Comments by "Persona" (@ArawnOfAnnwn) on "Finland joining NATO would crush Russian power" video.

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  2.  @pekkoh75  "NATO was already on its way out by 2008" - So NATO had 14 YEARS to go away, and didn't? NATO has only expanded ever since the fall of the USSR, even before Russia's wars. It has never been seriously 'on its way out'. That's just a post-facto rationalization made up to pretend Russian aggression is why NATO exists and expands. It isn't. France seeking a bit more influence over NATO is meaningless, I said Russia wants the Americans gone, and America has never said it'll leave NATO. Indeed they've been behind its expansion, as France and Germany were more cautious about doing that but America never was. Indeed the US is even trying to rope it's allies into its operations in the east as well, another provocation that's just going to lead to yet more war. Btw there's nothing 'isolationist' about switching focus from Russia to China. There is only one way NATO will end, and always has been - WW3. It has shown no indication of disbanding itself or even just dumping America any other way. That's not how hegemony works. And the way things are headed, it's going to get WW3 (and then whine about never wanting that). Russia in Europe, Iran in the ME, China in the far East - curiously all these countries (and some others too) have one thing in common: the US has made enemies of them all. Funnily enough, most of them haven't been to war in decades as well - the US still made enemies of them. So that excuse doesn't work. The US has actually been to war more than they have, and even today its wars in the ME (which ended just last year) even individually killed more people than all of Russia's wars in the same period combined. And NATO was party to one of those wars, and likely will be party to the one in the far East as well when that happens. NATO isn't going anywhere, nor is America, of its own volition. Russia knows this, which is why they have no reason to hold back. All the US offers them, and its other enemies, are sticks and threats of more sticks. So they might as well fight back even if everyone dies.
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  7. ​ @pekkoh75  You don't get it. Firstly, you think that becoming one of you is a 'chance', which hints at the fundamental arrogance of your perspective (which tbh was evident even in your ostentatious claim that NATO isn't just the most powerful today, but across all of history). This is what I meant when I spoke of the US only fully accepting nations if they've been remade from the ground up in their own image, like Japan. That isn't a 'chance', it's essentially the same perspective applied to nations as was applied to native Americans in their infamous 'civilizing' boarding schools. They couldn't do it for some of their other enemies, and hence the hostility remains. So far up north you might be surprised how this war is perceived down south. Did you know in Brazil both main candidates - one right-wing and the other left - are blaming NATO? That Africa is hardly impressed by the wests' rhetoric (btw, have you heard of the African world war aka the biggest war since WW2? It's not old, and in many ways still ongoing - but barely registered in the west cos, you know, westerners aren't dying, much like Yemen today). That even India, ostensibly courting America in other arenas, isn't going along with its narrative. There's reasons, very tangible historical reasons, for all of that. They aren't doing it cos they're huge lovers of Russia, they're doing it cos of the nation you're siding with. Russia is sanctioned by 46 nations, most being from the EU - that's less than quarter of the worlds' nations (despite them being called 'global') and much less of its people. If you think even this report takes Russia's side, you don't want to hear what they think. There is actually sympathy for Ukraine, but there's little sympathy for the loudest voice in this conflict. And that voice isn't Russia. Secondly, I even told you the war is unlikely to be with Russia. The US has far more enemies than that, which is in itself telling. Russia may join in of course. And, unless things get really out of hand, those bunkers will sit unused. You're not going to die. That'd be easy. You're going to watch as every world system built up by the US after WW2 to ensure its centrality is torn down around it and we all suffer the greatest economic collapse in history, all cos America can't keep its hegemonic hands to itself. There probably won't even be any fighting in Finland. But you'll get to enjoy the aftermath of depression all the same. Ultimately you're catering to the whims of a nation that thinks it has no limits and sees no equal. And indeed you seem to think that as well. The problem isn't that you want to defend yourselves. The issue is the west has forgotten that discretion, as the saying goes, is the better part of valor. And cos it never truly abandoned that colonial mentality of its 'manifest destiny'.