Comments by "verdebusterAP" (@verdebusterAP) on "Abrams X - The Next Generation American Battle Tank?" video.

  1. Army is likely interested to see what tech can be retrofitted to the Abrams They may bridge the Decisive Lethality Platform with upgraded Abrams SEPV5 or even revive the M1A3 for high low mix As for the 130mm No likely two key points, Ukraine and depleted uranium Ukraine forces have captured and turned over T-72B3, T-80BVM and T-90s to west While the armor packs may not been up to spec, the tanks themselves still yield valuable data as for weak points as well exactly thickness of the armor in key locations If the T-72B3, T-80BVM andT-90M did have actual Relikt ERA installed , then West will able to accurate performance data on how well their armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot (APFSDS) perform against Russia's second best ERA Countries in EU have banned their militaries from using depleted uranium rounds. This is where is get funny The belief was that the existing 120mm rounds would be unable to penetrate Russia's newer ERAs like Relikt and Malachit hence the development of the 130mm The West acquisition of Russian armor will make or break the 130mm gun. The US has no such restrictions with DU hence why they are bullish about the 130mm Tungsten rounds can achieve penetration but DU has penetration plus additional effects. DU is naturally self sharpening. So even against composite armor, it still retains its shape. Tungsten is not naturally self sharpening and will blunt depending on the composite armor. DU is very dense metal, only few metal and alloys are denser than DU. DU''s most prized effect is that its pyrophoric, it literally self ignites When the round makes contact, its burns and remains sharp. That combination has proven to highly effective against armor The West acquisition of Russian armor, specially allow the US to test out the effectiveness of its new M829 round If the US quietly announces M829A5 or they are trying their hat into 130mm program it probadly means that results were not stellar.
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