Comments by "" (@iamaim2847) on "Good Times Bad Times" channel.

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  4.  @K-Man-k5n  Race is a local colonial question. You are just forgetting other cultures exist and extending your cultural colonization on elder societies. Europe always had white-on-white wars, before and after nazism, no one cares here about skin color. >You forget your common humanity and commit atrocities the entire world must clean up. Am I? I am civilian ukrainian who never took a weapon. I am just calling ukrainian occupation by NATO, and transforming it into a militarist state. Including jailing of pacifists (google Ruslan Kotsaba). Including killing anti-nazi historians (google Oles Buzina). Ukronazi army killed ukrainian citizens for disobedience for years. And russian came to stop it. And all you have - is hate to the only force that wants to stop murderers. If Russia won, we will be in the same position as Georgia in 2008. Russia literally already showed what they do with NATO invasions after victory. > lands Russians inhabit in ukraine quite literally were taken from many other human beings I know history of my land. Kherson was founded by the Russian empire, it was not conquered. Before it, here was a part of Grand Steppes, with only nomads in it. They literally enslaved slavs so much, Europe even has slave word formed from slav. If making slavers not to enslave is a crime - you are a slaver supporter too. There was some ancient greek colonies, like Olvia, but it was ruined by nomads centuries before first slav goverments. Kiev was not conquered too. After Cossack rebellion 1648, who chased off the polish invasion, leaders of the cossacks voluntarily re-joined Russia. The only discussible question was Kiev conquered by vikings, or was it the conqueror of other old Rus cities in ~7-8th centuary. There is one theory Rurik was not slav, it was 0th generation of viking settlers, and Oleg as his relative (or just officer) had conquered Kiev, and established rule of Igor, son of Rurik. But that means Kiev is not the oldest city of Rus, and nazis are not agreeing with that. It is not USA, who was built on the bones of natives. If you really want to know history of our land, read this: Бузина, Олесь. Тайная история Украины-Руси He literally died for this truth. He was a citizen of Kiev. He is the heart of Ukraine, killed by nacizm. But you never will, you only can re-tell what propaganda is telling you. > put in concentration camp in siberia Oh, that propaganda. Quick reality check. What does U means in GULAG? It is for Управление, literally management. GULAG is government management of [prison] camps. It was not even a prison, is a boring office facility. It was chosen by propaganda only because US citizens are scared of ghoul word. In reality in modern US prison population % is twice as big as USSR's in 30ths. And it never was because of nationality, Stalin is literally georgian, he is a member of a minority, not even slav. Khrushchev is ukrainian btw. USSR was that anti-nazi state, you can not even propose anything against any nation or ethnicity. I can tell you about some examples if you want. >Your not ukrainian. And you are claiming I do not exist. 12 millions votes for Yanukovich - did not exist. Thousands of anti-nazi protesters in Odessa, Kharkov, Mariupol, Zaporojie killed in 2014 - did not exist. You are just another liar.
  5.  @K-Man-k5n  >I also believe you believe your part of an alien race on earth This is just insanity. You are substituting my position with some insane lie. While you can't face the real problem. It is simple: NATO tells about liberalism, and in my city literally nazi built billboards with phone numbers where to snitch on dissidents. NATO tells about democracy, but in my country NATO removed the elected president with 12kk votes, and replaced him with militarists who after banning the majority from participation in elections got 9.8kk. NATO is telling about right to protest, but loyal to NATO forces are shooting to death anti-NATO protesters. Freedom of speech - they are banning all anti-nazi ukrainians on youtube and instagram. Independance of journalism - banning footage of NATO crimes. Slavery is bad on words, but grabbing ukrainian men and sending them to the frontline without consent is good. All western society is a lie. Liberals are not just practicing liberalism in reality. And all you have - some alien stupidity. >DNA evidence contradicts that notion. What DNA evidence? Do you have evidence Busina is not killed on the border of his home? Do you have evidence patrol of nazis in two blocks from me will not grab me to the frontline? If you have evidence - show it to me. At least on one isolated point. >Unity of the human race In 1998 Russia asked to join NATO. Just to end centuries of European invasions of russian land. They were denied. NATO is not about unity of humanity. They always need someone to plunder. It is just another iteration of colonialism.
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