Comments by "life is a carnival" (@lifeisacarnival1359) on "Former cult member: Trump used techniques and tactics exactly the same as a cult" video.
@CornholioPuppetMaster Man you 're all over the place, from Hitler to gas prices. You need some training in organizing your thoughts, because as scatterbrained, and uninformed, as you are you don't succeed in making a point about anything.
One thing is clear, there are a lot of things you dont understand. Gas prices are a global issue. No president has control over them. They began going up, as did inflation, and supply line problems, under Trump, because of covid.
Obama's increased spending? Ever heard of the great recession? The budget deficit increased tremendously under Trump for the same reason it tripled under Reagan-- increased spending combined with tax cuts. The cost of living always goes up, every year. It doesnt go down. . How old are you, four and still living with your parents?
What peace did Trump bring? North Korea's nuclear arsenal got BIGGER while he was president, after he idiotically announced that NK was no longer a nuclear threat because of his worthless summits. The Middle East treaties were between countries who had never been at war with each other. Wow what a peacemaker.
As far as Afghanistan, dumbass Trump is the one who made the bend over deal with the taliban. That "deal" lifted the arms embargo on them, allowed them to work with al qaueda in taking over the country, and released 500 Taliban from prison, twice the number of troops Trump left in Afghanistan.
Learn some facts and stop making a fool of yourself.