Comments by "Voix de la raison" (@voixdelaraison593) on "Rep. Collins: Pelosi is leaving a sad legacy" video.
wrench 22
1. Treasonous Trump sought help from, and received help from the Russian GRU (former KGB) on 32 occasions.
Source Mueller Report Vol I
2. TT has lied 15,413 + times, including very serious lies about topics such as Abuse of Power and Russian Collaboration.
3. Lyndsey Graham has gone from calling TT what he is to being his fetching dog - soul number one.
4. Moscow Mitch has gone from calling TT what he is to being his attack dog - soul number two.
5. Gym Jordan, Gaetz, Nunez, etc. had sold their souls long ago but TT - guides them.
6. TT is antagonistic to our friends and in love with our enemies - North Korea & Russia.
7. TT passed a Tax Bill that primarily benefited the rich 1% and corporations adding an additional 500,000,000,000 in annual debt to the already 500,000,000,000 in normal deficit. Resulting in an unprecedented $1 Trillion annual debt going forward.
8. TT has divided this county deeper than any president in history post Civil War.
9. TT has placed unqualified and grossly political, and many times corrupt, loyalists as the head of a multitude of government agencies.
10. TT has shown nothing but contempt for our Constitution, our Rule of Law, and our hollowed Institutions for his own political gain.
Do you need more? TT is the Antichrist and a pox upon America and all that is Holy.