Comments by "Voix de la raison" (@voixdelaraison593) on "Tulsi Gabbard on Iowa caucuses, importance of New Hampshire primary" video.

  1. The Trumpian 2020 Disinformation War: Treasonous Trump's team is presiding over a sophisticated, multimillion-dollar digital operation, an operation that carries his propaganda across just about every digital platform available. This propaganda push results in the most extensive disinformation campaign in U.S. history. COPPINS: That's exactly... KELLY: ...Type of ads. Trump Campaign Manager, Brad Pascal and the Republican National Committee and Trump campaign actually have 3,000 data points on almost every voter in America, and they use those data points to determine how exactly to pitch their message. So a message, for example, on defunding Planned Parenthood might not go over well in certain parts of the country, but if you microtarget it to 800 pro-life women in Dubuque, Iowa, it's going to get a positive result. And that's how they kind of have waged their campaign. The Trump campaign micro targeted ads to black voters in Florida with an ad that said, Hillary thinks African Americans are super-predators. And the goal was not even really to win over black voters. It was to depress black turnout in Florida. Another example was the impeachment battle. The Trump campaign was pumping out disinformation at an alarming rate. Of course you would always expect a certain amount of partisan spin but the Trump Campaign was taking spin to an alarming level. You could watch the impeachment proceedings on TV, and see what was pretty damning testimony about the president's conduct. And then later in the day the Trump Campaign would put out a Fox News and Facebook feed that would totally recast what had happened that day in completely different terms. In fact, even at times, the Trump campaign would create videos that were supercuts of the same testimony and make look like something completely different. With this kind of daily propaganda fed to Trump supporters it very hard for them to grasp reality. In the end, it erodes their confidence in our democratic institutions. It erodes their ability to sort out fact from fiction. And it actually makes it harder for conservatives to compete in the marketplace of ideas because reality doesn't exist as a regulating force. The Republicans, and especially the Trump campaign, are much more sophisticated, much more advanced and, so far, have been more - for lack of a better word - shameless. Please for the sake of our Democracy please get out of your conservative propaganda Bubble Loop. Your children and mine will all suffer with what you do and believe from theses Propaganda Sources. May God Bless and Spare America.