Youtube activity of "Stephen Rickstrew" (@stephenrickstrew7237) on "Task & Purpose" channel.
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- 28
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Comments by video
"American HIMARS Rocket Artillery is Better Than You Think"
"America’s Thompson is Better Than You Think"
"BTR-80 Russian Army Vehicle is Worse Than You Think"
"Can China Actually Pull Off the Taiwan Invasion?"
"China's Attack Gyrocopter is Worse Than You Think"
"How U.S Stryker Armored Vehicles Could be Used in Ukraine"
"How Ukraine Hit Russian Forces Deep Inside Crimea"
"India's Fight Against China is a Nightmare"
"Inside German Leopard Tank Sent to Ukraine"
"Latvian Military Border Defense Plan"
"M777 US Artillery Impact on War in Ukraine"
"Poland's New Combat Tank Needs to Chill Out"
"Shocking Russian Military Corruption Exposed"
"The M1 Abrams Tank Needs to Chill Out"
"The Truth About Ukraine's Bayraktar TB2 Drone: Project Ukraine"
"The Truth about the US Army's M110 Sniper Rifle"
"This Russian Rifle Fires 2 Bullets into 1 hole"
"Turkey is the Wildcard of NATO"
"Ukraine Counter Offensive Rundown"
"Where did all the the money go?"
"Why Australia is Gladly Preparing for War"
"Why the Air Force is Screaming to Retire the A-10 Warthog"
"Why the Russian Army BMP Vehicle is Worse than You Think"
"Why the Russian Army T-72 Tank is Worse Than You Think"