Comments by "" (@whyamimrpink78) on "Gov. Walker May not Agree, but $7.25 is a Starvation Wage | Bernie Sanders" video.

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  7. +MrIzzyDizzy To be blunt you are not correct. If it all it took was an increase in the min. wage to increase production then why not a $50/hr min. wage? You are focusing simply on dollars. That is important sometimes but you have to realize you can't consume what you don't produce. You are focusing on spending. Spending isn't good, what's good is producing. If people are paid more but production does not increase than price will go up. "actually rasing minimum wage will raise demand about 110%" That is not supported by any data at all. Even Christina Romer said that increasing the min. wage to $9.50/hr will not grow the economy a significant amount. At $10.10/hr it will increase it, at best, around 0.2%. Not 110% like you claim. "i couldnt buy anything new , struggled with child support which nearly put me in jail and could barely afford xmas gifts for my kids." One, don't have kids. Next, I don't buy a many new things either. Most businesses don't either. Recycling reduces waste. I thought Bernie supporters wanted to help the environment? "you are really a moron if you think 9.50 isnt dirt poor" It depends. "at that level you need food stamps just to eat and probably need a room mates or as you say a better paid wage earner willing to help pay for things." Most people who earn $9.50/hr or less are not the primary earners of the household. And what is wrong with roommates? Sorry you have to make sacrifices. I work a second part time job (with very flexible scheduling) to earn extra income. It doesn't bother me. "Empathy and moral concern chief among them" You should never let emotions get in the way of logic and reasoning. "but also economist love bernies plans" As a whole they don't.
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  24. +MrBeauty Well that is a new site. Funny how these sites just keep appearing out of nowhere. " but it seems very clear to me that the rich have been getting richer" Saying that is being deceptive. Athletes are also getting more athletic, is that necessarily bad? Why are the rich getting richer? Well for several reasons 1. A CEO manages more people due to population being longer and people living longer. Thus they are paid more. If you were to take the top 6 executives from Walmart and spread all of their money to the 525,000 lowest paid workers of Walmart they will earn an extra $147 a year. That is it. Really puts a different perspective on how much CEOs really earn 2. Skilled Bias Technological Change look it up. But also consider how increased technology has improved everyone's lives. You are currently having a discussion on something that did not exist in it's highly efficient form 10 years ago. People are better off than they were a couple of decades ago. In reality everyone got richer Now those two reasons are not bad at all. Here are other reasons 1. Due to the regulations, inequality in the tax code, and welfare programs income inequality has grown. I do feel that is a problem (it is worth mentioning that wealth inequality is not bad, there is a difference between wealth and income). You have to realize the mentality of those who are well off. If you attack them they will attack back even harder. They work harder and are more creative in what they do. By taxing them higher, taking their money, and paying people money for simply doing nothing you create the environment where the rich just tells the rest of society to basically fuck off. 2. We have a very spoiled society. We have people who want money for nothing. People want a higher min. wage.....they want an unearned higher wage. People want "free college" and "free healthcare". They want things without earning them. People who think like that are typically not well off (or feel they are not well off) for a reason. Those that are rich did not make excuses or asked for handouts, they worked for what they got. Compare it to this. Say it is a race. Those who are begging for handouts don't run hard and instead sit there crying refusing to run. Those who do work hard, the rich, kept running and are pulling farther and farther ahead. Sure there will be slow runners and fast runners. Sure there will be those who got a head start, but sitting there moping does not catch you up. So saying the "rich are getting richer" is being very deceptive.
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