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Drew Binsky
Comments by "Byn" (@Bynasf) on "My 5 LEAST Favorite Countries (After Visiting Them All)" video.
Yes he did, and he had an amazing time in many of them. Stupid comment
@VIB1NG yes, you see this as a competition. You can always make the argument that he hasn’t visited a country enough. Tell me your least favorite country no matter what it is and how much you know about it, there will always be someone to tell you what you haven’t seen and that you haven’t seen enough to give it a fair judgement. Based on what he has experienced, Guyana is not one of his favorite countries. He never claimed that he has visited it thoroughly and that he will never comeback. He needs to make videos and make content. By your logic he can’t make any videos like this unless he has visited every single place in every single country, which is simply not realistic.
Except they’re not at all, but yeah keep making things up
Every single country has thousands of things to experience, it’s impossible to experience everything. I know you like your country but you need to understand he just likes other countries more than yours. He never claimed to have truly explored Guyana, it’s just not currently a country he particularly likes. It’s not a personal attack against Guyanese people
How, none of his reasons had anything to do with race
POV: you don’t know anything about Islam
That’s not at all how racism works
@taunteratwill1787 yes but unfortunately you don’t remember
@VIB1NG nope, not at all. Just the fact that you use the word “judgement” proves that you still think of this as a competition. He clearly explained how one major limitation was the hotel not letting him outside for large parts of the day. Maybe he tried to emerge with the culture but wasn’t able to? He did meet a local guy like he does in every country to take him around. You also need to understand that many of his cultural encounters are not from him directly interacting, often people interact with him because he is a foreigner. He did not put Guyana in this list just because he hasn’t explored it, he put it here because what he saw was not among his favorite. There are countries which he has visited for every less time than Guyana, but they’re not on this list. I really don’t understand how you can’t see it, but there are so many things in your answer which just completely proves that you see this as a competition and not as an opinion piece which it is.
I really don’t understand people like you. Imagine it was the other way around and it was a black person who traveled to europe and took pictures of a child and got upset reactions. If I wrote a similar comment saying “the level of entitlement black people have is actually insane” you would definitely call me a racist. But now because it’s a white person you have absolutely no problem completely generalising all white people under one roof
POV: you don’t know anything about Islam
@VIB1NG you see this as a competition, and that Guyana has lost. It’s not like this. He never claimed to have “properly” visited Guyana. This video is simply based on his current experiences in the world
Yeah he has been to all of those countries
@taunteratwill1787 do you also watch detailed videos all about cars and comment “i would never drive a car”
He loves visiting them, that’s probably why he has been to Israel 4 times
Except he has
You must be fun at parties
How is it the worst?
@taunteratwill1787 you’re watching a travelling video…
How did he disrespect the mosques rules?
Right that’s why he endorses countries like Afghanistan and Syria
@praguhbis can you name any country which is not the USA?
@jorden8071 yeah except for the 3 million people who watched this video. Clearly people care
He had food poisoning and a bus crash in India
He said in South America
@luddite2702 average westerner indeed. Can’t see beyond his own bubble and values his own culture as the only morally correct one
@Ocean-yl4do doesn’t answer my question. I asked you to tell me how you know, not to reaffirm your statement.
Oh, and you think a man can’t be slaughtered jogging in other countries? Sorry, stupid comment
Except he doesn’t
How do you know that kidnapping is a lie?
He has though
How so?
@davidlessig no I actually don’t understand how that is ignorant. Don’t know which country he said this for but no, I don’t see what you mean
@davidlessig I have thought about it and genuinely don’t understand. Care to explain?
Knappast farligare än att åka till rinkeby på natten
What made you come to this conclusion?
@VIB1NG no. There will always be someone saying “you didn’t visit my country enough”
@VIB1NG you are making just as many assumptions as me regarding his time in Guyana. You continue to use the word “judge” and you continue to push the idea that he can’t make a video like this unless every country got a “fair evaluation”. It’s not about “fair evaluations” and “judgement” it’s about his current experiences. You want him to visit every country equally and then make a more objective list of which is the best and which is the worst but that’s not what this is about. I completely understand your point but he can’t visit every country thoroughly and has to make content somehow, it’s literally his job.
You’re speaking English. In English, America is a country
Not a fan of either countries but this comment is ridiculous and hypocritical
You are from Guyana aren’t you?
He has been to Israel multiple times
@taunteratwill1787 why not?
It’s simply his opinion. Why don’t you make your own list?
How so?
@taunteratwill1787 nope, I’m not missing anything.
You’re sacrificing rationalism for your own emotions. This is simply his opinion, learn to accept that others don’t feel the same as you
He mentioned 3 African countries, out of about 50 but yeah sure
If you think that’s reasonable you’re part of the problem
@demored3017 if you think that’s true I feel sorry for you. There are countless videos of him praising Africans
@demored3017 how come he included Namibia in one of his “favorite countries” list? How come he makes so many videos about African countries? You need to keep in mind that African countries on average and according to research are the poorest and most corrupt, which clearly has an impact on the choices in this video. Your claim that he is racist is based on nothing but the fact that 4/5 countries are African. Would you say the same thing if 4/5 countries were all white? No you wouldn’t, because your logic is a fallacy
@demored3017 great, call him racist but fail to back it up. You are saying this just because he is Jewish, you’re just as racist as him.
@demored3017 imagine you make countless videos where you praise African culture and countries but then someone calls you a racist… sad
@demored3017 and your opinion is clearly racist. So sad to see you defending your racist behaviour
@demored3017 and you hate Jewish people. Keep on defending your racist actions
@demored3017 I’ve said everything there is to say. He likely has hundreds of videos about African culture where he glorifies their people and countries, but because of one video where 4/5 of his least favorite countries happen to be African he is a racist. Amazing how people like you just love to spread hate for absolutely no reason
@demored3017 when did he say that he dislikes black people? Never. Please explain why he glorifies Africa and black culture in all his other videos if he’s racist.
@demored3017 I’m defending him because he is getting disgusting things said about him that are not true at all. These accusations are simply a result of your complete lack of any sort of logic. And of course, you failed to answer my question but don’t worry, I accept your surrender.
@demored3017 because you won’t answer. How am I supposed to continue when you don’t answer my question?
@demored3017 I’ve already accepted your surrender. Answer my question about his other videos, if you don’t I will take it as you confirming your surrender
@demored3017 👍👍
Except he wasn’t recording
@yobo2259 how is it being disrespectful?
Can you tell me about the word on the screen roughly 1 second in the video? Deluded comment
You have no idea how wrong you are
More like “countries with my least favourite experiences”
@Ocean-yl4do based on what? What is your statement about kidnapping in Guyana based on?
@kings3411 tell me you haven’t been to africa without telling me you haven’t been to africa
@VIB1NG nope, I understand your point fully. I’m asking you to look at it from a bigger perspective but clearly you can’t