Comments by " Anthony LeRoux " (@Rhythm911) on "Al Jazeera English" channel.

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  2. My ancestor arrived here in about mid 1700's he left France with one thought in mind.... To live as the people of the new world, not as a transplanted immigrant but as someone who had given up on Euro-centric life and been welcomed into the Algonquin Nation(now specifically identified as Algonquins Ontario and Quebec {Pik'winagan}, since the numbers of 'the people' have dwindled so much over the centuries,). My "family" suffered directly and indirectly for a few generations in Ontario and Quebec under both the Catholic and Anglican Inquisitions of Canada{ Kanata-wa}. Although I personally am a mostly Euro-breed, mix, since the late 1700's there have been Native Heritage grandmothers in my direct paternal family's lineage until, technically, the beginning of the 1900's. My generation from the 1950's/60's were the first to not experience the problem because we had been assimilated. But, the generation of my older half-siblings and cousins from the 20's to 40's did, especially if they looked too N.H. And of my fathers first family of kids with his 1st wife who was half-native, out of 9 kids 4 were taken over the years, never to be seen again. And longer in some of the east coast and western Canada branches of the family. I've met distant Cree relatives who are as N.H. as the premier Original Peoples member and actor, the famous Chief Dan George. My father's(who was born 1901) had dark hair and looked like he had a tan year round :)).His father(who was born 1868) looked very Euro with light hair, My father's mother(born approx. late 1800's to early 1900's) was mostly N.H. but she dressed like a Euro. She had experienced the purge. We've been making headway with reparations and apologies since 2013 for sure. But now its criminal. And now, after the discovery of one mass grave-yard holding the remains of 215, there are rallies, gatherings and a national outcry, to 'focus the light of many suns' upon what Western organizations under the guise of 'so-called' religious endeavors had perpetrated in the name of colonization.. This is the main reason, that most people miss, ignore, or try to suppress and destroy. And it is the reason which unequivocally separates the 'spiritual path' followers in the world from the religious pretenders of the world. No matter where, or how, they exist on the planet !!!
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