Comments by "" (@darinsingleton3553) on "Why Barnes u0026 Noble Workers Formed Their First Union" video.
These young folks are very courageous & quite remarkable, and we should all support them.
I would just add, a somewhat more sobering proposal: F@%k "Respect."
Your manager's respect is not going to pay your rent, or your medical bills.
A Just & Living Wage is what workers require.
The evidence is clearly overwhelming, that the Neoliberal sociopaths, who run most companies, do NOT see labor as an asset toward a healthy business.
Workers are merely a cost, which needs to be bled dry, and then replaced as smoothly & easily as possible.
They do NOT respect you; and they never will.
Corporate CEO's & Managers are not the individuals to look for admiration & affection from.
Contrived labels like "Partners" and "Associates" are a con game to fool workers into thinking of the Corporate Meat-Shredding process as a "Community," or even more laughably, "Family."
Deep down, we all know this in our heart. Let's have the strength to call it like it is, to see it for what it's worth; and to unite ALL workers together as the only true bulwark against the Necropolitics of Neoliberalism.
[soapbox ended.]