Comments by "Nigel Johnson" (@nigeljohnson9820) on "Seventh straight night of violence in Belfast as leaders call for calm" video.
@peabase the republic of Ireland is most definitely a puppet of the EU, something made clear by the Irish freedom party.
It was obvious that the NI protocol was not going to be accepted by the loyalists. It is also the case that the EU sort to use the NI issue as a means to frustrate a brexit which freed the UK from EU control. It is also on record that the EU would seek to punish the UK for having the temerity to leave, and the terms of the NI protocol reflect this. Well the EU as well as the UK must now deal with the consequences of attempting to divide off NI from the rest of the UK. So much attention was paid to the nationalist militants threats of a return to violence if there was a land border, no one bothered to consider the possible loyalist reaction to a sea border, that looks so much like a precursor to defacto reunification. Something the EU chose to ignore when negotiating the NI protocol.
Brexit cannot be made the scapegoat for the return to violence in NI, the UK was exercising it's legal right to leave the EU after a democratic referendum of all its citizens, on the basis of a single issue vote, with every vote counting equally. The UK cannot b held hostage of the EU due to the action of a tiny minority of militants from either side of the NI religious and political divide.
It no doubt suited the EU to force trade between NI and the UK to NI and the EU, whilst expecting the UK to continue to support NI financially. This fits the goal of punishing the UK for leaving the EU. Well the EU may yet get more trouble that it had bargained, if the loyalists in NI make the sea border control unworkable. The EU may expect the US to exert pressure on the UK, but I doubt if Irish diaspora in America will be keen to see UK troops back on the streets of NI, and that maybe the only way the UK has to keep the sea border under control. The political option of holding the UK inside the EU customs border is not an acceptable solution, no matter how much the EU tries to engineer it.
@peabase you are very selective with your fact checking, or do you not remember the dead lock in the UK parliament, the result of the fixed term parliament act. The election result that broke this deadlock confirmed the the brexit result, but the EU refused to reopen the WA negotiate, following the election. The EU is now reaping the unintended consequences of its intransigence.
the problem is Brussels made, so it is reasonable to look to the EU to change its policies. I have said nothing about closing the land border in NI, the EU might decide that is the only way to protect its internal market, given that both borders are now held hostage to the paramilitaries. The EU is dreaming if it thinks that this issue can be used to force the UK back under EU control, within its customs union. What is happening is exactly what I expected, and have written about for over a year now.
It is funny that the EU is looking at Stormont or Westminster to solve this problem. Neither have any influence over the paramilitaries, and Westminster has already said the issue is for the people of NI to solve.
@peabase it does not go without saying. Mays backstop was rightly rejected, because it was an EU attempt to turn the UK into a vassal state of the EU, forcing it to remain in the customs union and therefore forced to adopt EU trade rules, without any say.
The EU has used the WA to try and separate the UK from NI, or rather separate NI trade from the UK while allowing the UK to continue providing financial support to NI. The WA was badly managed by the UK, largely due to the europhile, sycophantic views, of Mrs May.
A prime minister who jumped even before the EU asked, the negotiation style of Mrs May was that of someone agreeing to a surrender, not someone standing up for the UK. The WA should never have been signed, and the divorce payment should never have been agreed.
Given how much time was wasted by Mrs May and how much she had already conceded, and the selfserving EU fifth column operating in both the UK civil service and the UK parliament, Boris was left with little choice but to sign the WA, but there are sufficient loopholes in it to provide significant room for the UK to circumvent much of it,as with the brexit deal and the NI protocol.
It's possible that the militant loyalist reaction was calculated into the equation, since it was obvious to any observer that the NI protocol would rapidly become unworkable, and the GFA had already been effectively breached by the actions of the nationalist paramilitaries. Heads of EU member states, notable Macron, had made it clear that the UK should b punished for leaving the EU, and the negotiations that followed showed that to be the case. As I said the NI protocol was designed to separate the rest of the UK from NI trade. However the last thing the EU or the republic of Ireland wants is Irish reunification, as this would not only shift NI financial and political liability onto the republic, and hence the EU, but also completely free the UK for the EUs most powerful blackmailing tool.
No doubt the EU still thinks that the UK can be forced into the EU customs union by the border issue.
This could backfire, if NI holds a referendum on reunification, as either way the vote goes, it will be bad for the EU. As it is the EU is effectively dependent on the UK to solve its leaking border issue.
As anticipated, the UK news papers today reported that British special forces have now been deployed to NI, presumably to show that the UK is protecting the sea border, as demanded by the EU. This will defuse any possible criticism that the UK is not meeting its obligations under the NI protocol, however this very action will only inflame the militants on both sides of the political divide, and by implication place the blame on the details of the NI protocol agreement, and thus the EU.
What the UK government is not considering, is the EU preferred option of the rest of the UK joining the EU customs union. So this is not exactly win for EU strategy. Far from following the EU's Machiavellian plan, the next likely step is likely to be engineering a reunification vote. In theory this can only be initiated by the people of NI, but the effects of the trade barriers of the sea border, will likely reduce UK financial support for NI, and make life difficult there, as it already has.
The EU either reconsiders the details of the NI protocol, or risk growing resentment among the population there. The only other strategy open to the EU, is to preferentially offer support to NI, to assuage the problems its policies have produced. I don't think, in the current economic climate, that will go down well with the many of the EU member states, with maybe the exception of the republic.
What the EU will not be able to do is force world opinion to back the UK joining the EU customs union, as this is clearly not what a independent sovereign state should do.
@peabase the EU is not opposed to the idea of reunification, it just does not want it now, or next week or any time in the future. It does not want it for the same reason I support it, it does not want the financial and political liability. A liability that will be moved from the rest of the UK onto the republic, and therefore the EU. It also lets the UK off the hook, freeing it from any control by the EU.
For such a move to be an advantage to the UK, it must be a "democratic" of a NI referendum, freeing the UK from any responsibility for the consequences. The trick with referendums, is to make them one time decisions, certainly once in a generation. This is something the EU likes to manipulate, make such decisions once in a life time, only when the results is what it required.
It is interesting that the loyalists in NI have rejected the WA and the protocol, putting the GFA at risk, as was predicted.