Youtube activity of "Stephen Rickstrew" (@stephenrickstrew7237) on "Times Radio" channel.
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Comments by video
"Anthony Scaramucci: Trump is broke and might need a lobotomy"
"Cluster munitions will ‘drive the Russian forces out’ | Kurt Volker"
"Could Liz Cheney beat Donald Trump in the next US election?"
"Donald Trump's position as leader of Republican party 'unchanged' by perjury claims | Rick Wilson"
"How Ukraine convinced NATO they could end Putin | Stories of our times"
"How Ukraine will win this war @StarskyUA interview"
"How Ukraine's new missiles will put Eastern Ukraine and Crimea in range"
"Is an 80-year-old Biden still the best bet against Trump?"
"Is the Russian army too understaffed to fight? | Ben Hodges"
"Justice is coming for Donald Trump | Mary-Anna Mancuso"
"Liz Truss resigning was the best part of the year | Aasmah Mir"
"Member of Palestine Liberation Organization denies kidnapping and rape during conflict in Israel"
"Momentum is with Ukraine, despite German criticism | General Rupert Jones"
"Putin is using conscripts as ‘battlefield meat’ | Kira Rudik"
"Putin ‘fears’ the Russian army will turn against him"
"Russia is about to become a failed state, former US Army major says"
"Russia's seizure of Soledar is a 'symbolic victory'"
"Russian coup: Prigozhin could be 'bought' by the Ukrainians following 'secret meetings'"
"Russian coup: Prigozhin is a 'monster' of Putin's making | Bill Browder"
"Russian hardliners won't let Putin negotiate for peace"
"Russian morale is ‘too low’ to fight back Ukrainian troops"
"The Kremlin still believes it can wait the West out in Ukraine | Nato briefing"
"There's been a battle in Moscow over escalating the war | Sir Tony Brenton"
"UK may not be able to supply Ukraine with fighter jets"
"Ukrainian raids will give Putin's troops no rest over Christmas | Operator Starsky"
"Ukrainians want victory, not ‘peace talks’ - @StarskyUA"
"Why Biden's Irish roots matter so much to this state visit"
"Why is Britain cutting 10,000 troops while Putin is mobilising?"
"Zelensky meets troops near front line"
"Zelensky tests out F-16 from Denmark"
"‘Russia is not going to lose this war’, former British Army chief says"