Comments by "life is a carnival" (@lifeisacarnival1359) on "Trump can’t stop praising Putin" video.
@mgithaiga1 I hope that was intended as sarcasm. Of course he"stepped down" What was he gonna do, camp out in the White House with a piece of fried chicken in one hand and a Big Mac in the other. Wait that wouldn't leave a hand for his mouth to suck his thumb and pout. I guess he could do it while sucking off the KFC grease.
Trump showed less dignity, and less respect for the country, than any president in history when he kept shouting "voter fraud" and rigged election". No president has ever done that.
Legal means to contest the results? He used a bunch of lies to launch one worthless lawsuit after another with Ghouliani and his fellow clown lawyers. . How many did he win, one? Audit after worthless audit, and some of them showed Biden winning by even more votes.
Trump is a classic populist a la Huey Long. He takes advantage of ignorant, uneducated(he said he loves the poorly educated) angry, paranoid losers to stir up worship to the point where they excuse every wrong he does and swallow one unfulfilled promise after another. He says he did something and they act as if he actually did it, as with North Korea. "Let's kneel because he talked to Kim." Then he pronounces that NK is "no longer a nuclear threat" and NK begins building up their nuclear arsenal even bigger and his worshipers still praise him. For nothing.
Then there's his 50 year record unemployment. Do you know how much unemployment had to go down to reach 3.5%.? 1.2 %, from 4.7 where Obama left it. But trump says he rescued an economy in the toilet, and his worshipers cheer. Then they talk about Biden being a terrible president, when he reduced unemployment twice as much in one year as Trump did in three +-- until it skyrocketed due to covid. Don't get me started on that. He ignored warnings he was given since 2017 that the country was unprepared for a pandemic and the national stockpile needed to be replenished, but he ignored the warnings and blamed the states for shortages of key equipment when they started running low.
He takes Putin's word over his own intelligence services and people praise him for standing up to the "deep state". He calls anybody who investigates his shit corrupt, when he's the corrupt one. That's one thing populists do--"The government is bad . I'm the only one who will do anything for you. Hate the government and love me."
Very unhealthy for any country.
I have much more, but no more time. Comments welcome. Trump is the worst president of all time. Let's leave it at that.