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Stephen Rickstrew
Econ Lessons
Comments by "Stephen Rickstrew" (@stephenrickstrew7237) on "Econ Lessons" channel.
To all Russians who have forgotten the collapse of the Soviet Union… Get ready to relive it ..
Evil Triumphs when good men do nothing.. or are too busy watching a ball game ..
Touché… Reminiscent of Breaker Morant .. Good on you Mate …!
Well … Real Estate is the most expensive thing people spend their money on .. I wonder what Adam Smith said about 25% mortgage rates .. Crippling, Devastating, or just plain Horrifying..?
Russia : is a Rotten Cabbage, stuffed inside a corroded muffler,installed on a Lada , sent on a heatwave assault
Moscow is spending a lot of Money to support the Ruble , Reminiscent of the Vikings who held wealth in Cattle .. a very expensive asset to maintain in northern regions with very short growing seasons and having them indoors during the winter.. so the question is how much money is Russia spending to have a currency…?
The old Leninist argument that quantity has a quality of its own … sure is true.. well when it comes to debt .. but in manufacturing cheap crappy Russian Tanks vrs Western Armor… Quality has a Quantity of its own , and it’s difficult to quantify, quality …
Merle Hazard . The country music singing economist is no longer alone .. Can you play a Guitar.. ?
That’s a great Quote.. Thank you ..! Would you please consider commenting on the debilitating” Vodka “problem in Russia , its history and the economic effects..Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
You’re very much more than just a monetary economist…that xerox copy analogy, is the best explanation of cellular reproduction that I have heard yet … Meanwhile how is their Vodka economy going ?
Most true indeed … It’s Justice… not “Just Us “.. like the former Mob Bar in Brooklyn …
Another fascinating episode… Would you consider analyzing our National obsession with Cooperate Quarterly Profits .. As it seems to lead to some rather short term thinking. Thanks as always..!
One of the major turning points of WW2 was the destruction of the German oil industry as it affected everything, especially pilot training… the Rooskies need oil for money and fuel ..
That’s the MacTruth for sure ..! Nobody wants a CzarBurger or a Commie Meal even if they throw in the fries 🍟
Excellent Metaphor .. Russia is eating some bad Fungi ..
Touché Mark …would it be fair to say that the Rubble is on life support or has the plug been pulled …?
Hi Mark .. I have a complex question… The Dambuster raid in 43 really threw a wrench in Germany’s war production.. the Ruhr Valley took the better part of 6 months to recover and at a huge cost to repair the mess, Russia is going to have to decentralize its production to avoid a one strike incapacitation of anything critical, …. meanwhile their oil industry is really getting hammered, like WW2 were it took until 1944 to cripple German oil production are we starting to see the effects of Ukraine’s attacks on Russian oil on their military and arms production and how close are we to a Russian oil industry collapse…?
It’s funny you mentioned Albert Speer .. I saw him interviewed and he said after Hamburg that another 2 weeks of concentrated firebombing “ vrs scattered raids” on that scale would have forced Germany to surrender..
Don’t Blame Me I Voted for Landro … They filmed those episodes on the same Desilue lot as Mayberry.. I keep looking for Floyd’s Barber Shop ..
@American-In-Mykolaiv unless it’s rugby 🏉 as it’s international diplomacy at its finest …
@ARSONXBELLA The Cheapest Carnival Huxter … who ever became president…besides maybe Andrew Jackson
Communism failed because.. nobody wanted to wear Bulgarian Shoes ..
The De-Mining of Ukraine 🇺🇦 .. as it is now probably the most heavily mined place on earth.. it’s something the world 🌎 will have to help with God only knows where all those mines are ..and the amount of work it will take to clear them
The Rooskie Army has been described as a stumbling colossus with feet of clay .. Their economy is quite similar… and their history of loosing a war ww1 , Afghanistan and regime change going hand n hand ..
@moonraker978 I saw something about The “ war trains” extra drive wheels and ran on coal … was it one of those ..?
@ Thanks
Those Commie Meals just ain’t selling .. as they are UnHappy Meals
When Russia went communist “to help the industrial worker “ it had very little industry, mostly agriculture, and the result was millions starved ..
@ or baseball… soccer meh .. even basketball has gone downhill without the great playmakers ..I watch Australia’s Women’s 7,s Rugby .. but it’s the euro championships right now
Seems like the average serf had it better under the Czar than the New Serfs have it today ..
There will be a lot of Russians fleeing Russia after the upcoming collapse ..
@Captain Bone Spurs has not denounced the Russian invasion in any way .. He is a sniveling coward and a liar … which is the kindest thing I can say about him
You have raised several excellent questions.. first about doubt The Scientific Method has the Hypothesis Paradox.. for any given phenomenon there are and endless amount of Hypothesis which should be disproven before we can accept a theory as true .. credit to Robert M Pirsig … 2) cranial capacity is not everything neural density may have changed over time .. Birds have very dense brains compared to other species, we may have gotten a Chip upgrade over the millennia … Solzhenitsyn remarked “ if only we had done something when they “ KGB” came to arrest us .. and of course the damage generational alcoholism has wrought upon them both individually and collectively…
@EconLessons that’s a tough instrument to learn .. well at least for me
CommieCrete ..just ain’t gonna last , Good old fashioned Roman Concrete is waterproof and not subject to changes in its PH like the collapsed condo in Miami
@EconLessons the Russian tradition of economic disaster followed by regime change …and then things got worse phenomenon
@volkerr. Oops …! Spellcheck won …. But it has been fixed
@peterwilliams2152 I don’t believe you .. I have partied with Russians and a 105 lb Woman could drink me under the table …