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Comments by "" (@JohnDoe-ew3xt) on "Trump awaiting gag order ruling" video.
trump knows they can't enforce this gag order...
you STILL believe the russia thing??? good grief...
@amydavis4945 "It should be "unthinkable" that this country ever elected a man that would end up in criminal court and face actual incarceration. The fact that we HAVE to think about it now, is an absolute embarrassment." agreed, and I would have hoped that seeing a former president criminally prosecuted that it would have been for something more substantial... what was the crime again??? no one even seems to understand what it is.....
@SweetJustice11 "If you have to ask the questions then you are not informed enough to have the conversation." typical blue response... you use terms that you yourself don't understand and can't define... what you're saying makes absolutely no sense. saying the gag order is in place for "attempting" to intimidate jurors implies that he FAILED to intimidate jurors, which means he did NOT intimidate jurors.. either he intimidated jurors, or he did not! if he did, quote him!
@SweetJustice11 "Trump's attempts to intimidate witnesses" lol wtf does this even mean? what is an example of an "attempted intimidation"? like an "attempted insult"?? good grief...
they know they cant enforce it...
@alanluber8842 "they aren't going to jail him over this stupid gag order.. "they" know it would be political suicide, and that's ultimately what this is about.
"they aren't going to jail him over this stupid gag order.. "they" know it would be political suicide, and that's ultimately what this is about.
@SweetJustice11 why if this is the charge, committing FEDERAL ELECTION VIOLATIONS, is he being tried in a STATE court??????? can you explain??????
@travLee7 understanding our voting laws, you are most likely correct...
@INgirl812 they know it will... this is why this gag order will NEVER be enforced.. the will never put him in jail for this...
police aren't letting anyone near the courthouse.
@restezlameme "It's called witness intimidation" what is called witness intimidation? what did he say that was so intimidating? do you even know??? or care?????
@I3orrovv ""Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree" is fraud." no, fraud is a different crime, but let's stick with this.. yes, falsifying business records. statute of limitations? expired... but anyway, what business records were falsified? do you know?
@I3orrovv I assume that you dont..... these were ledger entries check stubs basically, where payments to his lawyer were labeled as "legal expenses". but some of this money was to pay for a nondisclosure agreement. oh no... not exactly "legal expenses"...
@I3orrovv another politician did this exact same thing during the 2016 election campaign, are you aware of that?
@I3orrovv assuming that you re not aware of that... the fec (federal elections commission) fined a candidate and a major political party committee for mislabeling payments as "legal fees", when they were not.
@I3orrovv there were no criminal indictments, simple fines..... but that was "D"ifferent....
@I3orrovv now, back to this indictment... these "falsifying business records" (of which the statute of limitations ran out..) was then turned into a felony as it was said to be done "with the intent to commit another crime".. do you know what that crime is??????? and I would love some help here, because I will admit, I honestly do not know!
@I3orrovv I am big enough to admit that, and unashamed to politely ask your help... when these records were falsified "with the intent to commit another crime", what is that other crime? PLEASE tell me....??????
@I3orrovv he has never been charged or convicted with insurrection, r@pre or campaign finance violations... he's to date actually never been convicted of a crime in hos life! been found civilly liable for several things? yes... but you don't understand the difference, do you.....? look up the difference between an allegation and accusation. educate yourself.. PLEASE!
when the indictment states that these records were falsified "with the intent to commit another crime", what is that other crime? PLEASE tell me....??????
@I3orrovv "That's not for you or me to decide. You are focused on all the wrong things." what's not for you or me to decide? and what am I focused on that is 'the wrong thing to focus on" in your opinion?
@I3orrovv did you look up how another candidate and party committee was fined for mislabeling payments as legal fees in 2016? no... you don't want to know...
@I3orrovv did you look up the difference between an accusation and an allegation so that you might begin to understand the difference between civil and criminal law? no... you don't want to know...
@I3orrovv by the way, I'm not trying to defend anyone... that's your partisan self talking. I'm simply trying to understand the charges!! but I'm wasting my time here, as you can't help me....
@cocoknows "It's fraud" the charge is NOT fraud! look at the indictment!
for writing a magazine story to help his campaign?? good grief...
@Bonjour-World you have no idea what the felony crime is...
@Bonjour-World "If you mean..." good grief. you fantasize about what someone else did not post, then you reply as if this fantasized nonsense is reality...
@DarkBladeFury-xc8jh "I have no doubt that he will be found guilty. I also have no doubt the case will be overturned on appeal." most with brains understand this... but the plan has nothing to do with guilty convictions... it's about counting things come november.
@travLee7 drr
@I3orrovv "Campaign finance violations. Insurrection. R*pe. Should I keep going?" he hasn't been charged with ANY of these!!! you literally don't know what he is on trial for, do you? (rhetorical)
@ghos7fiction "Nothing aside from the entire country being torn in half." isn't that the plan..?
@I3orrovv "Wrong again. Failing to convict him and put him in jail would be far worse for this country, because it would mean that he is above the law. Do you believe that anyone should be above the law?" what law?? what law was violated that is so egregious that we should imprison a former president for the first time in our nation's history?? name it!
@SweetJustice11 "blue voter" by chance?
@NalyDJ420 "It must be difficult to carry that much water for someone who wouldn't care if you were burning alive. Cults are so weird." do you have anything other than adolescent name calling and personal insults to offer?
@SweetJustice11 "Typical cult answer! It is clear you are allowing your cult leader "Donald Trump" to think for you. How has it been working out for you, lately?" how about you...? do you have anything other than adolescent name calling and personal insults to offer?
@NalyDJ420 "no insults or name calling there." you implied that I was a "cult member", not an insult or a derogative label(name)???? um... ok..... <shakes head>
@SweetJustice11 "You stated with rudeness and insults." quote me!? I simply pointed out senselessness.. why would YOU be offended to the point of jumping in? hmmm....?
@I3orrovv "No, you are one of the few who doesn't understand it. It is very clear to the majority of us." if you are referring to the "felony crime" at hand, you do not know what it is.. if you did, you would simply state it, rather than spending your time personally bashing me. you are unable to articulate the felony crime. instead of attacking me, simply prove me wrong!
why do you think they won't do it?
@SweetJustice11 "Shame on Trump for wasting the court's time. He should have paid those women with his own money." who's money do you think he used??
@SweetJustice11 "It was campaign money. Why do you think Trump is in court?" FEDERAL campaign money????? think about where this is going blue voter... you are about to be humiliated!
@SweetJustice11 yea, I would run away too...
@SweetJustice11 you are a perfect example as to how ridiculous this whole thing is.. you are asking other people why they think trump is in court, when you don't have the first clue yourself!
@SweetJustice11 "Ok, I am ready to be humiliated" excellent.... when I asked you whose money you think he used, YOU stated that It was campaign money. Why do you think" Trump is in court?" correct?
@SweetJustice11 this campaign was related to a FEDERAL election.. correct?
he would be tossed as a juror....
@SweetJustice11 so you are unable to explain, CORRECT!
@SweetJustice11 you made the claim this is about FEDERAL campaign violations, but cannot explain why this is in a state court... correct?? excuses, personal attacks, adolescent name calling. is this really all you have?
@SweetJustice11 another one for you, wonder brain.. what new evidence has turned up in the last 8 years that prevented this case from being filed... 8 YEARS AGO!????
@SweetJustice11 those doing to prosecuting seem to have sat on this evidence for 8 years!!! do you have ANY theory as to why they might have started this prosecution NOW??? anything?????
@SweetJustice11 how about this one..... are you aware that the FEC (FEDERAL elections commission) fined a candidate and a political party committee for making payments (1016 campaign) for "legal fees" when they were actually payments for something else? are you aware of that? and how that was legally handled?
@SweetJustice11 "When and where did I mention Federal campaign?" @JohnDoe-ew3xt 5 hours ago @SweetJustice11 "Shame on Trump for wasting the court's time. He should have paid those women with his own money." who's money do you think he used?? YOU SAID: "It was campaign money. Why do you think Trump is in court?" WHAT CAMPAIGN WERE YOU REFERRING TO?????
@SweetJustice11 "As long as the statue of limitations hasn’t expired, the DA was well within his legal rights to charge Trump." to charge him with what??????????
@SweetJustice11 you think this is about a federal campaign violation, being tried in a state court????? is that what you think???
@SweetJustice11 were you referring to a LOCAL election campaign??? when you suggested trump used campaign money?
@SweetJustice11 have you even seen the indictment???
@SweetJustice11 "It is not something that crossed my mind. " what hasnt crossed your mind?
@SweetJustice11 how i this is a federal campaign violation it ended up in a state court 8 years later never crossed your mind?
@SweetJustice11 "If you know some much about the law, why aren’t you Trump’s attorney? Do you feel you are smarter than the district attorney and the judge?" from this conversation... I feel that I'm DAMNED smarter than you... you have NOTHING! you dont know what the case is about, you cant answer any questions, you think this is about federal campaign violations.... from 8 years ago... <shakes head>
@SweetJustice11 all you have are adolescent questions like "why aren't you trumps attorney? drrrr, drrr....."
@SweetJustice11 you're not even willing to listen or learn...
@SweetJustice11 who said I'm mad? now you're going to dictate my emotions to me???? good grief... and when you say he should not have broken the law.... WHAT LAW???
@SweetJustice11 a rational person would think that if we were going to criminally convict and imprison a former president for the first time in our nation's history that the charges would be crystal clear!!! the fact that we are having this argument should be a huge red flag!!! but so many are so consumed by pure hatred for this man, that they are completely blinded as to the harm being done TO ALL OF US!!!
@SweetJustice11 and why are you so mad???
@SweetJustice11 one would DEFINATELY think that those who agree with this prosecution would be able to explain the crime....... but they can't!!!
@SweetJustice11 "Next do your research on election interference laws." now it's election interference??? every few posts your "crime" evolves into something else... 🤣😂😅😆
@SweetJustice11 I'm not even going to ask you what evidence or "election interference you know of... you're wasting my time!!! lol good grief.... trump is getting his "due"... for something you cannot explain and keep changing... it's fraud... no wait, it's falsifying business records... I mean, it's election interference... this is a clown show!! 🤡😂🤣😅😆
@SweetJustice11 I would ask what you do for a living, but it would probably make your head explode... lol
@SweetJustice11 what google? oh yea.... thou shall not point out how a blue voter looks... lol
"they" will fine h8im, but "they" will never out him in jail for this stupid gag order... "they" know it would be political suicide..
@I3orrovv "He has been CONVICTED of several of those buddy." oh no.... you OBVIOUSLY do not understand the difference between a criminal conviction and s civil judgement... poor feller... 🤦♂
they know they cant enforce this gag order, if that's what you are referring to. the original "crime", yes, a candidate and party committee were both fined for doing this exact same thing in the 2026 election. there were no criminal charges. but of course that was "D"ifferent....
@adambussert3383 how does a fake account post comments? are the comments therefore "fake" too?? <shakes head> you folks have LESS than nothing at this point.. COMPLETELY incapable of a rational response..
@adambussert3383 fake account? ummm, how does a fake account post messages? are these fake messages????? <shakes head> the mind of a blue voter......
under the circumstances, he is doing rather well. what other single human being could stand up to the full weight and force of the american government?