Comments by "gacj2010" (@gacj2010) on "Trump is dropping in some polls. Here's why" video.

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  11.  @thomask6798  A few things .. I dont insult you for your abhorrence of Trump...Everyone has their own right to like or dislike. Usually that is on the basis of knowing that person or what he does. I don;t know Trump nor do I know about his dealings except through a media that 11% of the people have any confidence in straight factual reporting . I don't have to like ANY politician as I will never meet them and I hold emotions a bay . So my positive view of Trump is strictly on what he did for my country , on how better off I am now. I know how less better off things are for me and others . The buck always stops with the leadership . We have none currently. We have people who no one voted for whispering in the ear of the man at the mic and telling him what to say . He has no idea. I believe the 74 million saw their lives in a better way under Trump and putting Americans First ; not last like others . Charity starts at home.You think of your own first. That would be Unemployment and work force at nearly 100% Border incursions lowest in decades. Inflation non existent . Manufacture on the way back , at home. VA corrected and rated 97% by veterans who couldnt get help previously NATO paying billions more of their promised signed up share No wars Enhanced military Cessation in radical Muslim shootouts in open areas Respect for law Crime manageable Your words speak of an insane lack of ability to simply have the orange man as president -----"Instead of being bombarded with the baggage and dysfunctional garbage of Donald Trump ...We are actually able to go about concentrating on our own lives " ... This is your emotional statement ..Some call this a prime example of Trump Derangement Syndrome, something real planted by your media . Its hate that you let gnaw at you. I could feel the same about Joe #31% , but I am stronger than that and look forward to 4 months from now when it will be controlled. Regarding the court cases and his election fail. How could anyone not understand that whether he got less ballots or not ( not important here ) that a man who was persecuted and trick played for four years by Fake dossiers and FBI lying about that dossiers and fake Mueller investigation and 2 fake impeachments , one over a telephone call which was recorded on paper and known to have multiple listeners as standard practice , wouldn't think ....Maybe they are still at it under NEW COVID voting regulations. By the way , NONE of Trumps cases EVER went to court or judges. The courts used the term LACHES as why they couldn't hear the cases. There was no time to do discovery and hear a case from Nov to Jan. There is just no mechanism.. Remove your emotion and look around you .. Its never about the personality with me . Thats for others to deal with . Its about the POLICIES THAT MAKE LIFE BETTER and it sure isnt today.
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