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Gary Wood
The Rubin Report
Comments by "Gary Wood" (@garywood97) on "The Rubin Report" channel.
The ACLU had to apologise for posting a picture of a white child on twitter. It may not be all leftists but those that DO have a worrying influence.
Lol "My neighbourhood is so white, it's embarassing...." 1 minute later "So after I shot this hooker..."
Damn, closest to first I've ever been.
Listen to one of the videos where he explains what he did. It was really hardly anything compared to what people like Clinton do. It just happened that one form was illegal and the other isn't.
It's the default backup solution to the fact that these problems just haven't been addressed. It would've been very easy for western governments to put much more rigorous integration policies in places like France that could've stopped these problems occurring. They didn't do that. Nationalism and lower immigration are the plan B.
He gained respect with every interview that was different from the last.
How is that different that progressivism? Idiots are all over the political spectrum.
He's making the very valid complaint that a large number of environmentalists are actually just the hippies from the 60s who hated all industrial civilzation and wanted us to all move back into the forests. That's why they hate nuclear too, even though the statistics suggest it's one of the best.
Billionaire who's never actually said anything racist and is running in a country that is set up to make dictators impossible.
Why are there so few conservative black women?
But US presence in the gulf since 1950 has made Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, all incredibly rich and hasn't involved bombing any of them. The presence has been entirely in their favour. The US built the Saudi oil industry for god's sake. They wouldn't even know they had oil if it wasn't for the west.
+Arran Titchmarsh How would the person banning them achieve the authority needed to do so without nuclear weapons themselves?
I enjoyed this.
+Cloe Jarozenski Congratulations! Women are needed very much to help beat this nonsense and replace it with actual equality.
Dave equally does/doesn't criticize all of his guests. He's not going easy on the Right at all. He's just not overly confrontational in general, and prefers to look for common ground.
It's quite hard given that most of them are completely incapable of interacting with those who disagree!
Cloe Jarozenski I know, just playing around :-)
His point was just that something that seems reasonable doens't always end up with empirically good results (because reality is complicated and humans are dumb). Monarchies are a ridiculous idea in principle. And yet for some reason, they seem to work just fine in Europe today. He wasn't making an argument about monarchies per se. He was making an argument about trusting empiricism over rationalism.
Harrison Kyle No, that sounds exactly like donating a little too much money. How does that remotely compare to what ALL of the presidential candidates tend to do? It doesn't at all. One just happens to be illegal and the other doesn't.
Mostly just cos he got arrested for some silly reasons. He's a fairly generic conservative christian intellectual.
+phil v There's a slight difference between ignoring them as people and ignoring what they're doing and the people they're influencing. We can do the first without doing the second. The second is where the problem is. No-one until recently was watching them to see how they work. That's why they've been so successful.
Almost no movement or belief system is a monolith. However plenty of them act effectively as if they are because one particular interpretation usually seizes all of the institutional power. That's what's happened with feminism in the US. Similar to Islam in most muslim countries.
The BBC is generally ok for mainstream politics stuff. But when it comes to those social issues sub-sections on the site, those are entirely written by leftists.
Because the movement he started looked like a group of nationalist thugs. He should be credited for leaving it though.
Mike does a fairly good job of explaining why Trump probably isn't as bad as his worst detractors want you to think. He didn't really make an argument in the positive sense for why he's good though. Except the nationalism thing.
+The Great Lurk This is youtube though. Shorter videos do better in general.
He does have quite a lot he doesn't agree with. He just doesn't disagree with them that much in the interviews because that's not his style. He's doing the Larry King approach.
***** I wouldn't worry about them giving too much special treatment to muslims, they're pretty much doing with any group they can paint as being disadvantaged. The so called "social justice" movement is one of the creepiest and most disingenuous things I've ever come across and seems to have almost nothing to do with justice and almost everything to do with forcing their political ideology on society.
Aha finally someone else who watches liberal rape porn.
Haidt has claimed that anthropology as a subject is completely lost for this reason. It was in one of the essays on the heterdox academy site.
Great interview. Despite Richard's annoying snobbery, I still love him and his brilliant books. Every should read the Seflish Gene. Easily the best popular science book ever written.
Wasn't that Vader?
Gary Johnson
MrOrtloff At no point is this useful. Wikipedia line 1:Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production;[7]
+MrOrtloff "That's literally the definition of socialism."- Someone who reads.
I don't think Dave actually accepts the libertarian fantasy of magical thinking. So how could it be pushed back against? He's said repeatedly there needs to be a welfare state.
Sargon, you probably know more about this phenomena than anyone else on earth right now. Quite the claim the fame. I imagine Dawkins and Harris probably learned some things in this, if they watched it. A question I'd love to have answered in another inteview: Why did this happen now? 10 years ago the regressives didn't really exist. Is it maybe because it's the first generation that's lived entirely under the political correctness that came about in the 90s? Those of us born before the 90s at least had something to contrast it with so it didn't appear as just our base reality.
Dave's too nice though. Him interviewing such people will be so easy for people to frame as him supporting them. Or "giving them a platform".
+OnionsAndPaste It's not a debate, it's an interview. You change it to a debate show, you're gonna completely lose half of your potential guests because not everyone's comfortable with confrontation like that.
Pinker especially would be great.
Why does Trump create such diverging delusions in people. Scott thinks he's some kind of mastermind and the far left think he's Hitler. He's really neither. He's an incredibly mediocre narcissist who is ok at a few things are quite bad at most others.
Where is the evidence that the other planets are warming at the same rate?
All I know about hindu fundamentalism is that it rather interestingly doesn't exist in europe. Whereas Islamic does. Suggests one is connected to the religion, the other is connected to a particular place.
He wrote an entire book on the Rothschilds. He's not someone who would deny Jewish influence. He just doesn't have a machievellian narrative about it like you do.
TestMeatDollSteak Trump's administration hasn't done anything yet! And the things that the Left have got right were all done by Liberals who've been largely eradicated from most left-leaning spaces.
No it's not. It's a straight forward distinction between 2 different things. Someone who worked from Goldman Sachs working for you is entirely different than you working for Goldman Sachs.
Of course. And black supremacists would have got behind Obama. Doesn't mean much when they're a tiny minority of people who are completely marginalised by everyone.
Private companies are equally accountable. If they provide a bad product, people stop buyin it and bankrupt them in favour of their competitors.
Except the countries where we haven't done that at all, the countries that we've actively made rich, like the gulf states, are all extremist backwaters too. What's Saudi Arabia's excuse?
+MyLostTemple Dude, that's like a tiny percentage of games. Play the other 95%.