Comments by "" (@keelyevans7692) on "Jordan Peterson: Life, Death, Power, Fame, and Meaning | Lex Fridman Podcast #313" video.

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  32. 11:28 That's why I was just going to name the new structure God but they kept ignoring me and trying to tell me all I needed was God and so I kept trying to tell them where do you think I got the design plans from? I know how we can fix all that; we have tons of friends begging for it!!! So far something like this is the best restitution for safety for all and repairing all of the pollutants out of the air as well as stopping the plan that marriage and taxes were get raped pay go to jail or die make a false confession or we're taking your children do anything get a loan get a credit card we're not doing anything you know you wanted it you know you did it you know you're just crazy which is what I was being told across the last 26 years of trying to get divorced from my perpetrator which I thought I achieved in 2018 however apparently our judges weren't taught that taking judicial notice of the decrees was there civil Duty and liability to observe my objections throughout each department. They were literally doing slavery across the globe on defamation and slander attempts at malicious undue prosecution across the board claiming some excuse that it wasn't theirs to attend the assassinations attempts and that if I were to tell anyone I would be blamed because it was the system or the process or the wrong case or the wrong court all the way being told it didn't count or it wasn't my case and I know that as I was the one reported to like I know get the literal pimps off of me (anyone that I AM and any where that I AM) and our budget please and thanks you. Triangulation was a judicial pathogen! Feel free to ask me questions through YouTube or by text at 1-575-437-0122 or email thank you and sorry for your service to our regions of interest! ALL CIVILIANS: The New Mexico children youth and families division started a world war November 18th 2020 it needs stopped immediately; the premeditated terrorist operation in which my children and I were raped and extorted racketeered through terrorism of Holloman Air Force Base by Heather Eileen Evans & Jeremiah Paul Johnson's identity theft perjury fraud and coercion of the third judicial district Court they are violating the orders of protection to murder people to convince me they can't find and return my stolen children and money clear the perpetrators record off of my name (Ambassador Keely) ALL MILITARY:1. Army; pick up every homeless person we can find and get them trained in something that benefits all of society and to work doing something that benefits all of society and all of their paperwork cleared because this oh we're all stuck on paperwork isn't working for anyone. 2. Border patrol and the National Guard; become Department of Vocational Rehabilitation assisting all to farming construction forestry healthcare fields. 3.The Marines are supposed to get the prisoners out of the prisons and retrained to jobs they can do to benefit the environment while remanufacturing all of the weapons into solar panels wind and hydroelectric generators and hydrogen fuel cells to clean all water contamination. 4. The Navy is supposed to redistribute goods and services that some people have extra of donating to those with little while assisting with the remanufacturing projects. 5. The Air Force is supposed to be remanufacturing the prisons either into dust if they're too contaminated or dentist offices or another beneficial career field because imprisonment is harboring fugitives and we're all done with the pain for this whole system of no one knows about the get raped pay go to jail or die everything will be used against you plan. 6.Politicians are supposed to be getting everyone universal healthcare Universal income Universal travel Universal equality. 7. The government is supposed to be all of us working from wherever we're at to maintain civil Unity and protect the Coast Guards mission. 1. Remove all ammunition from the guns 2. Disassemble all ammunition and weapons 3. Remanufacture the metal at recycling plants to cell phone towers that look like trees but include solar paneling and wind turban leaves to power nearby villages across the planet in regions less prone to natural disaster heat them in areas that are cold to prevent ice caps from freezing on them during the winter months. 4. Develop hydrogen fuel cell septic tanks that scrape themselves out to remove residual waste and create clean food water and fertilizer. 5. Be blessed and happy all the days of your lives locate any abandoned buildings and remanufacture them into habitats for Humanity with aquaponic units to feed and create organic Industries so we can have everything ready for space when we get to live there. ( everyone knew if anyone could do it you could do it!) 6. Wherever you can cultivate cannabis you can form the housing units for safety you can even start growing it in one house and start building the next house much in the same way as bacteria multiply and divide. 7. We can make the bunkers look so much more habitable inside if we put projections up of outside on the walls and the hydrogen fuel cells pumping in clean electricity air and water should make them feel much better too Vans for moving air and add some UV lights for healthy production of the plants it's necessary it will keep the humans more upbeat as well. 8. Sorry all that kept happening sure hope we can get it off the table for everyone forever so that all we have is peace and security for all the civilians! There are few revisions yet like adding the airport Hangar down by the dock and the functionality of the closing swinging up door at the entrance as well as the other decontamination zones between activity rooms and the cat Park above the dog park with tunnels for them to walk through at their owners discretion and hemp Crete hydroelectric dams in arid regions avoiding tectonic plates convergences and linking the hyperloop and cooled magma attachment couplings for the base and roof and to prevent unregulated volcanic eruptions while growing new coral reef observations units and recycling all landfills. Also hemp caps and filters should be added on all existing known pollution derivatives and the hydrogen fuel cell septic tanks should be added to all desalinization plants and remote locations for both electricity consumption subsidy and reconstituting the air and water into completely uncontaminated at the molecular structure to provide both fertilizer and climate change prevention buildups. Have a great day, best wishes!
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