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George Furman
Thom Hartmann Program
Comments by "George Furman" (@georgefurman4371) on "Thom Hartmann Program" channel.
Denial, pride, arrogance , lack of moral principles are the common denominator of a maga common individual. Cynicism is the common denominator of a politician in the GOP. They know and don't care. All it matters is to keep the lie alive. For the wealthy is about the commitment to fascism. That simple.
If this succeeds this will trigger the complete Pandora's box to open up. The corporate class should fear the consequences.
Tragically the actual coup is ongoing and was ongoing since eight years ago and today us the conclusion of an announced death of democracy by simple abdication of the people’s power in a Congress unable to stop it. Unable and unwilling to stop giving power to the oligarchy. The people can’t depend anymore on the political class. Only the people alone can . Where are the workers unions in this historic moment?
My respects to a MAN. A true man. One needs courage to accept a mistake , face jail and repent in the correct way. To do everything to fix his mistake and defend justice. That is true repentance.
The best that could happen is he losing control of his rage and finally is taken to justice before it gathers more inertia and confuse others. The conditions are not ready for fascism. The people is aware. And ready to resist an authoritarian rule.
The “ middle class” was and still is the working class. The same regardless of how poor , or more or less poor as any individual not member of the owner class of the means of production and distribution and the world market. Transfer of wealth is austerity felt by all the working class.
Having an electoral game is not a proof of being a democracy. We should be honest with ourselves and say that the possibility of being a real democracy is what is about to collapse. Since the people of the USA tried to make democracy effective the right has been the main obstacle to establish a true democratic process. This is the present battle. To build a real democracy with a fair electoral competition.
Undermining and limiting the people's opinion and access to their freedom is always the goal of the right.
If this succeeds this will trigger the complete Pandora's box to open up. The corporate class should fear the consequences.
It is still a threat . The vote was enough to force them to take a step back. They were committed but the expendable puppet was too mediocre and predictable. It is a pending issue they won't easily abandon . They still have a strong hand over the two other branches and are taking a respite. That's all. Biden seems to be not enough to hold the executive too long. Also a collaborator . It was really close. Had not been for the reaction mostly of the progressives and independents. They are still downplayed by the establishment people. The GOP is the threat. And the wealthy.
The greatest threat to national security is the GOP. They can be purchased by anybody with enough millions.political prostitution is real. And of course any one with enough greed can join the GOP.
My admiration for the Chilean people grows now more than the time had to suffer the dictatorship and brutal coup. A people with history memory determined to challenge capitalism. Venceremos!! El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido!
He took the chance. Couldn't avoid behaving like a compulsive addict to play in the casino. That far went his addiction to power. Didn't listen to McConnell. Just couldn't wait. The imbecile surrounded himself with the most mediocre possible help. Nothing new about him.
At the end of the Roman Empire most of the " brass " organized as mercenaries for the best payer. Any parallels ???
This presentation is the best summarized explanation of the corporate class political parties failure to lead the destiny of any nation. And the clear exposition of the failure of capitalism itself. Today's GOP is the conclusion of what is the result of their policies; Authoritarian rule as only means to perpetuate the conditions they provoked and we all suffer now.
I had been saying it... Blame, accuse, point the finger, obstruct, lie, sabotage this administration systematically and with a propaganda of fear. The key to fascism for the GOP and the most corrupt corporate class in history.
@leobigelow7021 Enjoy your rage against the truth.
The great question is probably.. what does it take for Republican voters to realize they are voting against themselves and their own people ?? What is needed for them to open their eyes?? Do they have to suffer the consequences of their blindness and us with them ??
If the outlook is grim for you relatively comfortable , or at least not living the normal grim outlook all your lives as lived by most around the world. Like immigrants and nations suffering the pains of war and displacement . like me that always had seen a grim perspective for my people. Imagine how grim will become for your young still condemned to the possibility of war as optional employment in the armed forces. Since education is to become so expensive and health a permanent liability. Grim is the present worst is the future.
This may become the wake up call about who's interest the GOP represent. Hopefully the Republican voters open their eyes. If not lots of pain await us.
A dangerous precedent that still remains unpunished. To allow this among the military is a threat to the American people.
The de facto totalitarian ruler. Moscow mitch. I bet he wrote all the executive orders signed faithfully by Trump. The expendable puppet. All decisions basically came from him. Just the plain stupid ones came from the mediocre orange useful idiot.
From the moment the Iran nation took away their own oil from the foreign imperialists they were targeted for defeat. What a terrible sin. Challenging the powers that be. The same with the Russian people. The corporate class doesn't forgive. Any excuses to keep the Iranian people submitted to isolation and sanctions are false . They will defend legitimately. There are no reasons justifying a blame for war on them regardless of the mistakes made by the radicals . the offensive has always been on the part of the USA, Britain and Israel. Iraq is another example of the same. Cuba is another terrible sinner. They still drive the same cars of the 1950s because of the blockade. Absurd.
This kind of reporting exposing the true enemies of the people behind the public faces is what should be the political comprehension of the roots of our problems. Is not government the main problem. The problem are those that corrupt government.
I was a hair from being shot once. The riverside police was called for a domestic disturbance. I didn't know. I came out in the night because I heard this commotion and people running outside my door. A big property and trying to find out what happened a policeman pointed the light at me and jell that I had a gun. It was the telephone calling 911. The policeman was about to shoot at me but another stopped him in time. I was the only tenant there. My daughter at my feet.
A very colorful description of the brutality of the wealthy class. There is not much difference from that of Russia, China and the west in this. As soon as it feels is in danger of loosing control it does as it is doing today in the USA when It feels threaten by the people wanting a real democracy . The GOP is their image , reason for their fascious inclinations.
Not one realistic argument. This man never got over the tea party. Still blind. He'll fail as a capitalist.
He gave powerful blows to the new deal state. Dismantled a significant part of that regulatory system and undermined democracy with profound consequences in extreme polarization of inequalities and radicalization among the right mostly. The people still undefined and basically leaderless as in a state of shock managed to barely stop a full blown fascist regime. But no leadership capable emerged yet. At least not clearly unified. The expected front of democratic forces went for the moderate right in the DNC. And therefore did not coagulate. All there is are public platforms in media. The GOP evolved in 4 years as an open enemy of the American people and is committed to fascism. This is the balance of 4 years of Trump. The kind of government this corrupt class wants after a fascist coup in the agenda is an Anarchocapitalist system where the wealthy could be the only class to hold office and to govern. Without democracy at all. That is the reason he auctioned government this 4 years.
Thanks Thom. You are a wise man. And knew when to bring a relevant issue we need to understand. I see a growing voice for democracy.
They will say the democrats did the same to Trump in 2020. And they'll definitely do it.
The only ethics code the GOP believe is the one taught by Machiavelli. The end justify the means. All power to the elites. All of it.
The cunning mind of Bannon is painted all over the fascist agenda and playbook of the GOP and Trump. And followed to the letter and systematic.
@davidlafleche1142 your reply is out of context. And therefore is not a contribution. Thanks anyways.
You are correct. This phrase " our democracy" does not belong among the true democratic believers. It is not, never was and is about to end any possibility to become real if the progressive forces of history don't take a stand asap. The two parties are allowing fascism to take a hold on the mind of the deceived and confused. The door is opening and time is running out for a peaceful resolution.
You are saying that Reagan started the "cancel culture war" that in fact started with the red scare era immediately as the new deal started. The demonization of socialism started all this efforts of the corporate class to revise history.
Another proof the right and corporate class forces is an international force. They work in unison. And another reason any change needs the international unity of the working class.
I had repeated constantly that the American people and most platforms are downplaying a fascist threat the same way Trump downplayed the pandemic. And exactly like him they seem to like it. This is the way to fascism. Downplaying the fascious.
The international community have a clear picture of the nature of the USA . Not of its people necessarily. But of the powers that represent. They know the USA is the nest of the oppressive Empire promoter of war, exploitation and antidemocratic forces. Ask around and you'll know. Hollywood and politicians tell a deceitful story. They know other by experience.
We are witnessing open warfare and plain obstructionism without negotiations.
I just read a fox news rant saying ... The world is currently ran by idiots. The funny irony is that the GOP and fox are the main drivers of that world he talks about.
Is in the open. They even are proud of this coup.
As long as there is no accountability the GOP will lie and lie until another coup attempt may be possible. The party of fascism counts on the lame democrats blindness and lack of decisive attitude to make them look as inept as the GOP is.
The oppression of women summarizes the nature of class and race oppression along the ages since class division started. Most probably since patriarchal society replaced the role of the woman as authority figure passing trough slavery until capitalism. Women are the sector of society still waiting to be granted all inalienable rights humanity claims to deserve. And nonetheless the most capable to love unconditionally compared to men. We all come out of their bodies and maybe their soul.
That at is exactly the prototype of a political lie. If true Sinema did those political positions before becoming Senator would mean that she is the most cynical liar in the Democratic party.
Loyal opposition?? What is loyal to the Republican of today??
The GOP cares little about message or policy. The right depends on legal means and power mechanics. The capacity to corrupt and rig the system is their way to monopolize political power. The coup is ongoing. Of course the campaign of lies is the most important tool to confuse.
A confirmation that the institutions of law enforcement are actively been infiltrated by sociopaths as you once explained Thom.
That has been my warning constantly. The american people is so much used to sacrifice their own in wars not theirs that a callousness has developed. No more capacity for outrage against war as a business is to be found but im a few voices. This can't continue. The burden of the military budget is the expression of that sin. There is no justification for war at this day and age. None.
Trump represents the wake up call of history to the American people about the rol that demands this nation in the success of freedom and human progress. If the opportunity is not taken to put an end to the sociopathy of the wealthy and political regression to war and hate by political medieval grifters humanity as a whole is in danger.
Excellent!! One of the best presentations I had ever heard!! The explanation of the bottom line of class warfare.