Comments by "" (@walperstyle) on "'State of Surveillance' with Edward Snowden and Shane Smith (VICE on HBO: Season 4, Episode 13)" video.

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  13. I think you need to ask what you can do for the world and how you can get there without the theft of other people's labour to do it. I have always been a fan of any government that gets out of my way so I can be a job provider. As you well know, government didn't make the garbage, but it certainly isn't doing anything to clean it up. Most of the trash in the ocean isn't as big as activists claim it to be, but more important, its not caused on purpose either. Most of that Garbage in the Pacific was created by two major events. The tsunami in 2004 and the tsunami in 2011. We have an exchange student staying with us from Sendai Japan. Her city was literally picked up and sent into the Ocean. There is trash still washing up on beaches all over the world. Lucky for her, most her family had places on higher ground. They survived. Climate change is also a cult like mentality. You have people from both sides that claim their science (church) is right. I personally think that we are making minor dents in the climate, and that Nature is the all time champion of kicking our ass, but I also hate seeing people drink poisoned water because of a neglectful socialist government. Michigan, USA. I am also very much a fan of legalization of marijuana too, even though I'm against smoking it. I just hate seeing the taxpayers lose billions because government thinks they can control everyone. (drug war/LGBTQ/Gun laws/prostitution/religion = will never be controlled by government or extorted tax money)
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