Willkie II General Counsel, Dept. of Commerce, H.W. Bush
Philip Zelikow Counselor of the Dept. of State, W. Bush
Robert B. Zoellick White House Deputy Chief of Staff, George H.W. Bush