Comments by "Persona" (@ArawnOfAnnwn) on "Poland is a powerhouse in the making" video.

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  10. ​ @garethhahahah2037  First off, relative to the size of its own forces Russia has got barely anything from any other nation. In contrast Ukraine is largely supplied by its backers. You're fighting almost entirely Russian equipment, not Iranian or Belarussian or anyone else's. Secondly Ukraine's military ranking is largely irrelevant since it's being backed the rest of the west. Thirdly "unable to take land"? Yeah let's ignore that they took a fifth of the country - a territory larger than most other European nations - just cos they didn't take Kiev. Fourthly last I checked Moscow is still very much standing. And fifth there's a reason why Ukraine wants F-16s - cos they aren't able to contest Russia in the skies. "The reason why I see China attacking Russia is multiple" - and the reason they won't is one. America. China gets plenty from simply trading with Russia. It isn't Russia that's threatening and trying to strangle them, it's America. You think they're going to stymie an ally against the nation that's actively trying to suppress them? How dumb do you think they are? Russia isn't getting support from Iran cos Iran is a historical ally, it's cos they both hate America. Ditto North Korea. Ditto China. You're only strengthening their bonds and forging an ever larger alliance of nations who all have one goal in common - the downfall of the American hegemony. And if you want to get NATO involved in the Pacific against China, I think you'll find it's far more likely they reach an agreement to station thousands of troops in Russia with permission of Russia - right on its border with Europe - than to attack Russia. The more you push them, the closer they get. And you're patently lacking in imagination when it comes to realizing just how messy these nations can make things for you. They have far more options than just going to war, if they choose to use them. For instance, since Iran was mentioned, it could be a nuclear nation tomorrow if they chose not to cooperate with the west. And everyone knows where those nukes would be pointed (it wouldn't be Russia or China). What're you going to do then? Sanction them? You're already doing that. So what? Invade? Yeah, that'll go great. Suddenly you'll find yourself in exactly the situation Russia is in now - locked in a war with an enemy being extensively backed by enemy powers. Afghanistan didn't have that and they still kicked the Americans out. A war with Iran is exactly what they'd want lol. And that's just one example. You're playing a very dangerous game here, and arrogance will only lead to the precious world order you claim to be trying to maintain to come crashing down around you. They can make things very difficult for you, if they choose.
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