Comments by "" (@JohnDoe-ew3xt) on "'COMPLETE TRAINWRECK': Media unravels over GOP debate" video.

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  13.  @str.77  Immediately withdrew from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Ended the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and replaced it with the brand new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). The USMCA contains powerful new protections for American manufacturers, auto-makers, farmers, dairy producers, and workers. The USMCA is expected to generate over $68 billion in economic activity and potentially create over 550,000 new jobs over ten years. Signed an executive order making it government policy to Buy American and Hire American, and took action to stop the outsourcing of jobs overseas. Negotiated with Japan to slash tariffs and open its market to $7 billion in American agricultural products and ended its ban on potatoes and lamb. Over 90 percent of American agricultural exports to Japan now receive preferential treatment, and most are duty-free. Negotiated another deal with Japan to boost $40 billion worth of digital trade. Renegotiated the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement, doubling the cap on imports of American vehicles and extending the American light truck tariff. Reached a written, fully-enforceable Phase One trade agreement with China on confronting pirated and counterfeit goods, and the protection of American ideas, trade secrets, patents, and trademarks. China agreed to purchase an additional $200 billion worth of United States exports and opened market access for over 4,000 American facilities to exports while all tariffs remained in effect. Achieved a mutual agreement with the European Union (EU) that addresses unfair trade practices and increases duty-free exports by 180 percent to $420 million. Secured a pledge from the EU to eliminate tariffs on American lobster – the first United States-European Union negotiated tariff reduction in over 20 years. Scored a historic victory by overhauling the Universal Postal Union, whose outdated policies were undermining American workers and interests. Engaged extensively with trade partners like the EU and Japan to advance reforms to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Issued a first-ever comprehensive report on the WTO Appellate Body’s failures to comply with WTO rules and interpret WTO agreements as written. Blocked nominees to the WTO’s Appellate Body until WTO Members recognize and address longstanding issues with Appellate Body activism. Submitted 5 papers to the WTO Committee on Agriculture to improve Members’ understanding of how trade policies are implemented, highlight areas for improved transparency, and encourage members to maintain up-to-date notifications on market access and domestic support.
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  15.  @str.77  Successfully negotiated more than 50 agreements with countries around the world to increase foreign market access and boost exports of American agriculture products, supporting more than 1 million American jobs. Authorized $28 billion in aid for farmers who have been subjected to unfair trade practices – fully funded by the tariffs paid by China. China lifted its ban on poultry, opened its market to beef, and agreed to purchase at least $80 billion of American agricultural products in the next two years. The European Union agreed to increase beef imports by 180 percent and opened up its market to more imports of soybeans. South Korea lifted its ban on American poultry and eggs, and agreed to provide market access for record exports of American rice. Argentina lifted its ban on American pork. Brazil agreed to increase wheat imports by $180 million a year and raised its quotas for purchases of United States ethanol. Guatemala and Tunisia opened up their markets to American eggs. Won tariff exemptions in Ecuador for wheat and soybeans. Suspended $817 million in trade preferences for Thailand under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program due to its failure to adequately provide reasonable market access for American pork products. The amount of food stamps redeemed at farmers markets increased from $1.4 million in May 2020 to $1.75 million in September 2020 – a 50 percent increase over last year. Rapidly deployed the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, which provided $30 billion in support to farmers and ranchers facing decreased prices and market disruption when COVID-19 impacted the food supply chain. Authorized more than $6 billion for the Farmers to Families Food Box program, which delivered over 128 million boxes of locally sourced, produce, meat, and dairy products to charity and faith-based organizations nationwide.
  16.  @str.77  Instead of 2-for-1, we eliminated 8 old regulations for every 1 new regulation adopted. Provided the average American household an extra $3,100 every year. Reduced the direct cost of regulatory compliance by $50 billion, and will reduce costs by an additional $50 billion in FY 2020 alone. Removed nearly 25,000 pages from the Federal Register – more than any other president. The previous administration added over 16,000 pages. Established the Governors’ Initiative on Regulatory Innovation to reduce outdated regulations at the state, local, and tribal levels. Signed an executive order to make it easier for businesses to offer retirement plans. Signed two executive orders to increase transparency in Federal agencies and protect Americans and their small businesses from administrative abuse. Modernized the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the first time in over 40 years. Reduced approval times for major infrastructure projects from 10 or more years down to 2 years or less. Helped community banks by signing legislation that rolled back costly provisions of Dodd-Frank. Established the White House Council on Eliminating Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing to bring down housing costs. Removed regulations that threatened the development of a strong and stable internet. Eased and simplified restrictions on rocket launches, helping to spur commercial investment in space projects. Published a whole-of-government strategy focused on ensuring American leadership in automated vehicle technology. Streamlined energy efficiency regulations for American families and businesses, including preserving affordable lightbulbs, enhancing the utility of showerheads, and enabling greater time savings with dishwashers. Removed unnecessary regulations that restrict the seafood industry and impede job creation. Modernized the Department of Agriculture’s biotechnology regulations to put America in the lead to develop new technologies.
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  18.  @str.77  Expanded apprenticeships to more than 850,000 and established the new Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship programs in new and emerging fields. Established the National Council for the American Worker and the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board. Over 460 companies have signed the Pledge to America’s Workers, committing to provide more than 16 million job and training opportunities. Signed an executive order that directs the Federal government to replace outdated degree-based hiring with skills-based hiring. Included women’s empowerment for the first time in the President’s 2017 National Security Strategy. Signed into law key pieces of legislation, including the Women, Peace, and Security Act and the Women Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment Act. Launched the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Initiative – the first-ever whole-of-government approach to women’s economic empowerment that has reached 24 million women worldwide. Established an innovative new W-GDP Fund at USAID. Launched the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi) with 13 other nations. Announced a $50 million donation on behalf of the United States to We-Fi providing more capital to women-owned businesses around the world. Released the first-ever Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security, which focused on increasing women’s participation to prevent and resolve conflicts. Launched the W-GDP 2x Global Women’s Initiative with the Development Finance Corporation, which has mobilized more than $3 billion in private sector investments over three years.
  19.  @str.77  First administration to name artificial intelligence, quantum information science, and 5G communications as national research and development priorities. Launched the American Broadband Initiative to promote the rapid deployment of broadband internet across rural America. Made 100 megahertz of crucial mid-band spectrum available for commercial operations, a key factor to driving widespread 5G access across rural America. Launched the American AI Initiative to ensure American leadership in artificial intelligence (AI), and established the National AI Initiative Office at the White House. Established the first-ever principles for Federal agency adoption of AI to improve services for the American people. Signed the National Quantum Initiative Act establishing the National Quantum Coordination Office at the White House to drive breakthroughs in quantum information science. Signed the Secure 5G and Beyond Act to ensure America leads the world in 5G. Launched a groundbreaking program to test safe and innovative commercial drone operations nationwide. Issued new rulemaking to accelerate the return of American civil supersonic aviation. Committed to doubling investments in AI and quantum information science (QIS) research and development. Announced the establishment of $1 billion AI and quantum research institutes across America. Established the largest dual-use 5G test sites in the world to advance 5G commercial and military innovation. Signed landmark Prague Principles with America’s allies to advance the deployment of secure 5G telecommunications networks. Signed first-ever bilateral AI cooperation agreement with the United Kingdom. Built collation among allies to ban Chinese Telecom Company Huawei from their 5G infrastructure.
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