Comments by "S V" (@sv3931) on "Watch Nancy Pelosi Make A Telling Slip About Who's Actually President | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report" video.
Communism is a
society wherein the
•workers own the means of production and distribution.
As any socialist will tell you (every time another socialist experiment fails) it has never been tried:
..because countries don't willingly give up their sovereignty
..because there will never a society without a phat elitist political class
..because The State will never pass out the keys to the means of (money) production or distribution
Communism is an ideological umbrella for 2 differing socio-economic models.
Socialism is a socio-economic system where the State owns the means of production and distribution
Democrats began using the term Progressive in the 1920s to signify they adhered to the socio-economics of Mussolini's fascist Italy.
They kept that name, progressive, until Benny invaded Ethiopia the 2nd time; new name: Liberal... so they were no longer publicly associated with fascism.
Republicans, became Conservatives.
Conserving what?
1930s new name, RINO, not chosen but given
HRC: I'm not a Liberal, I'm an old fashioned Progressive.
☝️ Maybe the only honest thing she has ever said!
• Corporatism:
•corporate statism
•state corporatism
•crony capitalism
•state capitalism
•mixed economy
•stakeholder capitalism
is a political and economic system that seeks
•social justice and
•equity among individuals...Capitalism is an Individualist society while Corporatism is a collectivist society closely related to fascism.
Fascism is a political regime, ideologically based on a relationship between business and the centralized govt.
Business-and-govt control of
•the market place,
•repression of criticism/opposition,
•exalting the state above individual rights.
Mussolini used both terms interchangably
• 21st c "Liberals" are not Liberals, they are Progressives... a euphemism for FASCISTS
We might have some shot of countering the fascist/corporatist state we are living in and return to our land of the free, if only we learned the meaning of the words we use, and used them correctly.
After all, words are what has brought us to this reality.
"The four pillars of power sit on the fifth pillar of power: the perception of moral legitimacy. Take out that fifth pillar and the whole system crumbles."
- Robert Barnes
5th pillar: propaganda
For the record:
Liberalism is:
• Cogito Ergo Sum
• Civil Rights
• a market economy