Comments by "Nigel Johnson" (@nigeljohnson9820) on "Dutch turn to floating homes to confront rising sea levels" video.
@thatdutchguy2882 the story of king canute comes to mind. The Dutch have been very good at living below sea level, but even they will struggle with a seven metre rise in sea level. It is not just about dealing with the rising water level, the world will be a very different place. A large number of the human population will be dead, much of the rest will be migrants seeking dry land. Global food production will have collapsed as will much of the rest of the economy. The Dutch may be very ingenious, living on floating houses, maybe with floating towns, but even they must eat. If there is time a combination of hydroponics and fish farming might provide the food, but the environmental damage associated with the loss of this much land mass is going to be significant. No doubt you will suggest that none of this is going to happen over night, which is true decades will be required, but such a dramatic melt will develope over a relative short period of time, preceded by huge changes in the global climate, with ever more violent storms.
Each catastrophic event will erode the human race's ability to react to the next and history has shown that governments will procrastinate until forced to act by natural events, resulting in doing too little to late.
Imagine the pollution that will be created by abandoned chemical, industrial and nuclear plants that are currently sited close to the coast line in many countries, usually for easy of access to transport links.