Nigel Johnson
Comments by "Nigel Johnson" (@nigeljohnson9820) on "As electric cars boom, locals fear Chinese battery plant will harm land in drought-stricken Hungary" video.
@hkwopczk1 I don't think so, China is on a completely. The needs of the environment come a very poor second to the state. Then there is the matter of Chinese traditional medicine, which is driving many species to extinction.
It's medicines are not based on science, but on tradition and superstition. A particular important example is the use of rhino horn as a treatment for male impotence. This seems to be purely based on phallic symbolism.
Many other animals suffer at the hand of this superstition, snakes, tigers, puffer fish, and the harmless pangolin.
Then there is the Chinese diet, which seems to be based on eating anything that moves, as anyone who has visited a Chinese wet market will agree.
This disgusting, unhygienic practice may well be the source of the covid pandemic. Then there is the matter of industrial pollution, which driven the harmless and delightful river dolphin to extinction. The list is endless, so while I agree the West has done considerable damage to the global environment, China has done far more.
(FYI, when Chinese medicine has killed off the last rhino, for its horn, I am going to make a fortune selling the Chinese telegraph poles as a replacement, after all, the only efficacious property is phallic symbolism😁).