Comments by "J Smith" (@jsmithmultimediatech) on "CNN" channel.

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  135. I have completely sympathy for you Becky, hope it's not too bad right now? I sometimes have to endure crippling abdominal pain and the only thing that would help being admitted to hospital was morphine orally, worked amazingly well of course, didn't help the spikes in the pain but least it wasn't constant agony like before. I can relate hugely in some ways to endure that kind of pain all the freaking time is utterly miserable! I mean what I have is called Familial Adenomatous Polyposis had the colon removed so I wouldn't die from eventually getting inevitable bowel cancer (the way I see it I'll take this anyday than get bowel cancer and eventually die) like my mothers grandfather did when I was about 9-11 years old (I don't remember exactly when but was around that time. I'm convinced he had the same condition as me just went undiagnosed so to Dr's I see I have to say there's no family history as in black and white, it's only my assumption and educating guessing. It's pretty much the same kind of surgical operations as people with forms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, had a total colectomy with an Ileo-Rectal Anamatosis on my 19th birthday (right on the day as well haha!) that worked for about 16 years (few problems like a blockage and crippling adhesion pains and a few problems after that but more or less got by pretty well), 16 years later (now lol) I've had to have what's left of my large bowel removed and opted to go for a J-Pouch (Ileo Pouch) where they make the end of the small bowel behave similarly to how the rectum was but artificially replacing it, which can cause a whole ton of problems. I mean I have symptoms similar to short bowel syndrome (fatigue mostly) and have had numerous bouts of gastroenteritis when almost once I passed out from lack of water in my body (severe dehydration) as I wasn't feeling at all well, then spent a while in one of the cubicles throwing my guts up so they gave me IV fluids and anti sickness meds. Right now I think I have some kind of lower bowel stomach but and its causing me awful agonising pain right now, actually on a very small but over the counter form of codeine right now I know if this doesn't improve within the next 3 days or gets worse I need to seek help.
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