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Icke Bins
DW Documentary
Comments by "Icke Bins" (@ickebins6948) on "A lawyer fights for rights in India-administered Kashmir | DW Documentary" video.
Like under every video from DW, somebody demands the "real" truth. One day its the germans, the other day its indians, polish people... the list goes on A sign for great content in my view. If it would be "all lies" nobody would argue or maybe somebody would put forth some evidence for the opposit. Keep going DW, you're doing a great job.
Looks like they did a splendid job. The nationalist reactions just speak for themselfs :) Thanks DW
What are your unbiased facts? Its nearly a week and you're so quiet. What happened? Your "truth" nowhere to be fund?
DW doesnt care about some dislikes... If you dont provide the other side of the story, which you all going on about and nobody provides evidence against this video. Just because your little hearts are broken 💔and you cant take the truth doesnt mean its a bad video. All this indian nationalism is making me laugh. Anti indian, supporting terrorism... lol what else do you have, preferably facts... ?
You are free to show the other side... But the reactions under this video by the indians just makes this video more believable... Just shouting insults and whataboutism isnt "the other side". Mr. Modi shouldnt have a problem digging up some stories. Why doesnt he? Has he something to hide?
Reported for? Breaking your small fragile little india nationalist heart? 💔 poor you, they said something you dont want to hear... Sad
@ayushgaur9506 Maybe get more specific? As a german, I really have to know what broken dreams I might have. Please continue...
@rakeshsarvabhotla4998 Maybe inform yourself about HongKong... Before making such a statement... there was a lot of violence on the protestors side to...
@nitinkumar29 Well :"killed hundred of thousands of Hindu communities" thats enough bullshit I have to read. No need to go further. Try again, another time :)
@humbleindian6303 And? Why should they? It was all over the news... But tell me more about the refugees in india please. Oh so humble indian :)
@humbleindian6303 Wrong, DW is not sponsored, its financed by the german tax payers, because it doesnt matter which government currently rules germany. It is free to report on anything, it is not told by anyone what to report on. I know thats to hard to understand for most people.. You are free to talk about anything you want but the german government is still not responsible for NATO or US actions. And it has nothing to do with the video we just watched. You also find alot of videos on this channel talking about german problems aswell, so just go watch those, if you want to see DW view on that. But that wouldnt fit your motive, right?
@humbleindian6303 I dont blame anybody. But NATO is NATO and not Germany. And its still not the point of this video. I pointed you to the other videos of DW already, there you can bring your points forward. All this "but look at what XYZ does" doesnt make this documentary less or more credible... Whataboutism is not a solution. Maybe India/Pakistan should get their shit together, before pointing on somebody else.
@humbleindian6303 Maybe, just maybe learn how to search for that... DW has done alot on Afghanistan. And its still not the topic of this video. The topic is still the failures of India in the Kashmir region. :) Just be more humble and do a simple search for "dw afghanistan", you will find alot of content. If that content is to your liking or not, doesnt really matter. Thats how nice I am. You're welcome :)
@humbleindian6303 And just on the matter of "human tragedy". Remind me, how many Syrian and Afghan refugees are currently in india? From what I read on the site of UNHCR and different NGO's, its not even 1000... Like I said, stop pointing fingers and making useless assumptions, if your country isnt doing jack... Have a nice day, oh so humble indian :)
@humbleindian6303 And what has DW to do with the "german Govt", the NATO or the US? Stop spaming the same BS under every comment you muppet.
@humbleindian6303 I'm talking about NOW not 50 years ago man... Get to the point or shut up. Germany has nearly 2 Million refugees atm so dont play like germany is the baddy. Learn to deal with the truth, its not easy at time but this is just a sad display of indian people that cant deal with criticism...
I made already 4 new accounts just to like the video :)
@AsianDefenceNews Well its pretty obvious who is hindu and who isnt, in the comments... There political view is very clear... Because most of them are sharp like a piece of wood...
You indians are just to easy to play with... Grow up, start getting use to being critizised... What a sad display you all are for your country.
@sunup15678 What lies maybe point that out directly. Where did I lie?
@sunup15678 maybe i'm a commie jihadist nazi feminist? How is that for a start? Stringing together random insults ( in your small mind ) doesnt do anything. Keep getting offended by the truth... I dont mind DW keep digging shit up in my country, I applaud them for that. Because else nothing changes... So keep calling me what ever names you want, it doesnt make you look any smarter :)
Danke DW für eine weitere Doku über ein Thema welches sonst total unter geht. Macht weiter so, Danke.
For what exactly? Being a sensitive little boy that cant take the truth about kashmir?
This couldnt be a part of india... The streets are too clean for that.
@anujrbx Well, what should I do? There is no "indian media" I can compare those "facts" with. Also, that has nothing to do with my comment...
DW is not french you muppet...
Its just funny, how the start flocking in here... They should be happy that somebody reports on anything from india. I knwo this from documenarties showing chinese problems but this behaviour is even worse.
What other videos have they made about india?