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Hindustan Times
Comments by "" (@urrywest) on "Hindustan Times" channel.
@d3m3n70r I am in the US.... My goverment gives yours directions. I am not sure their instuction set is any good for anyone.
How is Netenyahoo keeping Isreal and Jews safe?
Yes .... The article raises more questions than it answers.
If you hid weapons like a squerel, how can you find them again, especially when so many Ukrainain service members die? This is because when they die their knoledge of where the weapons stashes are dies with them.
Residential area looks like it needs a grounds keeper...
I am a US citizen who is outraged about Hillary and her lies about Assange... To me Assange is a hero... The shit against free speach and even on line interpersonal relationshiips is just getting so think it is amazing.
Has S. Korea already delivered the 500K 155mm artillary rounds that the US got the commitment for?
@Bishop46066 Yes and they have three times the tanks and armored vehicles that they started the war with.... Ukraine will win everything back within the week.
@rene8445 The war is about the PR not about the war it's self.... The war is to institute sanctions against the EU and russia....
@ObjectiveAnalysis I am not sure anymore.... I used to think I was a liberal but I don't like what liberals think is liberal.... They traded with conservatives with the minstry of truth.
@Jones1236-p Some suffered for years.... Somehow he thinks that his attack after years of begging will prevent things like syria, lybia, iraq and so on from the borders of russia and china.... So far there are about 200K Ukrainains died as well as 40K russians.... It is a huge tragity.... The tragities in the 2000 from the US are much bigger...
@Nick186 I suppose these are just suggestions.... If you really want to know you have to chase it down for yourself.
Revisit this in April....
A doctorate in voodo economics means nothing at all.
@BMotz-ym1fn Good choice but otherwise engaged.
@roninnotasheeplikeyou.2631 I tend to think the dollar will be strong for a while... It isn't going to be so easy to replace the dollar.... Even if the US stays on the santions path it will take a while.
The sanctions were not for invading Ukraine. The west wanted the war so that they could justify sanctions that were all ready approved.
@johnwest7993 Ukraine buys oil from the russians for the purposes of these conter offensives.
@The_D_Man In order not to be a russian bot you must believe putin insalled trump... Are you there?
@305jett Ukraine and the collective west has lost contol over the air and air singnals... Ukriane has been asked to do a major offensive against overwelming logisitcs and fire power.. It is a very sad story...
In another video there was a discussion about Hwawai[sp] that tried to describe why the wast doesn't want to buy their products.... Most of these videos on anti-china tech raise more questions than they answer...
Arguably his game is to get as much resorces and good will for Ukraine as he can win or lose, good manager or not.
I don't get it.... If the personnel were 'partly' responsible for the loss of the ship, the engineering and procedural designs had to be the cause of the fire... It is outrageous that a ship could go out with designs and procedures that can destroy it as well as risk lives.
The whole point of the scanctions and war was to get russia to colapse....
I suppose anyone would be frustrated with the war...
Where is Mell Brooks when you need to fill in a diplomatic corp?
@Tintan435 There are two sorces of informaiton about the war in the US: the CIA and russian disinformaiton. In this case the CIA has a group of factual statments that are factually wrong and always wrong. Russian disinforamtion is anything that goes against CIA narratives which contain factual statments that are true.... So if you wan't to know what is going on in this case, there is only one way to get the truth and it is called 'russian disinformation'.... It is among the disinformaiton somewhere.
@darkcloud164 Yep, but they need the stoves...
@darkcloud164 The debris seems as if it had been growing for years... It also looks as if it has been put through a food pulverizer and is in small enough pieces to burn...
Perahs it would be a good idea to stop?
I am from Chicago... This is very sad to me.
Maybe he is not a religous guy but wanted to show solidarity... He also probably needed the solotude.
@fantozzi2444 I don't really follow his personal life... He has a huge work load this year as well as made many coruse corrections... Heart wrenching...
@robertareynolds2124 You really have to look at what he does, not the hype... Perahps the most carismatic of them all, obummer, is many more times as evil for what he did/does not for the carisma that he had at one time.
@joshuabecker5154 Just another manufactured villain, Kadalfi, Sadam Husain, Nicolas Maduro, Hugo Chavez.... Americans will believe ANYTHING!
It is kind of hard to protect minority languages if they are not related and very small.
Putin never said that he plans to extend the conflict into Odesa....
@The_D_Man So Putin installed Trump.
The big reform would be to stop having nations with veto power... The US is the hegimon over nato, EU, IMF, World Bank and the UN... The US created those institutions.
In this case they are parroting the Washington Post crack stenography corp. To drag the war on is wishful thinking on the part of US neocons. The west will run out of amunition by mid summer.
They don't fear... They just want to break russia up because they want to keep their resources and enslave their people....
@swift_learn Yes.... Russia is getting hammered... But they are giving ten times what they are taking.... Nato has no more artilery so if they show up they will get hammered as well.
@quatjohn4375 I just keep thinking of the kinds of things he leaked..... DWS suported Hillary all the way to cheat the american people out of their democracy and economy and when she was ulimately not elected they said 'putin did it'.... So it be like 'law and order' 'cause the law causes stabillty... And the law is sometimes followed.... Think Obummer and the sub prime mortgage stuff as well as letting the banker theives major criminals go free...
It is amazing what kind of shit hillary and the ministry of truth in the US is putting out.
The war is more about the anti russian PR... The war will go on as long as the west feels like it feeds into the PR campaign. This means that they can add another 100K Ukrainians to those who died or replace them with foreigners indefinitely.....
It is like a war that we lost... We have to move on somehow. Maybe think about things that are hopefull.
@billyandrew The EU was set up to maintain US hegemony.. Get on it.... Get you a copy of "Super Immoralism" or "The destiny of Civilization" by Michael Hudson. It might make you sound like you are on drugs but at least you will know what you are talking about and know what is going on... Maybe it won't profit you to know.
Gosh... Do you really have to shell naked pedestrians?
I was into other things... I didn't have time to feel about that or even look at it.
I don't see how the west sending mecinaries to distrupt the building of infrastructure by china in Pacastan, Arica and the far east is not straiging US-china relationship.