Comments by "" (@whyamimrpink78) on "Secretary Clinton, Please Support our Tax on Carbon | Bernie Sanders" video.

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  20. +Shaun Dabare You highlighted the quotes that suit your myopic mindset. You are ignoring the rest of the article. "With Glass-Steagall, we did not have any major recession, like the Great Depression or the 2007 Crash" And we haven't had one before Glass-Steagall what's your point? Here is what government involvement does. Throughout history we have seen multiple recessions like the one in the late 70s, one in 1921, the Panic of 1873 and the Panic of 1837. Every single recession except for two we recovered from in around 5 years or less. The on in 1921 was just as bad as the one in 1929. In of those recessions we recovered quickly from the federal government did little or nothing. The two recessions that took the longest to recover from was the one from 1929 and the current one (which we still haven't recovered from). They are the only two times the federal government tried to "fix" the economy through massive spending, taxation and regulations. If it was the other way around, if the federal government did nothing during 1929 recession and now then you will be all over that. Instead you are pleading and begging for more government. "There should not be government involvement in the first place, but for that to happen, the banks need to be broken up" Which is an oxymoron. That is pleading and begging for more government. They are the root of the problem, not the solution. No bank can pull a whole economy under. With competition smaller competitors will over take them. Yes there will be job lost and a recession, but it will be over quickly, that is the evolution of the economy.
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  33. +Science and Truth 2 Rock I have heard of that 97% consensus, it is overused. It it were actually legit we would have more scientists pushing for something to be done. What is the cause? Climate change has been happening for over 4 billion years. Fusion? One of my best friends does research in fusion. Fusion is not something we can use as an energy source as of now. Trust me, he is getting his PhD in this work. Fusion is the holy grail of energy and if someone has a way to use fusion to power things at the industrial level then that person would be famous. Wind and solar are not efficient. We need to do more research in those areas but they are not efficient. Wind and solar won't power my lab with a $500,000 laser set up, or Los Alamos National Laboratory in NM. That is why we can't go to those sources, doing so will destroy industry including research in other fields. Let us look at solar energy. A major part of solar energy research is in the f elements. China has cornered the market in the f elements because the regulations in mining are so low that they mine the shit out of them. We have lanthanides and actinides in the US in mines, problem is that due to regulations it takes around 10 years to open a new mine. Those regulations stem from people who feel that mines are icky and pollute and thus need to be stopped. The same people who are dramatizing climate change. Those regulations are preventing researching in the US from mining the f elements to do research in them to develop better solar cells through up and down conversion. You see, the issue is not as easy as you think. It gets more complicated when you involve politics. I have friends who do research in fusion and I have friends who do research in the f elements. I took a course in the f elements. Trust me, this is an area I have a lot of knowledge about. I support research in the area of climate change, but I understand the barriers involved. The last thing we need are politics.
  34. +Science and Truth 2 Rock Evolution is not a fact, it is a theory that gives predictions. It is a theory with a lot of supporting evidence and not other theory rivals it as of now so it is used. But in evolution that is a lot of uncertainty in a lot of areas. Take an evolution course. It is typically a grad. level course so it isn't easy, but taking it will open your mind on how complex evolution is. Scientists are humans and are not immune from being persuaded by special interest groups. Yes scientists are trying to bring attention to climate change, but they realize that we can't make drastic changes. As I said earlier, around 70% of our energy comes from fossil fuels and that is not changing anytime soon. " How are you denying that it's man made? " Climate change has been happening for over 4 billion years. It is a driving force in evolution. Is man playing a role right now? Yes, but how much? And is it even bad? Nature has evolved for millennia during climate change, why would that all of a sudden change?  " Do you have data to back that up, that doesn't come from the carbon or oil industry?" I have 4 billion years worth of data. "I have no idea who your friend is, look up Germaine's new fusion tests." I looked it up, I really don't see anything. There is not a single society that powers their community from fusion. What is going on is similar to what my friends do. It is plasma research. I feel you are not that knowledgeable on the topic. That is not ripping on you but pointing out a flaw in your thinking and will explains why you are saying what you are saying. ", and since when is solar not efficient?" Since always In industry solar and wind are not efficient. You get the largest energy output with fossil fuels. You can run small towns off of wind, like what is happening in Rock Port, MO. You can run homes off of solar. The issue is that you can't store unused energy for very long and the energy you get is low. When it comes to running a lab like Los Alamos you need fossil fuels. When it comes to running major cities you need fossil fuels. We are using solar and wind as is, but we are right now using the the best we can. There are other issues as well. For example with wind you have to move the turbines to there. That has destroyed a lot of roads. You have to rent out the land. These things cost money and effects the economy. I am all for going to alternative forms of energy, but I am not ignorant in doing it. "Who cares if China makes them?" When they corner the market and jack the price up 10 times what they use to be worth then it does matter. Mining regulations has hurt us in research in solar cells. "Why do we need vast quantities of f elements just to do research?" So we can learn more about their properties and develop better solar cells. Do you even know what f elements are? "Politics are needed or nothing will get done" Why? Politics are the barrier between where you are and where you want to be.
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