Youtube comments of Anthony LeRoux (@Rhythm911).

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  22. This is the situation, that people like the opposition leader, don't seem to understand because they don't have a clue. As a reporter from the CBC recently said, "We must 'manage' our relationship with China" . Truly there is no way we can "control" it ! I really can't stress enough the futility in that idea!! And I can't really understand why our government would think we could. From a personal experience, in 1983 while in the Navy, an incident occured which had serious consequences for one high level Canadian military man during a military/diplomatic visit To Shanghai, China. Anyone from that ship who is still alive, will remember one crucial fact, that if Chinese 'officials', especially the military/government Communist Party members and leaders don't get their way. They will retaliate!!!.... I was serving on the HMCS Gatineau, which had just been through an upgrade program related to weapons system and 'operations room' systems that were relatively new technology. This visit to our ship was part of the re-kindling of our relationship with China. One that had been almost non-existent after Canada's assistance during WW2. This visit took place on our second or third day in Shanghai harbor. When our Captain and his staff told these 'dignitaries', that they could not be allowed into the 'Operations Centre', due to those upgrades, etc., they demanded to be allowed in. When their demands were not met they essentially stormed off the ship. They were not happy. There was no shaking of hands, etc. I had been a student of chinese culture and history for a decade before this and I was shocked out of complacency. The first retaliation, because of the perceived insult, was to cancel all cultural tours and events that were scheduled for our visit. The second was to have our visit ended prematurely due to the tension of the situation. It was the only time Canadian naval personnel were not allowed to go ashore in civilian dress, only mandatory full dress uniform. I believe the only other country where that rule, at the time, was necessary was Russia. :) Now this is all from my memory, but, for me it was not something easily forgotten. Especially, for our Captain who, lost his command and was demoted sideways to a non-command, position. Essentially, ending his further career progression. So if we do anything to upset them with REAL insults. Well , need I say more. I will say this that back in the 90's when people, mostly Americans, brought up the topic of whether China would invade in the future. I would 'jokingly' reply, "Well then I guess I'll be at the Vancouver waterfront, offering to take them to our leaders."
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  33. I'm writing this before I watch the video !!! I grew up in the Ottawa Valley, and I first went to the O.S.S., on a school trip when I was 12 years old, in its first year, (1969). And then spent much of my spare time, in 1973 and 1974. there while in College at George Brown. Then 15 years later while I lived in Toronto, 1987 - 1994.. As a sci-fi buff from around age 10, It was one of the primary, formative influences and what inspired my love and understanding of the realities of electronic keyboard instruments, other technology from computers to robotics., Astronomy,. Physics and much more !!! Which all prompted me to be a voracious reader, It even prepared me and helped me choose a technology related military career !! And I even became a part-time non-fiction writer, related to all those topics, during my military time and for years after !!! It's a dayam shame and can only serve to weaken and derail science endeavors and education in Canada... We have so many high-tech people, electronic musicians, scientists, astronauts, a space industry, and more... due to its long existence. What's next higher education facilities ?!?!?.. I've noticed some "rumblings of negativity' regarding education filtering in from the US, especially in regards to 'Foreign Student" reductions !! To see the state that the O.S.C. building is in, only 30 years later !! It looks like a "Tofu-Dreg" building in present day China, or any other 3rd World country !!! And it reminds me of the way they neglected another unique futuristic landmark on the waterfront, Ontario Place, which opened around the same time and was left to ruin and neglect. at least into the 1990's !! It looks like they still have the marina which only serves the rich , I imagine. !!! When one of the most important entities in my life, and who I am, has been left to 'rot' and 'die' an unnecessary death ... that's the last straw !! I expected myself, and my old friends to pass, but not our future heritage !! I am definitely leaving Canada for parts far and away, most likely in the Pacific/Indian Ocean region, by next year! Goodbye Canada and our 1st World status and of our futuristic endeavors. Good luck to getting a new one !!
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  99. This is the situation, that people like the opposition leader in Canada, don't seem to understand. It's as she says, "We must "manage" our relationship with China" their is little hope in trying to "control"!! I really can' stress the futility in that enough!! From personal experience during a military/diplomatic dignitary visit in 1983 while in the Navy. Anyone from that ship who is still alive , should remember one crucial fact, that if Chinese 'officials', especially the military/government party member, leaders don't get their way. They will retaliate!!!.... I was serving on the HMCS Gatineau, which had just been through an upgrade program related to weapons system and 'operations room' systems that were relatively new technology. This visit to our ship was part of the re-kindling of our relationship with China. One that had been almost non-existent after Canada's assistance during WW2. This visit took place on our second or third day in Shanghai harbor. When our Captain and his staff told these 'dignitaries', that they could not be allowed into the 'Operations Centre', due to those upgrades, etc., they demanded to be allowed in. When their demands were not met they essentially stormed off the ship. They were not happy. There was no shaking of hands, etc. The first retaliation, because of a perceived insult, was to cancel all cultural tours and events that were scheduled for our visit. The second was to have our visit ended prematurely due to the tension of the situation. It was the only time Canadian naval personnel were not only allowed to go ashore in civilian dress , mandatory full dress uniform. I believe the only other country where that rule, at the time, was necessary was Russia. :) Now this is all from my memory, but, it was not something easily forgotten. Especially, for our Captain who, lost his command and was demoted sideways to a non-command, position. Essentially, ending his further career progression. So if we do anything to upset them with REAL insults. Well , need I say more. I will say this that back in the 90's when people, mostly Americans, brought up the topic of whether China would invade in the future. I would 'jokingly' reply, "Well then I guess I'll be at the Vancouver waterfront, offering to take them to our leaders." I don't think I would make jokes like that today.
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  163. My ancestor arrived here in about mid 1700's he left France with one thought in mind.... To live as the people of the new world, not as a transplanted immigrant but as someone who had given up on Euro-centric life and been welcomed into the Algonquin Nation(now specifically identified as Algonquins Ontario and Quebec {Pik'winagan}, since the numbers of 'the people' have dwindled so much over the centuries,). My "family" suffered directly and indirectly for a few generations in Ontario and Quebec under both the Catholic and Anglican Inquisitions of Canada{ Kanata-wa}. Although I personally am a mostly Euro-breed, mix, since the late 1700's there have been Native Heritage grandmothers in my direct paternal family's lineage until, technically, the beginning of the 1900's. My generation from the 1950's/60's were the first to not experience the problem because we had been assimilated. But, the generation of my older half-siblings and cousins from the 20's to 40's did, especially if they looked too N.H. And of my fathers first family of kids with his 1st wife who was half-native, out of 9 kids 4 were taken over the years, never to be seen again. And longer in some of the east coast and western Canada branches of the family. I've met distant Cree relatives who are as N.H. as the premier Original Peoples member and actor, the famous Chief Dan George. My father's(who was born 1901) had dark hair and looked like he had a tan year round :)).His father(who was born 1868) looked very Euro with light hair, My father's mother(born approx. late 1800's to early 1900's) was mostly N.H. but she dressed like a Euro. She had experienced the purge. We've been making headway with reparations and apologies since 2013 for sure. But now its criminal. And now, after the discovery of one mass grave-yard holding the remains of 215, there are rallies, gatherings and a national outcry, to 'focus the light of many suns' upon what Western organizations under the guise of 'so-called' religious endeavors had perpetrated in the name of colonization.. This is the main reason, that most people miss, ignore, or try to suppress and destroy. And it is the reason which unequivocally separates the 'spiritual path' followers in the world from the religious pretenders of the world. No matter where, or how, they exist on the planet !!!
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  319. 4 days ago, the heat that was rampaging across western Canada, for the past couple of weeks slammed into the great Lakes region, even "above and beyond" Lake Superior. We have ground/forest fires in the vicinity of Lake Superior. I am fairly certain that the temps we are hitting in Canada this early in the summer is something very new, for eastern Canada and a even a lot more extreme for the west!! We can handle the Humidity, our main summer complaint/motto is .. "It's not the heat its the humidity" I lived in the extreme north of the Sonoran Desert near the Can/US border 2002-2007 when I left to move east, from there, into the mountains the temps. were in the 30 - 40 C /90-105 F. In 2003, the area I had lived in, called the Okanagan Valley, had some huge ground fires. 20 years later only and it has risen ?. I'll wait to see what the temp's hit in a few weeks as we head towards and into Aug.! the usual BC "Fire Season"/Heat Wave window. I never lived further than a few blocks from the Okanagan Lake after 2004. Since moving from there I have visited the area in 2010 and again in 2017 so I could, hang with all my friends there and find out how bad it was getting then. Only 4 years later '50' C/'125-130' F !!!! I'm going to continue Northward bound next year for sure. Glad I have some desert survival skills from working in the Wine Industry in the desert. Canada has it's own Las Vegas type dilemma with the Okanagan, due to the water use!! And which their neighbours to the south may have an issue with.... But that's a whole other 'Saga in the works for a few decades now' !!! :D
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