Comments by "Terence Field" (@terencefield3204) on "Andrew Neil clashes with Scottish nationalist over independence claims | SpectatorTV" video.
The argument about present day debt, and all the silly impedimenta to independence should be set in the context of the dreadful Scottish poverty, the poverty of ambition, the lack of creative force, and the living standard that is, for example, only 65% that of Denmark, a country of far less natural resource, but which can define precisely what it wants to do, and even after losing half the country to Prussia in the late 9th Century, is brim full of drive and confidence., Go to Scotland to sense the repressed anger and sense of repression. IT IS PALPABLE. The Empire, a wonderful thing of quite unparalleled achievement since Rome, but hated by the present day pigmy-minded, pigmy-achievers that are the English inheritors, is over, and so is the Union. it has NO function now.
Neil is so very stuffy now, BBCised, conventional. Sharp, often wise, but like Dimbleby, stale. He could change that, by contemplating the future free of the accretion of his past and its preconceptions. I think he can do better. I do hope that he does.