Comments by "bobby hans" (@user-oc7ll9sv5r) on "Jake Broe: Putin's Nuclear Threats Are All Fake" video.
Appeasement & Armageddon: Giving in to Vladimir Putin’s nuclear blackmail will spark an unprecedented nuclear arms race and make a future nuclear war far more likely!!
There is a reason why the Soviet Union, nor any nuclear power, never launched a first strike (nuclear attack) since Word War 2, despite all of the Cold War fears that the Soviets would. And it’s because you can't launch a first strike without being annihilated in the second strike. I remember in the 80s when The Day After aired, and everyone hoped the Soviets would see the movie and learn the lesson. Probably not realizing the Soviets can be trusted to act in the best self-interests...which mutually assured destruction is clearly against... and that the Soviets knew this since the 60s, if not the 50s. -- How is it any different today?
Even if Putin had the launch codes (he doesn't), or the ability to order a first strike by himself (he doesn't), even he would know the response is not going to be 'more sanctions'. -- The only way I could fathom Russia using a nuclear weapon in Ukraine, or against any enemy country, is the FSB had a foolproof plan to blame am ISIS terror cell, or rogue Chechen element, or claim the Ukrainians did it in a false-flag conspiracy to frame the Russians. -- But that would require a convincing story on how such an element got the nuclear weapon 'elsewhere', and eliminating everyone involved in the planning and execution. Whatever the case, Russia would need absolute plausible deniability. -- Here's my two cents, if there was really a way to use a nuclear weapon against an enemy without equal repercussions, Russia and China (and the US) would have figured it out a long time ago and did it already.
All NATO must do is take out Moscow and 5 -6 other city's to take out all of Russia.... But Russia must take out city's all over the planet from USA , CANADA ,FRANCE UK. ALL OF EUROPE and as far away as , AUSTRALIA and so on and so on ...
United Kingdom 225 warheads (submarine delivery systems new and up to date systems )
France 300 warheads
(submarine delivery systems new and up to date systems )
United States 7,315 warheads
(Mixed delivery systems new and up to date systems )
Russia 8,000 warheads
(Mixed delivery systems old mostly from the soviet union times NOT up to date systems )
RUSSIA IS AT DISADVANTAGE !!! and they know it Putin's regime knows its and that is why they will not use nukes they will hint and shout about nukes but that's it !!
ON A SIDE NOTE : Missiles require a huge amount of upkeep and if the maintenance that we've seen on Russian captured tanks in Ukraine is anything to go by, or how there nuclear sublime fleet upkeep is I figure half of Russian Missiles would be defect or even blow up on in mid flight ; Any NBC specialist can tell you that they estimate that without extensive maintenance an ICBM has about a 5% per year cumulative failure rate. And mote of Russia ICBMs are form the late 80s early nineties so based on those facts like I say many as much as half of their weapons can end up and would failx.
ALSO ON A 2nd NOTE ; Putin can not just wake up one day and press a button because he wants to when it comes to sending nukes around the world !!!
The president, and minister of defense and chief of the General Staff together prepare the authorization for use of nuclear weapons and they must all 3 be in 100% agreement before and launch can take place they can not be in the same room and have all of them fiscally use their personal one time login codes to activate the launch procedure it is a complicated process with lost of redundancy for safety so it is impossible for only one man to go crazy and launch a nuke attack !! So even if Putin went off his head he still can not launch the nukes without consent form the others !!
The “direct command” (launch order) would be sent, via the Chegets, to the units by the General Staff, which holds the codes to access the machine that will produce the codes for launch and then the General Staff and the commanders have to send two different codes to all three branches as an extra layer of authentication.
Launch orders would be transmitted by second-level communication systems (distinct from Kazbek):
Signal for Strategic Rocket Forces, and KSBU (which stands for centralized command-and-control
system) for air and sea forces.
And then they orders and codes will be sent back to the General Staff , the defense minister and the President via the Chegets, and the orders and codes must be verified and confirmed up the chain of commend to give authorization only after a authentication process is/ has been confirmed ...
When that is done then the president and the defense minister have to send two separate codes, to be integrated by the chief of the General Staff, who added his or her own code. and send that though the system to give authorization and authentication process is confirmed .
PS. And lets not forget the the Submarine KURSK was part of Russia's nuclear weapons platform and it was falling apart to such an degree that its systems torpedo systems on the Sub. malfunctions and blow up under water and sank the sub and .. killed all of its crew ....
Now if that is what Russia's nuclear delivery platform and weapons platform is like all I can say is WTF !!! And let us not forget that Kursk was the pride and joy of Russia's navy... What does the rest of the Russian nuclear weapons program look like if Kursk is anything to go by ?
I mean...... If you can not hold your submarines floating in pace time what hope do you really have for holding your submarines floating in war time ?