Comments by "robby rock" (@robbyrocksoo) on ""It's A Dating CRISIS!" Modern Women Are CONCERNED That Men Are Leaving Dating In Massive Numbers" video.

  1. 29
  2. The most confused people on the planet are feminists. They spend their whole lives complaining about men, and saying how they don't need no man, and how great their lives are without a man, THEN going on to the internet and posting video's about how hard it is to find a man. And the kicker? There are plenty of video's made by men telling ladies how to get and keep a man, yet the ladies refuse to listen to the guys that are giving advice on what a man wants in a woman. Who do these ladies listen to instead? Of course, they listen to other women, who don't have a man by the way, tell them which makeup to wear, and how to basically act stuck up in public when a man approaches her. Also, they listen to ladies who will tell a woman who is a 5, that she shouldn't settle for a man who is less than a 9. They will keep telling this 5 lady to wait long enough, and her 9 man will some day ride into her life on a white horse, snap her up, and ride off into the sunset with her. That is fantasy BS. These ladies will believe this BS, up until she is 80 in the old age home. Ladies, life is flying by, and you will be old before you know it. Stop listening to women what men want, and listen to men. Also, learn to be a woman a man wants. Hint: A man doesn't want a woman who has no clue how to cook or do housework. Also, a man doesn't want a woman who is a blob on the couch her whole life. A man wants a partner in making a household work, but so many women out there want the man to do all the heavy lifting, while she sits on the sofa, watching the Price Is Right, and eating chocolates. No man wants a woman like that. If you can do a few simple things ladies, you will have no trouble getting a man. In summary: Don't be lazy, work at your job, and work at home. Don't think if you are a 5, that you deserve a man who is a 9. Be honest with yourself about your sexual market place value. Let the man lead. Don't act like a man in a relationship, as men don't want a woman who acts like a man. Stay faithful to your man, and don't give up on a relationship so easy. If a woman who is a 5 can learn to love a man who is a 5, she can live happily ever after with that man.