Comments by "S V" (@sv3931) on "AOC Shocks CNN Host with Her Honest Answer on Supporting Biden in 2024 | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report" video.
I see no such poster or statement .. delete or shadowed? 🤔
I take your word for it.
At any rate, I'd say such a statement is the product of cognitive dissonance .. like an air raid siren blasting inside the confines of one's brainpan!
Ensconced and unmitigated partisanship; an unshakable belief that one's own side, even oneself, is Right and Righteous .. and the other "evil".. and no capacity to conceptualize otherwise.
It must be gd difficult to be a Marxist in 2022! To be face to face, in real time, with the true nature of the beast you've worshipped. Inescapably forced to see the true appetite of the beloved beast.
Marx was there when an entire family was slaughtered to feed the beast. Marx was there when 10million were starved to death in a manufactured famine. Marx was there when Mao starved 40 million, there as bloodlusted youth killed their parents. There as Pol Pot stacked the skulls of those who dared to disagree with destruction. There as S.America's most bountiful nations decimated their middle and fell into chaos, poverty and strife. There as a bloodthirsty mestizo, in service to a power-blinded dictator, slaughtered the productive, the "alternative lifestyles", and imprisoned the bold for life. There, when 6million of those chosen as the new "bourgeoisie" were slaughtered like dogs at the local pound. Marx authored it all.
What a crash. To face that you were the tool that bought the lie that man could create utopia .. if only one's own oligarchy were given complete control.
I have offspring; the Marxists have retched from me any pity I might have offered.