Comments by "" (@JohnDoe-ew3xt) on "CNN" channel.

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  5. ​ @grandenauto3214  "rights are not simply given, there are responsibilities that go with rights…. One responsibility could be licensing and registration… you can have your gun you just need to ensure you are using it in an appropriate manner. We have the right to free speech, that doesn’t mean you can say anything you want…" you people actually frighten me... you think the gubbermint GAVE me the right to keep and bear arms? the ignorance is staggering!! this is why there is so much division on these issues! ignorance! you obviously have no clue as to WHY the bill of rights was written... not when, not by who... but WHY! I'll educate you... when the federal government was formed, many of the original 13 colonists baulked at joining this centralized government. the colonies wanted things like to practice religion as they saw fit, without interference from a centralized government. after the colonists baulked those pushing for a federal government went back and wrote the bill of rights. these were not rights "given" to citizens, as you so ignorantly suggested in your post. the second amendment does not read "the right to keep and bear arms is hereby granted"... it reads that this right shall not be infringed. the bill of rights were promises made to the citizens of the colonies to entice them into joining this newly formed federal government. they did not give citizens rights... they were limitations put on the federal government! they were promises that these god-given rights would not be infringed upon by the federal government! why don't you know this? what has happened to our school system? no wonder you people vote for democrats...
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  12.  @CarlWithACamera  awesome carl, thank you for your service. and grew up in florida, and plan to move back when I can retire in a few years as well. anyway, here is the issue I have with your "common sense" comments... taken from one of your recent posts that I did not respond directly to: 1 - "we could use a healthy dose of common sense versus a strict and literal reading of the 2nd amendment." I do not have the first clue as to what you mean when you say we could use a healthy dose of common sense when reading the 2A. if you would like to try to clarify, perhaps I could understand. but to suggest we use a healthy dose of common sense when reading the 2A alone is nothing more than a meaningless msnbc talking point. please clarify, if you'd like. 2 - "why are these constitutionalists so adamant on a literal interpretation of the 2nd amendment, even as people die in ever greater numbers, tracking pretty closely to the ever greater numbers of guns bought and owned in America?" you are aware that access guns is more restricted, and guns are much harder to get today than they have been in the past, yes? and you are also aware that the number of these "mass/school shootings" continue to rise, yes? so if guns, or access to guns is the problem, how do you explain this correlation? the more we restrict access to guns, the more mass/school shootings we have!! if access to guns is the cause, shouldn't we make access easier, like it was in the past, when we had less of these mass/school shootings??? have a great night, and if I don't get back, I am on my way to florida tomorrow to burry my dead mama... but I will get back to you asap.
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