Comments by "boz" (@BOZ_11) on "Asking Boris Johnson's old constituents if they'll still vote Tory" video.
@desoliver9712 What about this, quoting myself:
"I see a lot of anti-Brexit comments here, but everyone needs to understand that autonomy over monetary and fiscal policy is worth dying for, never mind suffering a lean decade post Brexit. Just look at Greece during the financial crash; all the ECB had to do was act in the same way as the US Fed, and become a black hole for underwater bank liabilities. Instead, they implemented fascist capital controls, denying the Greek citizenry access to their savings and checking accounts (THEIR OWN MONEY!). It was a totally unnecessary and cruel policy inflicted upon an entire nation. During the same bank collapse in 2007/08, the chancellor at the time could not drop VAT below an EU mandated level of 15%, which is both insane and completely arbitrary. As I stated at the beginning, we must have carte blanche control over our own national fiscal and monetary policies. To cede such things, without exaggeration, is to cede sovereignty over ourselves. Overriding a supranational organization like the ECB is infinitely harder than voting out the current ruling party in the very next general election. All of you need to re-consider. This does not mean the feckless Tories should be given a reprieve for using fiscal and monetary policy to line billionaire business owner pockets via Govt largess to energy, rail, and bank businesses.
Solution: The income tax allowance should be increased to within 75% of the median wage (broken down by county) and then immediately pegged to the CPI. VAT should be scrapped for food and energy, set to 5% for all else, and 30% for luxury goods. This simple measure would put a severe dent in price inflation immediately, and it's not like it hasn't occurred to them. Their investor friends wouldn't be happy, and that's the only thing preventing serious measures"