Comments by "George Furman" (@georgefurman4371) on "How the Pro-Putin Movement is Connected to the Flat-Earthers & Anti-Vaxxer (w/ Kelly Weill)" video.

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  2.  @barnardcarbajal8506  it functions as an order of oppression and economic necessity to satisfy greed as priority over the fairness of an empathic moral principle that should guide the exchange from " owner " of the means of production with the employees or "free " individuals but stripped of those means of production as instruments to satisfy the needs of society turning them in instruments to enrich the owner with the use of the work effort invested in the production of goods. When the entrepreneur in the old first capitalist societies within feudalism they were conscious of the failure of feudalism to provide the necessities of the immense majority of serfs and slaves and their families. But when they rallied that mass of disenfranchised laborers in a mob of rebels to dethrone the feudal masters. Because without them the merchants and artisans masters would not have been capable to depose the aristocracies holding the dominant political power of the state. Then they instead of giving the promises of freedom, equality and fraternity became freedom elitists, unequal in the top position and privileged giving themselves a special better quality as a class by a supposed destiny or superiority. Instead of fraternity they gave the law and the courts with an army and security force to enforce the new way of organizing production making the ownership of the means of production an exclusive right denying that majority they used the benefit of the new economic capacity to produce enough and much more. They had been using those means in its great development to enrich themselves insanely and unlimited. The technology to produce had reach the capacity to eliminate hunger and wars. But instead they made war another means to enrich themselves more and cause famines and pollution destroying nature just because they can. Provoking mass migrations and lose of life having enough food and medicine to eliminate poverty and hunger. They became another corrupt aristocracy that must be deposed. That is how it dysfunctions.
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