Comments by "Emsley Wyatt" (@emsleywyatt3400) on "Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol | Visual Investigations" video.
Part of me gets it, really. If I woke up the day after the election and heard that trump had managed with a few thousand votes in AZ, GA, WI, and MI to again draw that inside straight of winning the Electoral College despite losing the popular vote (and by an even larger margin than in 2016), I'd think that there was chicanery involved. Especially if my political leaders and chosen media outlets were saying so. But the difference is that if my Democratic Governor and Democratic Secretary of State came out and said: "No. The election was honest, fair, and trump won." I'd have to believe them. Not because I put any great faith in political types, but because when someone tells a truth when they have every incentive to lie that has a certain innate credibility. And that is what actually happened, in many of those swing states, Republican Governors, Secretaries of State, Canvass Board members and others said: "No. The election was honest, fair, and Biden won." but they don't believe.........because they can't.