Comments by "Persona" (@ArawnOfAnnwn) on "What a Russian assault on Ukraine would look like" video.

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  8.  @FLKRM  Oh right I forgot. Westerners find reasons to justify all the warmongering by simply calling their targets evil and imagining that makes it okay to invade sovereign nations whenever they want. This is especially ironic, since the west has crippled Iraqs' victim Iran as well simply for daring to dream of a nuclear deterrent (something they happily allow Israel to get away with). That's fine by you, since all that matters to you is that you get to justify your invasion of Iraq by whatever excuse you can find, even if you're an enemy of their victim too. All to make the west look good. Alright then, here's an entire list of countries for you. Have fun fishing out excuses for US interventions in all of them as well. Pretty sure some of them are even more innocent that Ukraine - Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Cambodia, Chad, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Savador, Grenada, Gautemala, Honduras, Iran, Laos, Nicaragua, Panama, Sudan, Vietnam, etc. Have fun looking up all those interventions. You don't need to be brainwashed either - you can look them up even on Wikipedia. Face it, you've got your own history against you (and that's even without bringing up colonialism). And the world knows it. There was a Gallup (which it ironically a US polling agency) global survey a few years ago that asked people around the world who they thought was the greatest threat to world peace. It wasn't Russia. Or China. The winner by a landslide was the US. It wasn't even close lol! Second place was like a quarter of their score. That's how far detached you are from the worlds' opinions.
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