Comments by "" (@JohnDoe-ew3xt) on "Police searching for Atlanta shooting suspect who killed one, injured four" video.

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  20.  @sethharris813  "gun violence is when a gun is used to inflict harm. You gonna keep trying to be obtuse or do you really want to talk?" I am trying to talk to you, you still wont address my question regarding the correlation between making guns harder to obtain and more mass shootings... you are pretending that I didnt type all of that out about our society devolving, and now you're becoming defensive because I asked you to define a term that you used... why? you will not get angry, and blame me as to why you have to run away now, correct??? I hope not, but we'll see... now, may I politely ask for clarification on your definition of gun violence? "gun violence is when a gun is used to inflict harm" used to inflict harm by a human being, correct? a human being is what is violent, and uses some hardware to inflict harm, such as a knife or baseball bat, correct? but people don't use the term "knife violence" or "baseball bat violence"... because the hardware is not what it violent. when people are stabbed to death we don't say we need to ban knives to curb knife violence!!! why not? because the knife is not what is violent.. I own several firearms seth, and I have never seen any of them become angry, let alone violent. if you believe there is such a thig as gun violence, what do you think makes some guns become violent, but not others? I would really like to know the warming signs in case any of my firearms one day become violent.. how can I prevent my guns from becoming violent guns..?? do you have any ideas?
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  24. ​ @sethharris813  hey! I finally got your post!! ok, it is very long, so let's take it a step at a time. "it's pretty simple. Weapons manufacturers depend on the US for the overwhelming majority of their sales." completely irrelevant. not sure why you typed this out. "The NRA which was once far more concerned with firearms safety and training (which we sorely need) has devolved into a grift machine trying to instead sell as many as possible." the nra does not manufacture or sell firearms! you have been GROSSLY misinformed! I will not comment further on the nra "The overglorification of warfare and violence in our entertainment and very national identity hasn't helped the situation either." ok, now I agree with you here, we are talking about the degradation of our society, not hardware. our society is sick, and getting sicker! "The sheer and drastic increase in the number of guns in the US correlates to the frequency and casualties of mass shootings/school shootings/police shootings/plain old everyday violent crime." no it does not seth, do some research... there were plenty of guns is oh say the 1950's, that were very easy to obtain, and yet this senseless mass shooting thing in our society was near non-existent. research th enumber of guns in the us in 1955 and compare that to the number of randon mass shootings in 1955. then research the number of guns to day compared to the number of mass shootings, and tell me what you find.... and I wont mention the the logical fallacy known as post hoc ergo proptor hoc. "Modern warfare is beginning to be fought in new and different ways and now instead of arming national defense forces with increasingly obsolete boom sticks these heartless corporations are unloading their stock in more ways than one into the American population." again, irrelevant blather... not sure what this is even supposed to mean, or what the point is supposed to be. "If we could have a grownup discussion about our very real problem with gun violence then maybe we could save a couple more lives at the end of the day. Yeah, and we'll stop beating this dead horse just as soon as it stops spitting out money." we are having a grownup discussion, save for you STILL aren't answering my question with any of this.... assuming you cannot or will not answer my question about the correlation between making guns harder to obtain and more mass shootings, you did say something there at the end that raises another question. you mentioned there towards the end of your rant something about "gun violence". I'm a simpleton, and do not know what that term means. you use the term, so will you please define "gun violence" for me?
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